


本课您将学到:kill(杀人?)It's not that big of a deal!(没什么大不了!)


  上次说到青年人吸烟的两个主要原因,一个是peer pressure,另一个是advertisement.其实,还有一个原因也很重要,那就是家庭的影响。

  Macy comes home and finds her little brother Greg sitting in the kitchen looking guilty.

  Macy: Why does it reek of smoke in here?

  Greg: Er … I was cooking some eggs and …

  Macy: Don't lie(说谎) to me. You were smoking, weren't you?

  Greg: I just had a few puffs, and I didn't even like it.

  Macy: Good. Dad would kill you if you started smoking.

  Greg: Who do you think I got the cigarette from?


  Macy: But smoking is for adults(成年人).

  Greg: It's not that big of a deal! Everyone at school smokes.

  Macy: And if everyone at school decided to jump off a bridge(桥), would you join them?


  Greg: Well, what do you want me to do? My two best friends smoke, and when I don't join them, they laugh at me.

  Macy: I know all about peer pressure. It's just not worth it to give in.


  Greg: One day I'll be an adult, and you won't be able to tell me what to do.

  Macy: In the meantime, trust me on this one. Don't start something you may not be able to stop.



  Macy和Greg是姐弟俩,这天,姐姐回家发现弟弟正满脸羞愧地坐在厨房里,怎么会事?reek是不及物动词,与of连用表示“散发出浓烈气味(通常指不好的味道)”,如:He reeks of whisky.他满口散发出威士忌酒味。Greg则把厨房搞得“烟”熏火燎的(Why does it reek of smoke),还假装说自己是在煎蛋(I was cooking some eggs)。

  姐姐当场揭穿,他还不忘狡辩,不过抽了几口(a few puffs)而已嘛,再说我根本不喜欢那个味道。puff是可数名词,表示“(抽)一口烟”,如:The manager took a puff at his cigarette.经理抽了一口烟。我们吹出的一口气,也可以用这个词来表示,如:He blew out three candles with a single puff.他一口气吹灭了三根蜡烛。

  姐姐幸灾乐祸地说Good,老爸知道了一定会kill你!kill在这里当然不是“杀人”的意思,而是“对……发怒”的意思,口语中我们经常能听到这样的话:The boss will kill me if he finds out.老板知道了,会对我大发脾气的。弟弟有恃无恐,原因很简单:你以为我是从谁哪得到烟的?(Who do you think I got the cigarette from?)

  这下,姐姐没了尚方宝剑,只好拿年龄问题堵弟弟的嘴,抽烟是成年人的事(smoking is for adults),小孩子不能染指。可弟弟似乎认为Children and grown-ups should have equal rights.(儿童和大人应该享有同样的权利,grown-up也可以表示“成年人”),所以对姐姐的批评不以为然,那又怎么样!(It's not that big of a deal!)学校里每个人都抽烟。(Everyone at school smokes.)每个人都吸烟当然不可能,不过我们应该理解弟弟这种不服气的心情,当你觉得某件事没什么大不了的,也可以放胆说一声:It's not that big of a deal! 或者What's the big deal!

  A: I caught a fish twice that big last week.(上星期我钓到的鱼有那条的两倍大。)

  B: What's the big deal! I've caught a fish twice bigger than yours.(那算什么! 我还钓到过比你的大两倍的鱼呢!)

  弟弟自以为回答得很潇洒,没想到被姐姐抓住了把柄,反问他:如果学校里的人都去跳河,你也去吗?(if everyone at school decided to jump off a bridge, would you join them?)

  弟弟理亏词穷,口气软了下来:你到底想要我怎么样?(what do you want me to do?)我的两个好朋友都吸烟,如果我不干,他们会嘲笑(laugh at)我的。人们就是这样,往往因为别人和自己不同就互相嘲笑,就像“老友记”中的Phebo不就经常会有这样的遭遇嘛:They all laughed at her queer idea.(他们都嘲笑她的怪念头。)

  姐姐对这种peer pressure也深有体会,但我们不能因为这样就让步(give in)啊!根本不值得嘛!(It's not worth it.)当然,每个人价值观不同,所以对值得或不值得的看法也不相同,不过,我的许多同事在看过《英雄》这部电影时都是这样评价的:It's not worth it, you'd better rent a video instead.(没什么意思,还是租影碟吧。)所以,至今我也没去看这部电影。

  弟弟显然不赞同姐姐的看法,走着瞧,总有一天(One day),我成年了,你就再也不能对我指手画脚了。(you won't be able to tell me what to do.)姐姐并不放弃,因为在此期间(In the meantime,也可以说成meanwhile),也就是在你未成年之前,在这件事上你还得相信我,(trust me on this one)告诉你一个做人的原则就是:别做你控制不了的事。(也就是别染上你戒不掉的毛病。)

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