



  Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(25 points)

  1.I should say confidence comes not ______from how other people look at us as from how we look at ourselves.

  A. so much B. as much

  C. this much D. that much

  2.The George Washington Bridge is a double-deck bridge across ______Hudson River.

  A. a B. an

  C. the D. /

  3. “Which books are yours?”

  “Oh, ______over there, of course.”

  A. this B. that

  C. these D. those

  4. Television, ______ came into being in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s.

  A. that B. what

  C. which D. it

  5. Many car accidents occur _______ drunk driving.

  A. due to B. thanks to

  C. because D. for

  6. Finally after working hard for five years Jane ______ able to save her fare to Europe.

  A. is B. was

  C. will be D. would be

  7.when we reached the cinema, the film _____ started, for there were no people at the entrance.

  A. should have B. ought to have

  C. had to have D. must have

  8. The doctor suggested that the patient ________on a diet but he couldn‘t resist the temptation of rich food.

  A. goes B. go

  C. went D. gone

  9. You‘d better leave _____usual. The heavy traffic on Monday mornings may hold you up.

  A. early than B. early then

  C. earlier than D. earlier then

  10. No sooner _______home than he was asked to go on another business trip.

  A. had he arrived B. he had arrived

  C. has he arrived D. he has arrived

  11. The teacher emphasized that ______of us should read the essay three times.

  A. each everyone B. all and every one

  C. each and every one D. each someone

  12. _____the false banknote looked genuine, it did not stand up to close examination.

  A. Since B. As

  C. Even as D. Even though

  13.If you don‘t hurry up, the train _______by the time we get to the station.

  A. has left B. will have left

  C. will leave D. would have left

  14. When I ran into Mary at the supermarket yesterday, I smiled at her, but she ______me and walked on.

  A. missed B. overlooked

  C. ignored D. neglected

  15. If you fail to adapt ______the quickly changing society, you will be behind the times.

  A. with B. against

  C. for D. to

  16.My father is deeply concerned with the government‘s ______policies.

  A. economical B. economy

  C. economic D. economics

  17. In his 27-year imprisonment, Mandela, a South African leader, was ______his political rights.

  A. deprived of B. deprived off

  C. deprived from D. deprived with

  18.Scientists have spent years researching into the ______of sleeping pills on the human brain.

  A. affect B. effect

  C. impact D. influence

  19. Only a few people have ______to the confidential energy data.

  A. access B. admission

  C. permission D. entrance

  20. CCTV reported that ______the snowstorm, at least five houses collapsed and three people were killed.

  A. on any account of B. on every account of

  C. on account of D. on this account of

  21. The government is _______ every effort to reduce the accident rate in coal mines.

  A. taking B. making

  C. catching D. putting

  22. The three sales representatives of this company will be ______with a trip to France.

  A. offered B. awarded

  C. rewarded D. given

  23. Contrary ________popular opinion, eating less does not help you lose weight.

  A. to B. with

  C. against D. into

  24. An inventor needs to have a creative and _____mind.

  A. imaginable B. imaginative

  C. imaginary D. imaging

  25.The law protects equal rights for all citizens, _____race, religion or sex.

  A. without regard to B. with regard of

  C. regardless to D. regardless of


  Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer .(15 points)

  A famous scientist who had made an important medical breakthrough was being interviewed. A newspaper reporter asked him why he thought he was able to be 26?more creative than the average person.

  He said that it all came from a(n)?27?that occurred when he was about two years old . He was trying to?28?a bottle of milk from the refrigerator?29?he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling the milk all?30?the floor.

  His mother came into the kitchen.?31?yelling at him, giving him a lecture or?32?him, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have?33?! I have rarely seen such a huge pool of milk. Well, the?34?has already been done. Would you like to get?35?and play in the sea of milk for a few minutes before we clean it up ?”

  This scientist then remarked that it was at that moment?36?he knew he didn‘t need to be 37?to make mistakes. Instead, he learned that mistakes were just?38?for learning something new, which is, after all, what?39?experiments are all about. Even if the experiment doesn’t 40 , we usually learn something from it.

