


  1. His employers could not complain about his work because he was ______ in the performance of his duties.
  A. derelict B. penetrating C. diversified D. assiduous.
  employer 雇主,老板
  employee 雇员
  assiduous 勤奋的
  insidious 阴险的,狡诈的
  derelict 遗弃物
  relics 遗骨
  relict 残余物
  penetrate 穿透
  permeate 渗透
  diffuse 弥漫
  diversify 使不同
  2. I met a remarkable man who had been traveling the world over in search of ___ and romance.
  A. adventure B. novels C. literature D. jeopardy
  adventure 探险
  prevent 阻止,妨碍
  event 事件
  case 案例
  case study 案例研究
  affair (国际,爱情)事件, affairs (商业)事件
  accident 突发事故
  incident (一般性)事件
  novel n.小说 a.革新的,新颖的
  novelist 小说家
  novelette 微型小说
  cigarette 香烟
  literature 文化,文学(作品)
  literal 照字面上的,逐字逐句的
  illiterate 文盲
  jeopard 危及
  jeopardy n.危险,数罪不能并罚
  3. The person who_____this type of reform deserves our praise.
  A. generated B. estimated C. originated D. manufactured
  manufacture 制造
  manage 管理
  menace 威胁
  mandate 命令,要求
  manacle 手铐
  manoeuvre 操纵控制
  stamen 雄蕊
  mango 芒果
  4. He always does something casually. So casually is a ______ in his character.
  A. proficiency B. defect C. virtue D. appendix
  deficient 缺乏的
  proficient 精通
  efficient 有效的
  sufficient 足够的
  defect 缺点
  perfect 完美,完善
  affect 影响,侵袭
  effect 效应,后果
  virtue 优点,美德
  virus 病毒
  virose 有毒的
  virgin 处女
  Virgo 处女星座
  appendix 附录,附属物
  5. He ______ certain passages from the original book in the new edition.
  A. concluded B. included C. excluded D. secluded
  conclude 结论,结束
  include 包括
  exclude 排除
  seclude 隔离

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