



  Part One: Questions 1-20

  Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各题中选择一个答案填空。)20%

  1.We should appreciate it if you would quote your best prices C.I.F. New York for the envelope openers ________ in China Daily.

  A. advertising B. advertise

  C. advertised D. advertises

  2. The performance of the contracted product should be ________ the technical specifications stipulated in the contract.

  A. in compliance to B. in conformity with

  C. in accordance to D. with respect to

  3. ________ your decision to place regular orders with us, we request that you furnish us with two references for the initial purchase.

  A. While appreciating B. As appreciating

  C. When appreciate D. Because we appreciate

  4. Several people, ________ I listed below, have not submitted their reports.

  A. that B. whom

  C. which D. who

  5. When you write, ________ all the necessary information.

  A. remembering to include B. remember including

  C. remember and include D. remember to include

  6. Our factory is much more productive now. This year‘s production is five times as much ________ it was ten years ago.

  A. what B. as

  C. that D. than

  7. There are approximately 500 ________now in operation in the United States.

  A. savings banks B. saving bank

  C. saving banks D. savings bank

  8. Having been familiar with his ability, ________.

  A. the manager was assigned a challenging task

  B. the manager assign a challenging task

  C. the board assigned him a challenging task

  D. a challenging task was assigned to the manager

  9. If there were fewer management staff, more work ________.

  A. would be done B. will be done

  C. would have be done D. should be done

  10. Sales went down ________ difficult trading conditions.

  A. because B. thanks to

  C. since D. due to

  11. The ________ news is that the delegation will arrive at 6∶30 this afternoon.

  A. up to the minute B. up-to-the minute

  C. up-to-the-minute D. up-to the minute

  12.The author of the book lived in ________.

  A. the early 30 B. the early 30‘s

  C. early 30 D. earlier 30‘s

  13. Mr. Sims has been ill, but we expect him ________ by next month.

  A. to be well B. well

  C. to be good D. good

  14. Most people consider ________ to be responsible citizens.

  A. himself B. themselves

  C. them D. themselfs

  15. Each of the corporations had ________ own home office.

  A. it‘ s B. his

  C. its D. their

  16. Outstanding salespeople like Mrs. Love ________ helped make our company a leader in this field.

  A. has B. have

  C. is D. are

  17. Ms. Hansen is ________ than the office manager she replaced.

  A. much more businesslike B. many more businesslike

  C. much more business like D. much business like

  18.Our travel counselor will both plan your trip and ________.

  A. making your reservation B. reservation will be made

  C. make your reservation D. reservation will make

  19. We believe that sales will increase soon; ________, production costs will be going up also.

  A. so B. thus

  C. on the other hand D. however

  20. Alex works harder than ________ in the office.

  A. every else B. anyone else

  C. everyone D. anyone

  Part Two: Questions 21-30

  There is one mistake in each of the following questions. Detect and correct the mistakes. Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet. (下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。请将错误及改正写在答题纸上。)20%

  Example: who‘s taking care the dog while you’re away

  taking care → taking care of

  21. The branches of a company is sometimes called subsidiaries.

  22. Professor Smith has supervised four thesis on management.

  23. We attach great importance for the traditional virtues in our society.

  24. Mr. Robinson looked carefully the papers in the file folder.

  25. Their corporate strategies are as ambitious as our.

  26. His account of the contract is more perfect than her version.

  27. Despite the accident, Mr. Sorenson looked calmly.

  28. The numbers of this claim do not correspond those on the printout.

  29. Packed in a box, the typist could not find the machine.

  30. Most of people are in favor of this new project.

  Part Three: Questions 31-40

  Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given. (用所给的词和词组写出符合逻辑的句子。)10%

  31. we / you will find / feel sure / perfectly / our goods / your requirement / suited to

  32. regret that / we / supply / we are unable to / the items / because / you ordered / out of stock / we are / completely

  33. the following / we / arrangements / have made / the coming holidays / for

  34. more automobiles / produces / than / car manufacturer / in the United States / any other / General Motors

  35. the / has / Human Resource Department / a number of / for which / current employees / high-level positions / may apply

  36. we / to inform / regret / we don‘t / that / want to participate / now / you

  37. may / you / two weeks / for / need / data / that report / to collect

  38. in / the number of / is / highly / our company / successful salespersons / increasing / steadily

  39. of contract terms / misunderstanding / the buyer / by either / or the seller / cause disputes / may also

  40. we / that / our present / for many years / business relationship / sincerely hope / will continue / to come

  Part Four: Questions 41-50

  Each of the following sentences contains one punctuation error. One punctuation in each is either missing or misused. Detect the error and write the missing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the answer sheet. (下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错。改正错误或补写标点,并将其与前面的一个单词一起填写在答题纸上。)10%

  Example: A. What a nice present you gave me . me!

  B. You think you are right don‘t you right,

  41. Shall I bring in the letters of recommendation, as well as my resume

  42. Don‘t you think it would be a good idea to call Mr. Taylor!

  43. The delegation will arrive on January 5. 2005.

  44. I heard Mr. Lee close the door, But I didn‘t hear him open it.

  45. Because, he has worked late every day this week he is determined to finish it early on Friday.

  46. We bought a large pillow for our dog Kahorta, who loves to lie on it in front of the fire.

  47. I cannot wait any longer for your answer, I assume that you are not interested in the job.

  48. Many large corporations for example, GE, Exxon and IBM, have paid dividends for many years.

  49. Horse breeding has become a big business: and investors are supplying large sums for thorough breeding.

  50. She showed me the books; two novels by Faulkner and a book on economics.

  Part Five:

  Memo Writing 15%

  Write a memo in about 50 words.


  You are Human Resources Manager. Your company is going to provide the staff with training in E-Commerce. There will be two course levels: intermediate level and advanced level. The training course will be given on Saturdays for five weeks.

  Write a memo to department managers:

  Informing them of the coming training course;

  Asking them to encourage the staff to participate;

  Asking them to help obtain the names of the interested staff.

  Part Six:

  Letter Writing 25%

  Write a letter in 130-150 words.


  你公司是专营办公家具的外贸公司。请给你的客户David Howard 先生写一封回信,信中应包括以下内容:





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