  26. A. still B. ever C. so much D. ever much

  27. A. event B. incident C. story D. legend

  28. A. take B. gain C. place D. return

  29. A. where B. while C. which D. when

  30. A. over B. through C. across D. on

  31.?A. In addition to?B. In spite of C. Apart from D. Instead of

  32. A. hugging B. kissing C. hating D. punishing

  33. A. made B. created C. done D. produced

  34. A. damage B. loss C. harm D. ruin

  35. A. away B. over C. down D. up

  36. A. which B. when C. that D. what

  37. A. afraid B. fearful C. worried D. frightened

  38. A. occasions B. situations C. opportunities D. moments

  39. A. technical B. scientific C. social D. artistic

  40. A. function B. operate C. work D. help


  Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts.(10 points)

  41. Today an appearance on a television talk show is the ultimate proof of “making it” in America.

  A. shows more than anything else that you have established yourself in the U.S.

  B. proves at last that you are capable of doing great things in the U.S.

  C. is the best way to prove that you are an eloquent speaker in the U.S.

  D. is the best proof of your talent for speaking on TV in the U.S.

  42. we begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return—be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest.

  A. without getting paid for what we could have done—doing something enjoyable, working or just resting.

  B. without achieving anything—doing something we enjoy, or getting something done, or simply relaxing.

  C. not knowing whether we are getting anywhere in amusement, work or relaxation.

  D. not knowing whether we will be rewarded with regard to pleasure, work or rest.

  43. The little girl from the Pennsylvania woods, now approaching middle age, had fired a major salvo in the battle for the environment.

  A. had made great contribution to human progress.

  B. had aroused environmental awareness of the public.

  C. had opened fire on those who were spoiling the environment.

  D. had launched a fierce attack against pesticides producers and users.

  44. In a well-known British newspaper, a writer argued recently that “industry is caught in a web of bribery” and that everyone is “on the take”。

  A. everyone accepts bribes.

  B. everyone works for money.

  C. everyone is only too glad to become rich.

  D. everyone is ready to take but no one is willing to give.

  45. There is abundant luxury in the room but a minimum of taste.

  A. The room is luxurious but the food doesn‘t taste good.

  B. The richly furnished room needs little decoration.

  C. The room is richly furnished and decorated but shows little taste.

  D. The more luxury in the room, the less taste on the part of the owner.

  46. In the intimacy of the home it is easy to displace disappointment or frustration or anger onto the nearest person, and that person is often a husband or wife.

  A. when you are angry, you tend to quarrel with your husband or wife.

  B. when you are low, it is easy for you to blame your husband or wife.

  C. you are likely to take out your frustration and anger on your husband or wife.

  D. your husband or wife easily becomes a victim of your unreasonable behaviour.

  47. I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level.

  A. I can see the true colours of the person however nice he claims to be in society.

  B. I know what the other person is deep down no matter how he presents himself.

  C. I see through the other person no matter what he appears to be in public.

  D. I can see the other person beyond his status and image.

  48. And yet, we are also separate individuals. We must come to terms with our struggles alone.

  A. We get nowhere relying on others to solve our problems.

  B. We make our own decisions and won‘t allow others to interfere.

  C. We ought to know that we are the masters of our own future.

  D. We must accept and deal with our difficult tasks by ourselves.

  49. Doris could have made something of herself if she hadn‘t been a girl.

  A. If Doris had been a boy, she could have been a success story.

  B. If Doris had been a boy, she could have got as good jobs as boys got.

  C. Doris could have invented something if she had been as lucky as boys.

  D. Doris would like to be a boy if she could live twice.

  50. Reading it [my composition] with her own schoolteacher‘s eye, my mother agreed that it was top-drawer seventh grade prose and complimented me.

  A. it was such a good essay that my mother decided to keep it in a drawer.

  B. the essay was more than what a seventh-grade student could write.

  C. it was the best essay I had written in the seventh grade.

  D. it was an excellent essay for a seventh grader.


  Read the two passages and answer the questions. (10 points)

  Passage 1

  Jungle country is not friendly to man, but it is possible to survive there. You must have the right equipment and you must know a few important things about woodcraft.

