实用英语写作技巧 (第26单元)

实用英语写作技巧 (第26单元),第1张

实用英语写作技巧 (第26单元),第2张

第二十六单元 如何用过程分析法推展篇章

26.1 Process(过程法)

Process descripton is similar to the procedures followed in conducting a scientific experiment.It describes definite steps in a logical order.

In this unit,you will be asked to write a process essay—one that explains clearly how to do or make something.

In almost all the essays we have discussed,the topic sentence has appeared at or near the beginning of the first paragraph.In a well constructed process description,the topic sentence establishes the context of the process developed in succceeding sentences and paragraphs.Notice that in the following model essay the process of making a complaint is divided into three major steps.

Model Essay 26-1

How to Make a Complaint

Have you ever experienced the unpleasant situations of being a victimized consumer?I think most of you have.In self-defense,I have developed the following consumer's guide to complaining effectively.

The first step is getting organized.I save all sales slips and original boxes so that whenever I complain, I would know the dateof the purchase,the correct price,and the place where the item was purchased.Then I compose my letter of complaint.The next step is to send the complaint to the person who will get results quickly.Usually,I write directly to the president of a company and I always get prompt action.Finally,if I get no response to a written complaint within ten days,I follow through with a personal telephone call.

Therefore,my advice to you is to keep accurate records,and when you have to complain,go right to the top.It has always worked for me.

26.2 Analysis of the Model Essay(范文分析)

A more visual representation of the model essay process development would be like this:

1)Topic introducer:I have developed the following consumer's guide to complaining effectively.

2)Process steps:a.Keep accurate records

b.When complaining,go right to the top

c.following up with further action

3)Conclusion:Therefore,my advice to you is to……

26.3 Advice on How to Write a Process Essay

1)State your topic in a single clear sentence.

For instance,“Knowing how to prepare for an important exam can lead you to success”or “Growing your own vegetables is easier than you might think”。

2)First make a list of all the steps you are describing.

Take“How to Make a Complaint”for example:

write letter of complaint

follow through with a telephone call if no response

save sales slips and original boxes

send complaint letter directly to president

3)Then number your items in time order or logical order.

①save sales slips and original boxes

② write letter of complaint

③send complaint letter directly to president

④follow through with telephone call if no response

4)Group the item into a minimum of three steps.

For example,you might divide the process into①getting organized;②sending the complaint to president;③following up with further action.

5)Be sure to use transitions,such as,“first,next,also,then,after,now,during,and finally”so that your essay moves smoothly and clearly from one step in the process to the next.

Writing Assignment for Unit 26

Directions:Write a 3-paragraph essay on the topic “How to Prepare for an Important Exam”in no less than 100 words.

Remember to write clearly.

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