



  Listening Comprehension

  In this text, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand spoken English, It is in three parts and there are special directions for each part.

  Part A (20%)

  Directions: In this part of the text, you will hear a series of questions or remarks. They will be spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. For each situation four responses are given. Read them and choose the one which you think is the most appropriate. On the answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.

  1.A.It‘s fine today.

  B.It‘s ten past three.

  C.It‘s Monday.

  D.No, it isn‘t

  2.A.Ye, it is

  B.No, there isn‘t.

  C.Yes, it will.

  D.No, it won‘t

  3.A.Do you? So do I.

  B.Here you are

  C.Neither do I

  D.That‘s all right.

  4.A.Oh dear! That‘s awful!

  B.I‘m afraid I can’t.

  C.That‘s very kind of you

  D.Thank you very much.

  5.A.No, I haven‘t got a phone.

  B.Help yourself.

  C.Gee, that‘s great!

  D.Oh, that‘s all right.

  6.A.It‘s a terrible disease.

  B.Yes, of course.

  C.So do I.

  D.Neither do I.

  7.A.No, I‘m not doing anything right now.

  B.I‘m afraid I can’t make it.

  C.Really? that‘s terrible!

  D.No, I don‘t like it.

  8.A.Well, it depends.

  B.Yes, that‘s wonderful idea.

  C.I‘m sorry, but I do.

  D.No, I don‘t like it.

  9.A.That would be nice.

  B.No, I don‘t like it.

  C.Yes, certainly.

  D.Oh, that‘s very kind of you

  10.A.Yes, that‘s true.

  B.I‘m sorry to hear that.

  C.Yes, that‘s marvelous idea.

  D.No, thanks. I can manage.

  Part B (40%)

  Directions: In part B, you will hear 20 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said, You will only hear the question once. When you have heard the question, Read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark you choice of answer.

  11.A.In a restaurant.

  B.In a bank.

  C.At a library

  D.At a garage.

  12.A.Have a quick meal in 5 minutes

  B.Get a quick meal after the show.

  C.Get a quick meal for the two of them

  D.Have a quick meal before the show.

  13.A.She likes Jane‘s hairstyle.

  B.She thinks it makes a nice change.

  C.She think she should change hers.

  D.She doesn‘t like Jane’s hairstyle.

  14.A.He smokes a pipe.

  B.He‘s a plumber.

  C.He paints watercolors.

  D.He‘s a boat builder.

  15.A.A restaurant she likes.

  B.A trip she takes frequently.

  C.A trip she has already taken.

  D.A famous place in Beijing

  16.A.A visitor has borrowed it.

  B.She had given it to her guide.

  C.A friend took it to China.

  D.Peter gave it back to his friend.

  17.A.Show the man her pictures of New York.

  B.Talk about her trip to New York.

  C.Tak some pictures of New York.

  D.Visit some skyscrapers in New York.





  19.A.At a coffee shop.

  B.At a restaurant.

  C.In a train.

  D.On a plane.

  20.A.Asking for directions.

  B.Giving directions.

  C.Making a request.

  D.Offering help.

  21.A.She is expressing concern.

  B.She is asking for help.

  C.She is expressing approval.

  D.She is giving information.

  22.A.The meals were good but not the rooms.

  B.The rooms were good but not the meals.

  C.The rooms and the meals were good.

  D.The meals and the rooms were terrible.





  24.A.Hotter and drier.

  B.Warm and rainy.

  C.Cool and rainy.

  D.Cooler and drier.

  25.A.Susan is coming with her friends.

  B.He has some friends coming from Beiwai

  C.He thinks Susan cannot come.

  D.Susan has invited him.

  26.A.Teacher and student.

  B.Doctor and nurse.

  C.Customer and saleswoman.

  D.Husband and wife.

  27.A.Call a taxi.

  B.Catch a bus.

  C.Find the timetable.

  D.Have their car repaired.

  28.A.Asking for advice.

  B.Giving advice.

  C.Making a request.

  D.Asking for permission.

  29.A.At 5:20.

  B.At 5:30.

  C.At 5:40.

  D.At 5:50.

  30.A.At this time the traffic is bad everywhere.