  No one should go into the jungle without the right equipment. You need lightweight clothing, a good knife, and a compass. Fishhooks and a line, a rifle and ammunition(弹药), matches in a waterproof container are necessary too. So is a mosquito net.

  In the jungle you can get hopelessly lost within five minutes after leaving a known landmark. That is why you should always carry a compass. In open country, during the day, you can tell which way to go by studying the sun. At night the stars are sure guides to direction . But in most places the jungle rooftop is so thick that it is impossible to see the sun or the stars.

  Keep alert. Watch the ground in front of you carefully. Stop and listen now and again. Avoid haste, and rest often. You will soon become exhausted if you set a fast pace in a hot and humid place. A steady and even pace is wisest in the long run.

  Keep calm if you lose your way. Try to decide how long it has been since you were sure of your position. Cut marks on four sides of a tree , so that you will be able to see them from any direction. Except in an emergency, never try to travel through the jungle at night.

  Whenever possible, it is wise to follow streams and rivers that run in your general direction. This may give you many extra miles of travel. But in the end it will save time and energy. Nothing is more exhausting than hacking a trail cross-country through unbroken jungle. Bamboo grows along the banks of many jungle streams. Since it is hollow and extremely strong, it makes a perfect raft.

  Mosquitoes and some other insects will be with you all the time .The only defense against them is to wear the right kind of clothing. You should never wear shorts in the jungle. Your trousers must be lightweight and long. The cuffs(裤管口)should be tucked into your boot tops.

  Finding water that is safe to drink can be a problem. Many clear and fresh-looking streams and rivers carry deadly germs. Such water must always be boiled before you drink it . Luckily, the jungle has many kinds of plants and vines that give water. Water from almost all plants is pure enough to drink. But stay away from vines that have bitter or milky sap(树液)。

  Many jungle plants also provide food. Before you go into the jungle, learn to recognize the varieties of plants that can be eaten. If you haven‘t had a chance to do this, watch what kinds of fruit and nut the birds and monkeys choose. Such food is almost always safe for man. When you see an animal in the jungle, you can be sure that the source of food is somewhere close by. That source may mean for you a difference between going to sleep well-fed or hungry.

  Surviving in the jungle is a science. The jungle people have become perfect in this science, and you can too. Learn as much as you can about what to expect in the jungle. Make sure you have the right equipment. Then no part of the jungle will seem unfriendly or frightening. In fact, you will be able to “live off” it for a long time.

  51.For checking your position in the jungle you should rely on

  A. direction sense.

  B. known landmarks.

  C. the sun and stars.

  D. a compass.

  52.In moving through the jungle you should

  A. set a fairly rapid pace.

  B. stop and rest often.

  C. retrace your steps from time to time.

  D. study the sun whenever you can.

  53.The author advises against traveling at night probably because

  A. one tends to move too slowly at night.

  B. emergencies occur most frequently at night.

  C. it is difficult to check your position then.

  D. there is always a danger of panic in darkness.

  54.Following streams and rivers will help you to

  A. save many extra miles of travel.

  B. keep away from dangerous animals.

  C. avoid crossing unbroken stretches of jungle.

  D. have a constant source of drinking water.

  55.The best way to be sure of enough food in the jungle is to

  A. learn ahead of time what plants can be eaten.

  B. catch those animals other animals prey on.

  C. travel only along streams and rivers.

  D. watch the animals‘ eating habits.

  Passage 2

  It was unfortunate that, after so trouble-free an arrival, he should stumble(磕绊) in the dark as he was rising and severely twist his ankle on a piece of rock. After the first shock the pain became bearable, and he gathered up his parachute(降落伞) before limping into the trees to hide it as best as he could. The hard ground and the deep darkness made it almost impossible to do this efficiently. The pine needles lay several inches deep, so he simply piled them on top of the parachute, cutting the short twigs that he could feel around his legs, and spreading them on top of the needles. He was not sure if it would stay buried, but he could do nothing else about it.

