


Lesson 102 The Fossil Fiasco 化石的悲惨下场


  fossil n. 化石,僵化的事物

  foster vt. 鼓励,促进;养育,抚养

  foul adj. 恶臭的

  founder n. 创建者,创始人

  fraction n. 小部分,少量;分数

  fracture n. 骨折;破碎;vt. 使破裂,断裂

  fragile adj. 易碎的,脆的;脆弱的

  fragility n. 脆弱

  fragment n. 碎片,破片

  fragmentary adj. 不完整的,片段的

  fragrance n. 芬芳,香味

  fragrant adj. 香的,芬芳的

  frail adj. 脆弱的,意志薄弱的

  frame n. 框架; vt. 帧,外加框;提出,制定;构造,组织,建筑

  framework n. 构架;骨架

  frank adj. 坦白的,直率的

  frantic adj. 情感处于极度状态的(尤指恐惧或焦急),发疯的,不顾一切的

  fraternal adj. 兄弟的,友善的

  fraud n. 骗子,欺骗,欺诈

  fraudulent adj. 欺诈的,欺骗性的

  fray vi. 磨损,破裂;n. 吵架,冲突

  “I still can’t believe you fractured the oldest fossil in the museum,” Bessie said “How are you going to explain this to the founder? He is an old and frail man. You might give him a heart attack.”

  “It’s not my fault,” replied Alice. “I think the framework around the fossil was faulty. Whoever framed it must be a fraud. Nobody would make it that fragile. I would bet his credentials are fraudulent too. Besides, I don’t think anyone is going to miss one foul smelling fossil, do you? Anyway, I only broke off a small fraction of the fossil.”

  “Yes, but that small fraction just happened to be the head,” Bessie laughed. “Without is, it looks fragmentary. Weren’t you aware of its fragility?”

  “Yes, but at that moment, I was frantic,” Alice said. “I just needed something solid to stop the fray between those fraternal twins. I was trying to foster peace and cooperation. How was I supposed to know that the one twin would break it with his head?”

  “Let us be frank,” said Bessie. “You smashed him over the head with it. Then you picked up the broken fragment and threw it at the other twin. Need I say more?”

  “It all so fast, I really don’t remember,” Alice said with a grin. “I guess I better apologize to the founder now. First, I should spray on a little more fragrance. Maybe he won’t yell at me if I smell like a flower.”

  “Trust me,” Bessie giggled. “You’re fragrant enough to turn him into a fossil.”

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