


6. He has never liked meat, and has always had a ______ for vegetables and fruit.
  A.admiration B.preference C.substitution D.compensation
  substitution 保险代理人,替代品
  substitute 代替
  constitute 组成,建立
  constitution 宪法
  institute 学院
  institution 机构
  7. I was moved and grandpa was equally_____. Rarely had I seen him so worked-up.
  A. infected B. affected C. inflicted D. afflicted
  inflict (自我)折磨
  afflict 折磨,使痛苦(外界的)
  ease 轻松
  disease 疾病
  lease 租金
  release 释放
  please 高兴
  crease 皱纹,皱褶
  8. Education is ____ for the development of a country.
  A.indispensable B.accountable C.deliberate D.deficient
  indispensable a.不可缺少的 n.不可缺少之物
  accountable 可计算的
  account for 解释,占多大比重
  solar system 太阳系
  expand 膨胀
  black hole 黑洞
  gravity 重力
  balance 平衡
  collapse 崩塌
  collapse 崩溃,坍塌
  elapse (时间)流逝
  lapse 堕落
  relapse 旧病复发,回复原状
  deliberate 故意的,深思熟虑的
  intention 故意,意图,目的
  intentional 故意的
  9. Everybody______ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.
  A. assemble B. accumulated C. piled D. joined
  accumulate 积累
  gather 收集(到一起),收割(庄稼)
  collect 收集(带有某种目的的收集)
  pile 堆到一起
  compile 汇编,编辑
  pilgrim 圣徒,朝圣者
  analog 类比,类似物
  analogy 类推

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