  B.The traffic gets worse after 11.

  C.It would have been faster from 8-10.

  D.The freeway is better at this time.

  Part C (40%)

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a short talk and a conversation. After the talk and the conversation, you will be asked some questions. The talk, the conversation and the questions will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of question and mark your choice of answer.






  32.A.Green leafy vegetables.

  B.yellow fruits.

  C.Fish oils.


  33.A.About 2,6000.

  B.Exactly 26,00.

  C.About 26,000.

  D.Exactly 26,000.

  34.A.Because they lacked treatment.

  B.Because they lacked medicine.

  C.Because they lacked doctors.

  D.Because they lacked vitamin A.










  37.A.9th June, 1999

  B.19th June, 1999.

  C.9th July, 1999

  D.19th July, 1999.

  38.A.Occupation. .



  D.Marital status.

  39.A.Passport number.

  B.Duration of stay.


  D.Christian name.

  40.A.Room 8406

  B.Room 8504.

  C.Room 8426.

  D.Room 8506.



  Listening Comprehension

  In this text, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand spoken English. It is in three parts and there are special directions for each part.

  Part A (20%)

  Directions: In this part of the text, you will hear a series of questions or remarks. They will be spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. For each situation four responses are given. Read them and choose the one which you think is the most appropriate. On the answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.

  1. A.Yes, It‘s fine today.

  B.Today would be all right.

  C.Many happy returns!

  D.I‘m staying at home.

  2. A.How is Mrs White going?

  B.That‘s fine, isn’t it?

  C.Yes, she‘s very well, thank you

  D.I hope she‘ll be well again soon.

  3. A.Don‘t mention it.

  B.I‘m sorry, but I do.

  C.No, I don‘t smoke.

  D.No, thanks.

  4. A.Do you? But I don‘t.

  B.I‘m sorry, but I do.

  C.Yes, of course. Here you are.

  D.I‘d better have it repaired immediately.

  5. A.Let me get you something to drink.

  B.That‘s very kind of you to say so.

  C.I‘m got sure I quite agree.

  D.Yes, that would be fine.

  6. A.No, I haven‘t.

  B.Yes, I have.

  C.No trouble at all.

  D.Yes, I wish I had seen it.

  7. A.I‘m afraid so.

  B.Do you? I thought you did.

  C.I‘m afraid I can’t.

  D.Oh, I‘m sorry to hear that.

  8. A.No, I haven‘t seen your sister.

  B.Yes, I‘ve seen your sister.

  C.O.K.I‘ll do that.

  D.That‘s all right.

  9. A.I don‘t think I need it right now.

  B.I‘m glad you like it.

  C.No, thanks. I can manage.

  D.What do I really need right now?

  10.A.What a pity!

  B.Yes, I think you will.

  C.No, it‘s not your idea.

  D.Let‘s go somewhere else, shall we?

  Part B (40%)

  Directions: In part B, you will hear 20 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. You will only hear the question once. When you have heard the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.

  11.A.He is giving directions.

  B.He is asking for information.

  C.He is greeting the woman.

  D.He is complaining.

  12.A.Buy some coffee.

  B.Do some work.

  C.Go to the store.

  D.Get some milk.

  13.A.He likes the new opera house.

  B.He doesn‘t think much of the new opera house.

  C.He thinks the new opera house is the most attractive building he‘s seen.

  D.He‘s never seen a more attractive building than the new opera house.





  15.A.She accepts the man‘s suggestion.

  B.She rejects the man‘s suggestion.

  C.She does not like beer.

  D.She wants to drink wine.

  16.A.120 yuan.

  B.200 yuan.

  C.210 yuan.

  D.240 yuan.

  17.A.In a department store.

  B.In the theatre.

  C.At the bank.

  D.At the bus station.

  18.A.Giving opinions.

  B.Making a suggestion.

  C.Asking for opinions.

  D.Offering help.

  19.A.Make the coffee.

  B.Pass the dishes to the woman.

  C.Give the woman some ham.

  D.Help wash the dishes.

  20.A.On a plane.

  B.On the phone.

  C.In a hospital.

  D.In a store.

  21.A.He‘s in love with the woman.

