商务英语(BEC)综合辅导:课堂笔记 unit 4b

商务英语(BEC)综合辅导:课堂笔记 unit 4b,第1张

商务英语(BEC)综合辅导:课堂笔记 unit 4b,第2张

What is public relations ?什么叫公共关系?
  The benefits of good PR 良好公共关系的益处
  public image 公众形象
  advertising campaign 广告宣传活动
  company values 公司价值观
  dealership 商品经销特许权,特许经销商
  point-of-sale 销售网点
  showroom 展示厅
  manufacturing plant 制造厂
  image 形象
  company image 公司形象
  up-to-date 现代的
  survey 调查
  product launch 产品发布
  press coverage 报界对…的报道
  customer satisfaction survey 顾客满意程度调查
  motoring magazine 汽车杂志
  display 陈列品
  venue 地点
  invitation 邀请函
  freelance journalist 自由撰稿人
  information packs 资料袋
  advance preparation 预先准备
  senior executive 高级主管
  itinerary 路线,旅程
  brief 简介
  management staff 管理人员
  ①. listening : Eilish O’shea, Public Relations Manager at Skoda UK, talks about her job. Before you listen, decide whether the following are the responsibility of the PR or Marketing Department at Skoda.
  •Communication with the press
  •Research into the public’s needs
  •Development of the company’s reputation
  •Brand development
  •Decisions about product pricing
  •Public awareness of company values
  1 my job is to plan and manage the public relations strategy for the Skoda brand in the UK.
  2 This means I’m responsible for dealing with the press, television and radio, as well as communications with the public and personnel in our UK dealerships.
  这就是说,我的职责是负责应对报界,电视和电台,也负责与公众以及与英国的特许经销商的沟通。其中的to be responsible for 意为“对…负责”;而the public 是指“公众”。
  3 The primary role of PR is to create understanding with the public.
  4 the heart of the organization 组织的核心
  5 our objective is to give an accurate picture of the company, its brand and what it believes in. 我们的目标是准确树立公司的形象,公司品牌以及与公司理念有关的形象。
  6 …that the public has a positive image of the company 公众对公司有一个良好的形象。
  7 RP, on the other hand ,it is more concerned with establishing and maintaining goodwill and understanding between the company and its public.
  8 In RP you have to build long-term relationships with journalist as because you work with them on a regular basis and trust is absolutely essential. 在公关部,你要与记者们建立一种长期的关系,因为你需要经常与他们合作,而相互信任上必不可少的。
  manage the public relations strategy 管理公关策略
  deal with the press,TV and radio 应对报界,电视和电台
  provide the press and public with information 向报界和公众提供信息
  give an accurate picture of the company 树立良好的公司形象
  maintain goodwill and understanding 维系一种友好关系,达成互相理解
  build long-term relationships 建立长期关系
  ②. listening
  Eilish explains how Skoda changed public attitudes to the brand when it was re-launched in the UK in 1995. before you listen, suggest how the company achieved this. Then listen and check your answers.
  1. But that was because of people’s misconceptions about the quality of central European engineering. 但那是因为人们对中欧制造工艺的质量有误解。
  2. So how did you go about communicating this reality to the public?那么你是怎样着手把实际情况告诉公众的。
  3. When we re-entered the UK with the new model, the Felicia, in 1995, we put a huge emphasis on advertising, everything from national advertising to point-of-sale material in the showrooms. 1995年,当我们以弗雷西亚车型重新打入英国市场时候,我们高度重视广告宣传,包括国内广告到各展示厅销售点的广告材料。
  4. So, our job was to communicate the quality of Skoda to the motoring press. 所以,我们的责任是向汽车报界宣传斯柯达的产品质量。
  5. You certainly won over the press. 你们当然赢得了报界。
  6. Skoda recently came top of a major consumer magazine’s annual survey of car owners. It’s the biggest customer satisfaction survey of this kind in the UK-based on over 40 000 car owners. 在最近的一家消费者杂志举办的对汽车拥有者的调查中,斯柯达获得了第一的名次。这是在英国举行的对40 000名汽车拥有者进行的同类调查中规模的顾客满意度调查。
  7. The results of the survey made the evening news on the National TV.调查结果上了国内电视台的晚间新闻。这里的make 一词的意思为“因有某种特点或者品质而成为”,“可转变为”,“适宜作……”。比如,he will make a fine teacher. 他将来可以成为一个好教师。又比如:this magazine makes pleasant reading. 这份杂志是富有乐趣的读物。
  8. And that is the real enjoyment for me, seeing my ideas having a clear effect on the forward direction of the brand. 真正使我感到快乐的,是看到自己的观点对品牌的发展起着明显的作用。
  9. It is down to me to sort out any problems, so when things go well, I really feel I’m making an important contribution to the success of the company.安排由我负责处理各种问题,所以如果一切顺利,我就感到自己的对公司的成功作出了很重要的贡献。这里的down 作形容词,意思是“已安排,排定” The meeting is down for next week, 会议定于下星期举行。My parents seem to have me down for college in London.我的父母似乎已经安排我去英国上大学。
  Speaking; Work in pairs. What is the public image of your partner’s company and its products? Does your partner share the same view of the company?
  do whatever it appropriate to promote its image. 竭尽全力来宣传公司的形象
  create the image that attracts and retains clients. 树立能够吸引并保住客户的形象
  components of a overall image include advertising, marketing communications ,publicity, company locations, prices and product positioning, etc. 公司整体形象各组成要素包括广告,营销系统,宣传活动,公司所处地段,产品价格,产品定位,等等。
  Distribute flies, pass out brochures or issue press releases will also help to create a company image. 散发小广告传单,分发宣传手册或者发布新闻稿件都有助于建立公司形象。
  Its marketing strategy help to shape company images. 营销策略有助于树立公司形象。
  Customer service policies also impacts company image 顾客服务政策也影响到公司形象。
  Enhance their current image 改变他们目前的形象
  Easy to do business with 容易合作做生意
  Adjust to the needs of the customers 适应顾客的需要
  Organising a PR event?组织公共活动?
  Speaking: work in pairs. Your company is launching a new product in four months’ time. Aggress on the following details. Then present your ideas to the class.
  The name of the product
  The venue for the launch
  The date and time of the event
  Some details of the event programe
  A final date for returning replies
  meet the promotional requirements 符合促销要求
  publicise product launch information 宣传产品发布信息
  place advertising in newspapers 在报纸上做广告
  ensure that you hit the target market you are aiming for 确保取得瞄准的目标市场
  create market success 取得市场成功
  in the most timely and cost effective way 以最为及时,取得成本效益的方式
  provide guidelines for the timing of all aspects of the launch 指定方针,安排发布会各方面的具体时间
  present your product and company with the very best image possible. 尽可能展示出你的产品和公司的形象
  ensure that no delays occur that adversely affect your product in the market 确保不出现严重影响产品销售的延误
  keep your launch on track 随时跟踪发布会的情况

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