




  At the Police Station


  During the summer vacation, I had a chance to visit a police station in order to learn something about society. There I caught sight of a drug addict①。

  That day, I was reading a dossier of a case② in the office when a young man was brought in.

  “How old are you?”a policeman asked.

  “Nineteen,”the man answered in a low voice.

  “How long have you been taking drugs?”

  “For 3 years.”

  On hearing this, I was very surprised. Now I knew how he had become so thin, so pale and so weak. Drugtaking③ cost him so much money that he had to steal. As a result he was caught.

  “Now I realize I was wrong. I feel I have let my mother down who has been ill for a long time and is always worried about me. But now…I must die. I must die…。”

  Nineteen is a golden age. At this age he could have been at school or in the army or on a farm if he had not taken drugs.

  His case proves the truth of a Chinese saying:“A moment's error can bring a lifelong regret.④”



  ①drug addict ['dr)g +'dikt] 吸毒者

  ②a dossier ['d&siei]of a case 一起案件材料

  ③drug-taking n.吸毒

  ④A moment's error can bring a lifelong regret.一失足成千古恨。



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