

  We’re just going to have to bite the bullet.
  Hamid: Have you seen the roof today?
  Rumina: No, what's the matter with it?
  Hamid: The high wind last night loosened a couple of the tiles. We could get a leak if it rains really heavily. We'll have to get it fixed.
  Rumina: That's going to cost a lot of money we don't really have.
  Hamid: It'll cost us a lot more if water gets in.
  Rumina: Couldn't you make a temporary repair?
  Hamid: It wouldn't last for long. We're just going to have to bite the bullet and get a professional in to fix it.
  哈米德:昨夜的强风,把几片瓦掀起了。 假如下大雨,恐怕会漏水, 必须请人修理。
  鲁明纳:那得花不少钱, 我们负担不起。
  哈米德:但假如雨水漏进房子里, 损失会更大。
  鲁明纳:你不能修理一下, 暂时应付过去吗?
  哈米德:那无法耐久, 我们勉为其难, 屋顶也要找个专业工人修理。
  哈米德以bite the bullet来说‘勉为其难’, 但bite the bullet是‘咬子弹’, 和困难有什么关系? 原来从前战场上伤兵接受手术时, 没有麻醉药,医生会拿一粒软铅子弹给他咬着,以分散对手术的注意力。所以,to bite (on) the bullet有‘咬着牙关忍受痛苦’、‘勇敢处理棘手事情’的意思,例如:(1)To keep its head above water, the company will have to bite the bullet and lay off one-third of its staff (公司要支撑下去,就得忍痛把三分之一职员辞退)。(2)Faint-hearted though he was, he bit the bullet and asked his boss for a rise.(他虽然胆小,但还是硬着头皮,向老板要求加薪)。
  说‘毅然忍受痛苦’或‘硬撑’,英文还有一句成语:to keep/carry/have a stiff upper lip。这直译是‘上唇保持不动’。人在软弱、害怕的时候,嘴唇有时会颤抖,例如:Her lips quivered and she burst into tears(她嘴唇颤抖,哭了起来)。保持嘴唇不动,就是沉着应付困难了,例如:Though he suffered terribly, he kept a stiff upper lip throughout the unfair trial(他受到不公平审讯,十分苦恼,但坚持的撑到底)。
  最后说掀起瓦片的high wind。High wind不是‘高处的风’,而是‘强风’,例如:(1) A high wind is blowing from the west(强风由西方吹来) 。(2)High winds have knocked down our saplings(强风把我们那些小树吹倒了)。

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