范文:Health, Beauty and Knowledge

范文:Health, Beauty and Knowledge,第1张

范文:Health, Beauty and Knowledge,第2张



  Young people look forward to being strong and handsome.

  There are women who set great store by the beauty of outward appearance.

  Health and beauty without knowledge is almost equal to a body without soul.


  Health, Beauty and Knowledge

  Young people look forward to being strong and handsome. They take part in rigorous training to build up their body. They take some gymnastics stars as their models, whose welldeveloped muscles or proportioned figure is the combination of strength and grace, and also the indication of youthfulness and vitality.

  There are women who set great store by the beauty of outward appearance. They dress themselves in clothes of the latest fashion. They apply a heavy make-up, rouging their lips, powdering their faces, painting their brows, and wearing earrings and necklaces. To compensate the inadequacy of their natural beauty, some goes so far as to receive the operation of face mending.


  Health and beauty without knowledge is almost equal to a body without soul. A person with a stout body alone can go nowhere in the modern age of science and technology, a person's outward beauty is as easy to fade as a flower to wither no matter how colorful it is. It is true that health and beauty are something one may well be proud of. But it is of greater importance for a student to master adequate knowledge that is useful in his life-long service to the country.



  全文围绕三个主题句展开议论,条理清楚,层次分明,用词准确。“well-developed muscles”,“proportioned figure”,“apply make-up”,“rouging lips”,“powdering faces”,“painting brows”,及“wearing earrings and necklaces”等词语搭配讲究,生动地表达了作者的意思。“a person's outward beauty is as easy to fade as a flower to wither no matter how colorful it is.”比喻句用得贴切自然,很好地强调了主题。

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