范文:No Pains, No Gains,第1张

范文:No Pains, No Gains,第2张


  英语课上老师教给同学们一句英语格言"No Pains, No Gains" (不劳则不获),并让大家围绕如下三方面以这句格言为题写一篇短文。





  No Pains, No Gains

  People attempting a task may be discouraged in front of difficulties. They start with a great interest and passion. When they find that the task will take much more effort than they thought, their interest diminishes and their passion wanes. At that time, they are likely to have the idea of reaping a good harvest without much labor.

  The old saying "No pains, no gains" comes as a word of cheer to these discouraged persons. No task that is really worth doing can be done either easily or quickly. No mastery of any knowledge or skill can be gained without painstaking efforts.

  We students shoulder the task of learning knowledge that calls for exertion. To improve our grades is what every student wants. We may envy those who have achieved excellence, and wonder what makes them succeed.In fact, their secret of success is no secret. It depends largely on their efforts. Good grades only belong to hardworking students.

  Many thanks for the favor you did for me!


  该文紧紧围绕题目给出的三方面加以论述,层次清楚,语言流畅易懂。"interest diminishes and their passion wanes" 中词语搭配讲究,"reaping a good harvest without much labor" 用另一个习惯表达法点出了"No Pains, No Gains"的含义,同时又避免了重复。文章句式灵活,长短搭配得当,使文章朗朗上口,虽然是议论文,但却没有枯燥之感。

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