



  Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets:

  1.A: Did you hear what she said ( )

  B: Well, I heard her say something, but I _____. so I did not catch her words exactly.

  A. would not listen B. was not listening C. had not listened D. shouldn‘t listen

  2. The discoveries made on the Mars were more than they _____. ( )

  A. expected B. would expect C. should expect D. had expected

  3. Consequently, he _______to the grand reception.( )

  A. got invited B. gets invited C. invited D. was to be invited

  4. ________ today, he would be in for Easter by Sunday.( )

  A. Would he set off B. Was he setting off C. Were he to set off D. If he sets off

  5. Instead of _____ for help, we decided to work it out by ourselves.( )

  A. to ask B. ask C. asking D. asked

  6. The new bike is a great deal ______ the old one.( )

  A. as good as B. good as C. the better than D. better than

  7. You will receive a confirmation letter ______ us in a week.( )

  A. from B. to C. in D. with

  8. Whenever the professor explained something, she kept smiling and nodding her head from time to time ________understanding every word of his lecture.( )

  A. as if B. like C. just like D. as though she

  9. I‘ll leave him a note ______ he’ll know where we are.( )

  A. for B. in that C. in order D. so that

  10.If I tell them I‘m prepared to give evidence, they’ll get such a scare _______ they‘ll drop the whole thing.( )

  A. so that B. that C. and D. so

  11. You ________things. You should be more careful.( )

  A. always lose B. have been losing C. were always losing D. are always losing

  12. Every time he came to me, he ______ tell me he was busy.( )

  A. would B. is going to C. will D. is to

  13. I expect all the mails ______ promptly.( )

  A. being delivered B. to be delivered

  C. having been delievered D. to have been delivered

  14. John used to rise early, ______ ( )

  A. used he B. did he C. didn‘t he D. could he

  15. I had hoped that Rosemary ________ a lawyer, but she was not good at law.( )

  A. will become B. become C. would become D. becomes

  16. The apples are ______ fast in such hot weather.( )

  A. got rotting B. getting rotting C. got rotten D. getting rotten

  17. It was an agreement _________ the details could not be altered.( )

  A. whose B. which C. its D. of which

  18. The agency _________ we bought our tickets is bankrupt.

  A. from which B. which C. where D. from whom

  19. We all seemed afraid to say what was in our minds, ________ it might start trouble.( )

  A. in order that B. so that C. for fear that D. in that

  20. _______ he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.( )

  A. A child as B. A child that C. Only child as D. Child that

  21. ________ allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.( )

  A. Not B. Unless C. Would not D. Rather than


  Fill in the blanks with one of the items given below:

  22. bar, block, ear, grain, lump

  A. a _______of wheat

  B. a _______of sugar

  23. be, is , was, are, were, will be, shall be

  A. Twenty years _______very long but not long enough to change a Roman nose into a pug.

  B. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth ________sea.

  24.few, a few, none, little, a little

  A. He‘s studying the work of _________known American novelist.

  B. His ideas are so difficult that ________ people can really understand them.

  25. leather, leather‘s, leathery, hugeness, huge, hugely

  He has in his office a ________ comfortable ___________chair.

  26. porcelain, porcelain‘s, porcelains, fracture, fragment, fragile

  Please send me these ________Chinese _________vases by special delivery.

  27. is, are was, were, will be, are going to be, have, has, had

  While the conditions of the poor ________brought to his attention, he discovered, much to his chagrin, that the abstract __________not the solution, as this had occurred time and again.

  28. be, is, was, are, were, will be, shall be

  A. That she is till alive ________sheer luck.

  B. Neither his oral statement nor what he wrote ________true.

  29. Put the following words in appropriate groups:

  butter, committee, family, government, lightning, music

  A. Mass nouns: ________________________

  B. Collective nouns: ____________________


  30.Fill in the blank with a WH-word:

  With _________efficiency the government is handling the problem!

  31. Fill in the blank with a WH-word:

  ____________strange friends you have!

  32. Fill in the blank with a WH-word:

  A: “There‘ll be a lecture this afternoon. don’t you know

  B: “No. By _____________and about what

  33. Write in proper verb form:

  Experiments in the photography of moving objects ___________(conduct) in both united States and Europe well before 1900.

  34. Write in proper verb form:

  Some of the proposals have been adopted but others ___________(reject) as they are not feasible.

  35. Write in proper verb form:

  The young people were encouraged ____________(defy) authorities.

  36.Put a proper preposition in the blank:

  There is a mosquito ___________the wall.

  37. Put a proper preposition in the blank:

  Her house stands ___________ a cinema and a supermarket.

  38.Fill in the blank with an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:

  He lay there ___________he was dead.

  39.Fill in the blank with an appropriate relative pronoun:

  He met a lady_________ he was sure would be his new teacher.

  40.Fill in the blank with a question tag:

  Everyone is interested in going there, ___________

  41. Fill in the blank with a question tag:

  Let‘s not go to the same restaurant for dinner this time, _____________

  42.Fill in the blank with a pronoun:

  A: “Would you like tea or coffee ”

  B: “I don‘t mind. ____________will do.”

  43. Fill in the blank with a determiner:

  Do you mind if I put ____________music on

  44.Fill in the blank with an appropriate relative pronoun:

  I came here in 1950,since ______________I have been engaged in this work.

  45. Fill in the blank with a question tag:

  He hardly comes to the class recently, ______________


  Correct errors in the following sentences:

  46.Only one passenger was reported to have escaped killed in the plane crash.

  47.Rather than asking for help from his friends, he resolved to sell his business.

  48.This machine is more superior to that one.

  49.The minister‘s speech cut at what he’d said before.

  50.We entered for a contract with a Japanese firm.

  51.The moment when he got home, he turned on the radio.

  52.It was a game without rules, which the sole aim seemed to have been to drive the ball rhrough the opponent‘s goal.

  53.The children usually start walking at around one year old.

  54.She had a child holding on to every hand.

  55.You‘ll understand my warning any day.

  56.She‘s lost nearly each friend she had.


  Rewrite the following sentences as required:

  57.Turning the following sentence into a negative imperative:

  Someone turn on the light, please.

  58.Using subjunctive mood:

  She has little knowledge about the painting. But she talked in a way that made people believe the contrary.

  59. Using subjunctive mood:

  A neighbour acted quickly and thus stopped the fire from spreading to the other floors.

  60.Using subjunctive mood:

  I wish to own a house of my own.

  61.Combine sentences using coordination and/or subordination:

  She introduced me to her husband. I had met her husband in Paris.

  62. Combine sentences using coordination and/or subordination:

  The tests do not measure genuine intellectual ability. Colleges use the tests to screen applicants for admission.

  63.Combine the sentences into one that contains a relative clause:

  He is a kind man. He is always ready to help others. He never asks for other‘s help.

  64.Write a counter-factual conditional based on the given facts:

  You‘re hungry now because you didn’t have breakfast.

  65.Using inversion:

  The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the people in the village.

  66.Using extraposition:

  To see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes breaks my heart.

  67.Using whatever cohesive device as appropriate:

  A: He promised to come here on time.

  B: Yes, I know that he promised to come here on time.

  68.Using whatever cohesive device as appropriate:

  To guard against losing luggage, buy brightly coloured luggage or wrap bags with a belt so other passengers will not mistake your luggage with their own luggage.

  69.Using whatever cohesive device as appropriate:

  I inherited those skills from my father. Those skills have been put to the test.


  Define the following terms with examples:

  70.putative should

  71.subject complement

  72.anaphoric reference


  Answer the following questions with the help of examples:

  73.How is aspect related to time

  74.What is given information and what is new information

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