




  Ⅰ。Vocabulary and Structure (10 points,1 point for each item)


  1. He had a large ( )of facts to prove his statements.

  A. sum B. amount C. deal D. number

  2.( ) Japanese, she has to study another foreign language.

  A. Except B. Except for C. In addition to D. Beside

  3.It is not until about the time a child enters school ( ) outside forces contribute to feelings about the self.

  A. when B. which C. who D. that

  4.Scientists will have to come up ( ) new methods of increasing the world‘s food supply.

  A. to B. with C. against D. for

  5.It is impossible to solve ( ) in such a short time.

  A. so difficult a problem B. so difficult problem

  C. a so difficult problem D. so a difficult problem

  6.The decision( ),the next problem was how to make a good plan.

  A. having made B. having been made C. has been made D. having been making

  7.We take this opportunity of expressing our sincere ( ) of your help.

  A. competition B. attention C. concentration D. appreciation

  8.An assembly line makes it impossible for a worker to do anything ( ) work.

  A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. better than

  9.We must cut ( )our expenses ,or we‘ll run out of money.

  A. down B. off C. in D. out

  10. ( ) whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision.

  A. What is not yet known B. It is not yet known

  C. As is not yet known D. This is not yet known

  Ⅱ。Colze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)


  Five young engineers were working hard and trying 11 details of a plant site for a new client(客户)。

  Suddenly one of the young engineers gave what he thought was a good solution to the problem. 12 he had to say was greeted by a(n) 13 silence, for the same proposal had been made and 14 some minutes before.

  The incident seemed funny 15 .But later it didn‘t. After the project had been successfully finished, most of the engineers who had worked on it were promoted. But that young man was dismissed.

  What had happened? The young engineer swore that he had never heard the proposal 16.He was right. He was a 17 of a bad listening habit.

  Bad listening habits can hurt you a lot in your daily life. 18 your success is related to how you listen. A number of leading colleges have become very concerned 19 our bad listening habits. They have set up“listening clinics”and courses 20 what is wrong and what to do about it.

  11.A.to be settled B. to settle C. to have settled D. settling

  12.A.What B. Why C. Which D. That

  13.A.uncomfortable B. comfortable C. dissatisfied D. satisfied

  14.A.turned over B. turned off C. turned down D. turned on

  15.A.behind time B. in time C. at the same time D. at that time

  16.A.rejecting B. reject C. to have rejected D. rejected

  17.A.witness B. victim C. criminal D. prisoner

  18.A.Much of B. Many of C. Large sum of D. Large quantity of

  19.A.of B. for C. to D. about

  20.A.find out B. finding out C. to find out D. to be finding out

  Ⅲ。Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item)


  Passage One

  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

  In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry loud or giving speeches.

  In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing students for the doctor‘s degree.

  Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century.Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of examinees for a state examination, timed exactly by an electric clock and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.

  One type of test is sometimes called“objective”test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test, the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three other statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the material well enough.

  21.Which of the following statements is true about students in the Middle Ages?

  ( )

  A. They took objective tests.

  B. They specialized in one subject.

  C. They usually took spoken tests.

  D. They were timed by electrical clocks.

  22.The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that ( )

  A. workers now take examinations

  B. the population had grown rapidly

  C. there are only written exams today

  D. most examinations are now written and timed

  23.During a(n)( )test, students must select the correct answers from four choices.

  A. written B. spoken C. personal D. objective

  24.Modern industry must have developed( )

  A. shortly after the Middle Ages B. around the 19th century

  C. in Greece and Rome D. in the European universities

  25.It can be concluded from the passage that the examination( )

  A. should always be written in modern society

  B. should deal with facts not personal opinions

  C. has changed greatly since the Middle Ages

  D. has ever been given in factories

  Passage Two

  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

  Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column(专栏)。After she retired, she found a volunteer job with an agency. The agency that she chose to work for was a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she talked with other retired people like herself. By talking, she recognized two things. Old people had abilities that were not being used. Old people also had problems-mostly problems with communication.

  Mrs. Douglas found a new purpose for herself. Through the year, from time to time she had written stories about people for national magazines. Now there was a new subject: old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called:“Sixty Plus,”which focuses on getting old. She writes about the problems of old people, especially their problems with being misunderstood.

  Anna Douglas used her thinking ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands the reasons why problems begin. She understands old people and young people, too. For example, one of her readers said that his grandchildren left the house as soon as he come to visit. Mrs. Douglas suggested some ways for him to increase understanding with his grandchildren. She told him to listen to young people‘s music and to watch the most popular television shows.