  B.She‘s just recovered from her illness.

  C.It‘s the woman’s birthday.

  D.She‘s just got a promotion.

  22.A.In a library.

  B.In a restaurant.

  C.In a supermarket.

  D.In a bookstore.

  23.A.They are watching TV.

  B.They are looking for a lost article.

  C.They are shopping.

  D.They are eating.

  24.A.She is not going to the railway station.

  B.She is not familiar with the area.

  C.She is not interested.

  D.She is not ready yet.

  25.A.See the doctor at once.

  B.Go to bed immediately.

  C.Take some aspirin.

  D.Drink plenty of water.

  26.A.She is giving directions.

  B.She is asking for directions.

  C.She is giving instructions.

  D.She is asking for instructions.

  27.A.She has just given him some information.

  B.She has just thanked him.

  C.She has just returned home.

  D.She has just finished her work.

  28.A.She is making a complaint.

  B.She is paying a compliment.

  C.She is telling a joke.

  D.She is offering congratulations.

  29.A.The lady helped him recently.

  B.He helped the lady recently.

  C.The lady is always helpful.

  D.He wants to help her again.

  30.A.Go to the disco.

  B.Attend a lecture.

  C.Stay at home.

  D.Visit her mother.

  Part C (40%)

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a short talk and a conversation. After the talk and the conversation, you will be asked some questions. The talk, the conversation and the questions will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.


  31.A.Neighborhood grocery stores.



  D.Grocery management.

  32.A.As often as they can.

  B.Once in a week.

  C.Twice in a month

  D.Once or twice in a week.





  34.A.Because he often travels on business.

  B.Because there are too many customers.

  C.Because he has so many duties and responsibilities.

  D.Because he has more than one store.

  35.A.Opening the doors.

  B.Checking the goods in the store.

  C.Giving instructions to the employees.

  D.Opening the safe and counting the cash.


  36.A.He went to China.

  B.He studied Chinese.

  C.He worked.

  D.He saved a lot of money.

  37.A.She worked.

  B.She traveled to Europe.

  C.She studied Chinese.

  D.She stayed at home.

  38.A.It is easy.

  B.It is difficult.

  C.It seems difficult at first, but after a while it starts to get easier.

  D.It seems easy at first, but after a while it starts to get more and more difficult.

  39.A.He is going to Europe.

  B.He is going to work.

  C.He is going to China.

  D.He is going to study Chinese.

  40.A.She is going to Europe.

  B.She is going to study Chinese.

  C.She is going to work.

  D.She is going to finish her summer school class.



  Listening Comprehension

  In this text, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand spoken English. It is in three parts and there are special directions for each part.

  Part A (20%)

  Directions: In this part of the text, you will hear a series of questions or remarks. They will be spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. For each situation four responses are given. Read them and choose the one which you think is the most appropriate. On the answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.

  1.A.Yes, of course.

  B.Not at all.

  C.Thank you.

  D.Here you are.

  2.A.No trouble at all.

  B.Don‘t mention it .

  C.Pleased to meet you. I‘m Li Hong

  D.I‘ll get it myself. Thank you all the same.

  3.A.No, I‘m not going on holiday right now.

  B.I don‘t want to borrow your camera.

  C.Your camera? It‘s over there.

  D.I‘d like to say yes, but I’m using it myself.

  4.A.I‘m afraid I don’t like it.

  B.I couldn‘t agree more.

  C.It ‘s not my fault at all.

  D.That‘s all right.

  5.A.Keep the change, please.

  B.Let me lend you some.

  C.Sorry, I haven‘t got one.

  D.It‘s good to save some money.

  6.A.That‘s fine.

  B.Don‘t mention it.

  C.I said I was married.

  D.It‘s a pity, isn’t it?

  7.A.I‘m afraid I don’t

  B.So do I.

  C.Neither do I.

  D.Oh, did you?

  8.A.Thank you.


  C.You‘re welcome.

  D.No trouble at all.

  9.A.That‘s right.

  B.Certainly, here you are.

  C.I‘ve no idea.

  D.It‘s a pleasure.

  10.A.I wish I had passed the exam.

  B.Difficult to say, but I think I‘d have cried.

