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  jail - n. a prison for those waiting to be tried for a crime or for those serving sentences for crimes that are not serious 监狱
  joint - ad. shared by two or more 共同的
  jury - n. a group of people chosen to decide what is true in a trial 陪审团
  just - ad. only ("Help me for just a minute."); very shortly before or after the present ("He just left.") 刚才; at the same time 同时 ("He left just as I came in."); what is right or fair 公正的 ("The law is just, in my opinion.")


  kidnap - v. to seize and take away by force 绑架
  knowledge - n. that which is known; learning or understanding 知识


  labor - n. work; workers as a group 劳动力
  laboratory - n. a room or place where experiments in science are done 实验室
  lack - v. to be without; n. the condition of needing, wanting or not having 缺乏
  launch - v. to put into operation; to begin开办; to send into the air or space 发射
  leak - v. to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid) 漏
  legal - ad. of or in agreement with the law 合法的
  legislature - n. a government lawmaking group 立法机构
  liberal - ad. one who usually supports social progress or change 自由主义的
  lightning - n. light produced by electricity in the air, usually during a storm 闪电
  link - v. to connect; to unite one thing or event with another; n. a relation between two or more things, situations or events 联系
  literature - n. all the poems, stories and writings of a period of time or of a country 文学
  load - v. to put objects on or into a vehicle or container 装载. that which is carried 负荷
  loan - n. money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments; 借款
  local - ad. about or having to do with one place 本地的
  loyal - ad. showing strong friendship and support for someone or something 忠诚的


  majority - n. the greater number; more than half 多数
  manufacture - v. to make goods in large amounts 制造
  march - v. to walk in a group like soldiers; to walk together in a large group to protest about something *
  market - n. a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded; an economic system in which the prices of things are decided by how many there are and how much money people are willing to pay for them 市场
  mass - n. an amount of matter having no special form and usually of a large size 大量事物
  mate - v. to bring together a male and a female to create another creature 使配对
  mathematics - n. the science dealing with amounts, sizes and shapes, as explained by numbers and signs 数学
  mayor - n. the chief official of a city or town government 市长
  measure - v. to learn the amount, size or distance of something 测量. an action taken 措施 a legislative proposal 议案
  media - n. all public information organizations, including newspapers, television and radio 媒体
  melt - v. to make a solid into a liquid by heating it 融化
  member - n. one of a group 成员
  memorial - n. something done or made to honor the memory of a person or event 纪念的
  mental - ad. about or having to do with the mind 精神的
  mercy - n. kindness toward those who should be punished; the power to be kind or to pardon 仁慈
  message - n. written or spoken news or information; a note from one person to another person or group 消息
  metal - n. a hard substance such as iron, steel or gold 金属
  method - n. the way something is done 方法
  microscope - n. a device used to make very small things look larger so they can be studied 显微镜
  militant - n. someone active in trying to cause political change, often by the use of force or violence 斗士
  military - n. the armed forces of a nation or group; ad. of or about the armed forces 军方
  mineral - n. a substance found in nature that is not an animal or a plant, such as coal or salt 矿物
  minister - n. a member of a cabinet; a high government official ("prime minister," "foreign minister") 部长
  minor - ad. small in size; of little importance 少数的
  minority - n. the smaller number; opposite majority 少数
  missile - n. any weapon that can be thrown or fired through the air and explodes when it reaches its target 导弹
  missing - ad. lost; not found 遗失的
  mob - n. a large group of wild or angry people 暴徒
  moderate - ad. not extreme 温和的
  moral - ad. concerning what is right or wrong in someone's actions 道德的
  motion - n. a movement; a continuing change of position or place 运动,动作
  mourn - v. to express or feel sadness 哀悼
  mystery - n. something that is not or cannot be explained or understood; a secret 神秘事物


  natural - ad. of or about nature; normal; common to its kind 自然的
  navy - n. the part of a country's military force trained to fight at sea 海军
  negotiate - v. to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution 商议
  neutral - ad. not supporting one side or the other in a dispute  中立的
  nominate - v. to name someone as a candidate for an election; to propose a person for an office or position  提名
  nowhere - ad. not in, to or at any place 到处都没有
  nuclear - ad. of or about the energy produced by splitting atoms or bringing them together; of or about weapons that explode by using energy from atoms 核的