  After limping for some distance from his parachute he began to make his way downhill through the trees. He had to find out where he was, and then decide what to do next. But walking downhill on a rapidly swelling ankle soon proved to be almost beyond his power. He dragged his legs with increasing difficulty, walking in long side-way movements across the slope, which meant taking more steps but less painful ones. By the time he cleared the trees and reached the valley, day was breaking. Mist hung in soft sheets across the fields. Small cottages and farm houses grouped around a village church, the spire(尖顶) on its top pointing high into the cold winter air to greet the morning.

  “I can‘t go much further,” John Harding thought. “Someone is bound to find me. What can I do? I must get a rest before I go on. They’ll look for me high up there in the mountains where the plane crashed. I bet they‘re out looking for it already. They’re sure to find the chute in the end. So they‘ll know I wasn’t killed and must be somewhere. They‘ll think I’m hiding up there in the trees and rocks and look for me there. I‘ll go down to the village. If I’m lucky my foot will be good enough by the evening and I can manage to get to the border.”

  He could hear the faint echoes of voices far above him on the mountainside, startling him after great silence. Looking up, he saw lights like pinpoints moving across the face of the mountain in the gray light. The road was deserted, and he struggled along, still almost invisible in the first light, easing his aching foot wherever he could, avoiding stones and rough places, and limping quietly and painfully towards the village. He reached the church at last. A great need for peace almost drew him inside, but he knew that would not do , Instead, he limped along its walls towards a very old building a short distance from the church. It seemed to have stood there forever, as if it had grown out of the hillside. It had the same air of timelessness as the church. John Harding pushed open the heavy wooden door and slipped inside.

  56. In spite of his bad ankle Harding was able to

  A. walk in a direction that was less steep.

  B. bear the pain without changing direction.

  C. bury his parachute perfectly in a safe place.

  D. check the surroundings and locate where he was.

  57. Why was his attention drawn to the mountain again?

  A. He was surprised to notice some torches moving around.

  B. He was astonished to hear some voices far away.

  C. He could see the searcher‘s faces in spite of the poor light.

  D. He could feel a shower of small rocks falling from above.

  58. Which of the following do you think John Harding was?

  A. An escaped prisoner trying to hide away.

  B. A criminal on the run from the police.

  C. An airman landing in an enemy country area.

  D. A spy in search of an important person.

  59. Harding‘s plan was

  A. to cross the border as soon as possible.

  B. to rest in the church as long as he could.

  C. to have his injured foot treated.

  D. to stay in the village for the day.

  60. We can tell from the story that

  A. Harding had a cool head in emergency.

  B. Harding was strongly against war.

  C. the plane crash took place at dawn.

  D. it was unwise to bury the chute



  Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. (10 points)

  61. The police have arrested the suspect who robbed a bank in broad ____ a couple of days ago. (light, day)

  62. Friendship is more _____ than money.(value)

  63. In retirement, my father takes up painting and gardening for some _____.(relax)

  64. A telescope ______us to see stars which appear only as tiny points of light at night.(able)

  65. Terrorists claimed _____for the explosion in Bali which killed more than 100 people.(responsible)

  66. My _______parents seldom interfere in my affairs and they give me freedom to do what I think best.( open, mind)

  67. Nowhere else in the world can you find more ____scenery than the Yellow Stone National Park in the state of Utah.(attract)

  68. Be careful with the antique vase; it is ______.(price)

  69. There was a ______disturbance at the back of the hall before the speaker began his address.(noise)

  70. In order to relieve the heavy traffic in Beijing, the departments concerned have made a _____plan.(long, term)


  Translate the following sentences into English.(15 points)

  71.你难道不认为总有一天报纸、杂志将被因特网(the Internet)所取代?(give)






  Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts.(15 points)

  Topic: What three qualities do you most expect in a friend?

  The text you should base your composition on is “On Friendship”。

  Use the following outline as a guide:

  1. Introduction (you name the three qualities)

  2. Body (you develop what you have mentioned in the introduction)

  3. Conclusion(you summarize what you have written)

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