


  以“The Man Who Had the Answers”为题,写一篇关于阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的故事。内容要点如下:









  The Man Who Had the Answers


  Albert found school very difficult. His teacher would tap her pointer① against the blackboard impatiently② white she waited for him to answer her questions. Rut Albert always had to think about many things before he could answer. After all, he would say to himself, there are many different things to think about before you can say anything is absolutely certain.

  When his teacher wasn't asking Albert a question, Albert would think of a question to ask her. And often when he did, she would get red in the face and angry at Albert for thinking up questions she couldn't an

  The more Albert learned, the more he found to think about. The more he thought about, the more questions he thought of to ask.

  He knew that the earth, other planets, the moon, and the sun are just a part of what we call the universe. He knew that the universe is also made up of all the stars we can see with our eyes and millions and millions more that we can see only with the largest telescopes and still more——we think——that are so far away that they can't be seen at all. And he also knew that all these stars and our own bodies and everything else are made up of atoms so tiny they can't be seen even with the best microscope③。

  He thought there must be some rules to explain why everything in the universe, big and little, acts as it does. Why don't the stars moving around in the sky bump ④ into each other? What makes the tiny atoms stick together to form all the different things there?

  Albert Einstein thought and thought until he believed he had some of the answers. And the people started asking him questions because he had answers for many things that scientists had been trying to figure out for many, many years.



  ① pointer ['p&int+]n. 教鞭

  ② impatiently [im'peiM+ntli]ad. 不耐烦地

  ③ microscope ['maikr+sk+up] n. 显微镜

  ④bump[b)mp] v. 碰;撞


  在这篇文章中,作者从“爱发问”、“爱思考”这一侧面,叙述了“相对论”创始人阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦其人其事。文章是采用巧设悬念的方法写人的。这一点可从两方面来分析:一是作者先写爱因斯坦对任何事情都要问一个为什么,从而积累了大量知识,最后落脚到他对许多重大问题的答案都胸有成竹。二是作者在文章的前面一直用的是Albert这个教名,读者还以为说的是别人,直到最后一段才用全名 Albert Einstein,人们才恍然大悟,才知道是讲阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的。

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