  C.How awful!

  D.I‘m sorry to hear that.

  Part B (40%)

  Directions: In part B, you will hear 20 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. You will only hear the question once. When you have heard the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.

  11.A.Watching television.

  B.Discussing a news article.

  C.Considering a trip to the lake.

  D.Talking about the weather.

  12.A.He is offering help.

  B.He is teasing.

  C.He is remembering.

  D.He is reminding.

  13.A.Change her clothes.

  B.Drive her car.

  C.Have a meal.

  D.Type a document.

  14.A.Make the coffee.

  B.Pass the dishes to the woman.

  C.Give the woman some ham.

  D.Help wash the dishes.

  15.A.Giving opinions.

  B.Making a suggestion.

  C.Asking for opinions.

  D.Offering help.

  16.A.On a plane.

  B.On the phone.

  C.In a hospital.

  D.In a store.

  17.A.He‘s in love with the woman.

  B.She‘s just recovered from her illness.

  C.It‘s the woman’s birthday.

  D.She‘s just got a promotion.

  18.A.Teacher and student.

  B.Customer and shop assistant.

  C.Patient and doctor.

  D.Husband and wife.

  19.A.Help make the coffee.

  B.Pass the coffee to the woman.

  C.Give the woman some ham.

  D.Help wash the dishes.

  20.A.Early autumn.

  B.Late autumn.

  C.Early winter.

  D.Late winter.

  21.A.He can feel the crowd around him.

  B.He can follow the matches better.

  C.There‘s a great deal of tennis on television.

  D.Tennis is widely reported on television.

  22.A.At a track meet.

  B.In a school gymnasium.

  C.In a gun shop.

  D.At a bookstore.

  23.A.She feels unable to express an opinion about what‘s happened to George.

  B.She isn‘t speaking to George.

  C.George is always late for appointments.

  D.She finds it difficult to tolerate George‘s behaviour.

  24.A.In a theatre.

  B.In a library.

  C.In a bank.

  D.In a bookstore.

  25.A.He does not agree with the woman.

  B.He agrees with the woman.

  C.He doesn‘t think it is very hot.

  D.He thinks summer will be over soon.

  26.A.Make some coffee.

  B.Buy him a cold drink.

  C.Make some tea.

  D.Bring him an icecream.

  27.A.She should call the taxi herself.

  B.He‘ll drive her to the airport.

  C.He‘s going there too.

  D.She should go by bus.

  28.A.Write to the weatherman.

  B.Tune in to another station.

  C.Turn on the volume.

  D.Switch off the radio.

  29.A.4 hours.

  B.7 hours.

  C.8 hours.

  D.9 hours.

  30.A.He thought it was cheap.

  B.He thought it was too expensive.

  C.He thought it was beautiful.

  D.He thought it was too big.

  Part C (40%)

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a short talk and a conversation. After the talk and the conversation, you will be asked some questions. The talk, the conversation and the questions will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your choice of answer.


  31.A.Study and work……

  B.Sleep and work.

  C.Sports and exercises.

  D.Sleep and dreams.

  32.A. Sleep and dreams have a strong effect on the way people feel.

  B.Sleep and dreams hardly affect the way people feel.

  C.A good rest at night makes a person less sleepy.

  D.Sleep well if you want to do your work well.

  33.A.What happens in a dream is more important.

  B.Both who appears and what happens are important.

  C.Who appears in a dream is more important.

  D.Neither who appears nor what happens is important.

  34.A.If he has enough sleep at night.

  B.If he dreams of what he does during the day.

  C.If he sees something interesting in his dream.

  D.If the special character appears in his dream.

  35.A.They hope to be able to control sleep.

  B.They hope to be able to make people dream at night.

  C.They hope to be able to understand people‘s behaviour.

  D.They hope to be able to affect the way people think.






  37.A.A waitress

  B.An usherette.

  C.A receptionist.

  D.A barmaid.



  C.Not more than three

  D.More than two.

  39.A.The one near the dance floor.

  B.The one by the door.

  C.The one close to the bar.

  D.One in the little back room.

  40.A.Two days before.

  B.More than a week ago.

  C.Three days in advance.

  D.Thursday of last week.

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