  It‘s important to know something about your grandchildren’s world,“says Mrs. Douglas.”That means questioning and listening -and listening is not what old people do best.“She continues,”Say good things to them and about them. Never criticize(批评)your grandchildren or any other youngsters, teenagers, or young adults. Never tell them that they are wrong. Don‘t give them your opinion. They have been taught that they should have respect for old people. The old should have respect for the young as well.“

  26.Anna Douglas understands the problems of old people because( )

  A. she herself is old

  B. she likes their music

  C. she has grandchildren

  D. she watches their television programs

  27.Anna Douglas‘newspaper column( )

  A. contains mostly funny stories

  B. has some ideas for youngsters

  C. is about how to find jobs for old people

  D. discusses the problems of the aged

  28.What advice did Mrs. Douglas NOT give to the reader whose grandchildren didn‘t want to see him?( )

  A. Listen to pop music

  B. Watch more popular TV shows

  C. Tell more interesting stories

  D. Try to understand his grandchildren

  29.According to Mrs. Douglas, old people need to learn how to ( )

  A. work B. criticize C. listen D. complain

  30.According to the last paragraph, the main point of Mrs. Douglas‘advice is that old people( )

  A. have a lot to learn from the young

  B. should understand and respect the young

  C. had better improve their hearing not to misunderstand the young

  D. should show respect for the young even when criticizing them

  Passage Three

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

  “Culture consists of all shared products of human society”(Robertson ,1981)。This means not only such material things as cities, organizations and schools, but also non-material things such as ideas, customs, family patterns ,and languages. Putting it simply, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society ,“the ways of a people”。

  Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, the maintaining of culture would not be possible .On the other hand ,language is influenced and shaped by culture, and it reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises(包含)their historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.

  We should not go further into the relationship between language and culture. What needs to be stressed here is that the two interact(相互影响),and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other.

  Social scientists tell us that cultures differ from one another, that each culture is unique. As cultures are diverse, languages are diverse. It is only natural that with differences in cultures and differences in languages, difficulties often arise in communicating between cultures and across cultures. Understanding is not always easy.

  Learning a foreign language well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, grammar, words and idioms. It also means learning to see the world as native speakers of that language see it, learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behaviors of their society, learning to understand their“language of the mind”。 Learning a language, in fact, is inseparable(不可分割的)from learning its culture.

  31.According to the first paragraph, the term“culture.”refers to ( )。

  A. things like cities, organizations and schools

  B.ideas, customs, family patterns and languages

  C.all things manufactured by human race

  D.the total that constitutes a society

  32.The second paragraph tells us about ( )

  A. the role of language in culture

  B. the relationship between language and culture

  C.the influence of culture on language

  D.the representation of culture

  33.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to some social scientists?

  A. Language reflects culture

  B. Language shapes culture

  C. Language represents culture

  D. Language maintains culture

  34.The passage implies that there will be no difficulty in communication if people from different countries can ( )

  A. speak each other‘s languages

  B. master each other‘s languages and cultures

  C. tell the differences between languages and cultures

  D. communicate in the same languages

  35.This passage is probably taken from a book ( )

  A. on cultures

  B. on language learning

  C. on learning a language through culture

  D. on communication in different countries


  Ⅳ。Word Spelling (10 points,1 point for two items)


  36.起源;血统n.o 37.超级市场n.s

  38.仇恨n.h 39.潮汐;潮流n.t

  40.生物学n.b 41.空白的a.b

  42.获得;得到v.a 43.雄心;野心n.a

  44.登记;注册v.r 45.生动的a.v

  46.幸存;活下来v.s 47.部分地ad.p

  48.熟悉的a.f 49.收入n.i

  50.信用;信誉n.d 51.一夜之间ad.o

  52.形容;描写v.d 53.中心的,核心的a.c

  54.硬件n.h 55.较小的;少数的a.m

  Ⅴ。Word Form(10 points ,1 point for each item)


  56. I‘m sorry. I have kept you (wait)。

  57.Let me show you the room (use) as your language lab.

  58.It is required that Xiao Ling (arrive) at 8 o‘clock tomorrow morning.

  59.Most of us (study) English for more than six years before we entered the university.

  60.It means (stand) for hours in a queue because there are too few buses.

  61.Bill speaks French (badly) than he writes it.

  62.He talks as though he (know) all about it.

  63.The United States is a country (advance) in science and technology.

  64.He was fined. He should (stop) his car at the red light.

  65. (grad) Mary by the jaw, the attacker forced her into the garage.

  Ⅵ。Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points for each item)







  Ⅶ。 Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)


  In the U.S., you can feel free to visit in people‘s homes, share their holidays, and enjoy their lives without feeling obliged (有义务的) to continue a lifetime relationship. Do not hesitate therefore to accept invitations from Americans simply because you cannot invite them to your home in return. No one will expect you to do so. Americans will enjoy welcoming you and will be pleased if you accept their friendship easily.

  Visitors may notice that although Americans include them easily in their personal daily lives, they do not show visitors a great amount of special courtesy(热情)if doing so requires much time. This is frequently the opposite of what occurs in some countries, where people are especially generous in giving their time to visitors, but do not necessarily welcome them as guests in their homes. In some places, hosts will spend much time acting as a guide-all evidence of great generosity(慷慨;大方)。Yet they may never invite the guest to meet their families or join their family life. It is important to note that in both cases the feeling is equally warm and friendly; only the way of expressing courtesies if different.

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 2003年1月全国高等教育自学考试英语(二)试题




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