


一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题2 分,共20分)

  1. English consonants can be classified into stops. fricatives, nasals , etc. ,in terms of ()。

  A. manner of articulation B. openness of mouth C. place of articulation D. voicing

  2. The study of how words are combined to form sentences is called()。

  A. phonetics B. morphology C. syntax D. semantics

  3. According to Chomsky,() is the ideal user‘s internalized knowledge of his language. A. competence B. parole C. performance D. langue

  4. “Sweets” and “candy” are used respectively in Britain in and America , but refer to the same thing. The words are () synonyms. A. collocational B. dialectal C. complete D. stylistic

  5. Different meanings can be associated with one linguistic form , but there is no basic meaning among them. This is known as ()。

  A. homonymy B. hyponymy C. polysemy D. antonymy

  6. “How fast did he drive when he ran the red light ?” () “He ran the red light”。 A. entails B. contradicts C. presupposes D. includes

  7. The word “lab” is formed through ()。

  A. back formation B. blending C. clipping D. derivation

  8. () in the brain fulfills the function of speech production. A. Angular gyrus B. Broca‘s area C. The right hemisphere D. Wernicke’s area 9. When a child uses “mummy” to refer to any woman,most probably his “mummy” means ()。

  A. + Human B. + Human + Adult C. + Human + Adult - Male D. + Human + Adult - Male + Parent

  10. () is not a suprasegmental feature. A. Aspiration B. Intonation C. Stress D. Tone

  二、在下列空格中填上以给出字母开始的恰当的单词。(每空1 分,共16分)

  1. D_________ is a design feature of human language that enables speakers to talk about a wide range of things, free from barriers caused by separation in time and space. 2. S_________ study of language describes language at some point in time; d_________ study describes language as it changes through time. 3. N_________ transcription transcribes sounds with diacritics , while b_________ transcription does not. 4. A sentence has a hierarchical structure and l_________ structure as well. 5. Unlike a sentence, the meaning of an u_________ is concrete and context-dependent. 6. Chinese belongs to S_________ language family , while English belongs to I _________ language family. 7. R_________ are situational dialects appropriate for use in particular situations; i_________ is a personal dialect. 8. When a p_________ comes to be adopted by a population as its primary language and children learn it as their first language, it becomes c_________. 9. I_________ is the approximate linguistic system that a second language learner constructs , which represents the learner‘s transitional competence in the target language. 10. A_________ is the learner’s process of adapting to the culture and value system of the target language community. 11. Words that have descended from a common source are c_________.三、判断下列各题,正确的在题后括号内写“T” ,错误的写“F” 并且加以改正。

  (每小题2 分,共20分)

  1. “ Beat” and “bit” are not a minimal pair.()

  2. Compounds are words created by combining two or more than two words. ()

  3. Linguistic change occurs only in sound and lexical system, but not in syntax.()

  4. In a predication , the argument is said to govern the predicate.()

  5. Modern English began with the Norman Conquest. ()

  6. Bilingualism is a situation in which two different varieties of a language co-exist in a speech community.()

  7. The case of Genie suggests that the language faculty of an average human degenerates after the critical period.()

  8. Interference is the only source of errors in the second language acquisition.( )

  9. When a plural form -s is added to a noun that ends with a vowel, it is pronounced as[z ], due to assimilation. ()

  10. In the sentence “The father beat the child” , “the child” is both a structural and logical object. ()

  四、名词解释,并至少举一例加以说明(每小题4 分,共24分)

  1. duality 2. phoneme 3. complex sentence 4. reference 5. perlocutionary act 6. linguistic taboo 五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分)

  1. Comment on the following conversation in terms of Grice‘s Cooperative Principle:A : Where’ve you been?

  B : Out. 2. Analyse the following words and show how many morphemes each of them contains:specialize, indisputable , individualistic, downfall , unexceptionableness,ungentlemanliness (每个语素0. 5分)

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