


  Shall I tell him you called?我告诉他你来过电话,好吗?
  I'll be here when he calls back. Much appreciated.他打电话时我会在这,太感谢你了!
  That's fine. I'll await his return call.很好。我会等他的来电。
  Barker's Service Station.这里是巴克尔维修站。
  I need your help badly. My car can't start. Can you send somebody over?我急需你们的帮助。我的车启动不了,能派人来修吗?
  We can have somebody come by, but it won't be right away.我们可以派人去,但现在不行。
  What time can you send one over?那你们什么时候能派人来呢?
  Oh, let's see. It'll be about 3:30 before we have anybody free.哦,让我想想。大概要到3:30我们才有空。
  Can it be earlier than that?能早点吗?
  I doubt it, sir. We'll try, but I can't promise anybody before 3:30.我没把握,先生。我们会尽早的,但我不敢许诺3:30以前行。
  If I had it towed over there, could you work on it right away?如果把车拖到你们那里,能马上修吗?
  Sure, if you had it towed here to the garage, we could get right on it.当然能。您把车拖过来的话,我们马上就修。
  Can you send your tow truck over here?你们能派辆拖车来吗?
  No. I'm sorry, but we can't send out our tow truck to get you.不能,真对不起,我们不能派拖车来。
  Why not?为什么不能?
  Our tow truck's being repaired.我们的拖车正在修理呢。
  That's too bad. Bye.太糟了。再见。
  Will you help me?可以帮助我吗?
  Please help me to get things straight.请帮助我把事情搞好。
  Will you be so kind as to help me out of the difficulty?帮助我克服困难,好吗?
  I don't know how to solve the problem. Will you help me out?我不知道该怎么解决这个问题。你能帮我吗?
  Will you come over to help me with the tough job?您能否来帮助我做这项艰苦的工作?
  Can you assist me in this matter?这件事您能帮助我吗?
  I'm in great need of your assistance.我特别需要您的帮助。
  I'm calling for your assistance.我打电话是要您帮助我。
  My name is Wang Feng and I'm calling to cancel plane ticket.我叫王峰,我想取消我预定的飞机票。
  When was your reservation?您预定的是什么时候?
  It's 5:00 p.m. today.今天下午5点整。
  Would you like me to reschedule you for another time?要不要我再另外为你安排别的时间?
  No. Thank you.不用了,谢谢。
  Beijing Hotel.北京饭店。
  Hello, my name is Li Ming and we have a reservation for party tonight.喂,您好。我叫李明,我们在你们这预定了今晚聚会。
  Yes, what can I do for you?是的,我能为您效劳吗?
  I need to cancel that. We have had a last minute change of plans.我要取消预约,我们临时改变计划了。
  I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night?我明白了。要不要另外为你安排别的晚上。
  OK, we have let you know as early as possible.好的,我们会让你们尽早知道。
  By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation?顺便问一下,我们取消后可拿回定金吗?
  Thank you very much.谢谢你。

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