  obey - v. to act as one is ordered to act 遵从
  object - v. to show that one does not like or approve; to protest 反对; n. something not alive that can be seen or touched 物体
  observe - v. to watch; to look at carefully; to celebrate or honor something ("They will observe the anniversary of the day she was born.") 观察
  occupy - v. to take and hold or to control by force 占领
  offensive - n. a military campaign of attack 攻击; ad. having to do with attacking 攻击性的
  offer - v. to present or propose 提供; n. the act of presenting or proposing 提议; that which is presented or proposed 提供物
  officer - n. a person in the military who commands others; any person who is a member of a police force 武官
  official - n. a person with power in an orgaization; a representative of an organization or government; ad. of or about an office; approved by the government or someone in power 文官
  operate - v. to do work or a job 执行; to cut into the body for medical reasons 手术
  opinion - n. a belief based on one's own ideas and thinking 意见
  oppose - v. to be against; to fight against 反对
  opposite - ad. different as possible; completely different from ; exactly the other way ("North is the opposite direction from south.") 相反的
  oppress - v. to make others suffer; to control by the use of unjust and cruel force or power 压迫
  orbit - v. to travel in space around a planet or other object 绕轨道而行; n. the path or way an object travels in space around another object or planet 轨道
  oust - v. to force to leave; to remove by force 剥夺
  overthrow - v. to remove from power; to defeat or end by force *
  owe - v. to pay or have to repay (usually money) in return for something received 欠


  parachute - n. a device that permits a person or thing to fall slowly from an airplane or helicopter to the ground 降落伞
  parade - n. a group of people and vehicles moving together to celebrate a special event or anniversary *
  parliament - n. a government lawmaking group 议会
  passport - n. a document permitting a person to travel to another country 护照
  patient - n. a person being treated by a doctor for a health problem 病人
  peace - n. the condition of freedom from war, fighting or noise; rest; quiet 和平 
  perform - v. to speak, dance or sing in front of others 表演
  permanent - ad. never changing; lasting for a very long time or for all time 永久的
  permit - v. to let; to make possible 允许
  physical - ad. of the body 身体的
  physics - n. the study of motion, matter and energy 物理
  pilot - n. one who guides or flies an airplane or helicopter 飞行员
  planet - n. a large object in space that orbits the sun ("Earth is a planet.") 行星
  plot - v. to make secret plans密谋; n. a secret plan to do something wrong or illegal 阴谋
  poem - n. words and their sounds organized in a special way to express emotions 诗
  point - v. to aim one's finger toward; to aim 指向; n. the sharp end of something 尖端 
  policy - n. an established set of plans or goals used to develop and make decisions in politics, economics or business 制度
  politics - n. the activities of government and of those who are in public office 政治
  pollute - v. to release dangerous or unpleasant substances into the air, soil or water 污染
  popular - ad. liked by many people; generally approved by the public 流行的,受欢迎的
  port - n. a city where ships load or unload goods; a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm 港口
  position - n. a place; the way of holding the body; the way a thing is set or placed; a job (or level of a job) in an organization 位置
  possess - v. to have; to own; to control or be controlled by 拥有
  postpone - v. to delay action until a later time 拖延
  pour - v. to flow; to cause to flow 倾泻
  praise - v. to say good things about; to approve 赞扬
  pray - v. to make a request to a god or spirit; to praise a god or spirit 祈祷
  pregnant - ad. carrying a child within the body before it is born; expecting to give birth to a baby 怀孕的
  present - v. to offer for consideration 表明 ("We will present our idea to the
  committee."); n. a gift 礼物("I gave them a present for their anniversary."); now ("The present time is a good time."); ad. to be at a place 出席的 ("I was present at school yesterday.") 
  press - v. to urge strongly 逼迫 ; n. newspapers, magazines and other publications 出版
  pressure - n. the force produced when something is pushed down or against something else 压力
  prevent - v. to keep or stop from going or happening 阻止
  private - ad. of or about a person or group that is secret; opposite public 私人的
  prize - n. something offered or won in a competition; something of value that one must work hard for to get 奖项
  process - n. an operation or series of changes leading to a desired result 过程
  produce - v. to make; to create; to cause something to be; to manufacture 生产
  profession - n. a job that requires special training 职业
  profit - n. money gained from a business activity after paying all costs of that activity 利润
  progress - n. movement forward or toward improvement or a goal 发展
  project - n. a planned effort to do something 项目
  propaganda - n. ideas or information used to influence opinions property - n. anything owned by someone such as land, buildings or goods 财产
  propose - v. to present or offer for consideration 建议
  protest - v. to speak against; to object *
  prove - v. to show to be true 正式
  publication - n. something that is published such as a book, newspaper or magazine 出版物
  publish - v. to make public something that is written; to include something in a book, newspaper or magazine 出版
  pull - v. to use force to move something toward the person or thing using the force; opposite push 拉
  pump - v. to force a gas or liquid up, into or through 抽吸
  punish - v. to cause pain, suffering or loss for doing something bad or illegal 惩罚
  purchase - v. to buy with money or with something of equal value; n. that which is bought 购买
  pure - ad. free from anything that is different or that reduces value; clean 纯的
  purpose - n. the reason or desired effect for doing something; goal 目标
  push - v. to use force to move something away from the person or thing using the force; opposite pull 推

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