


(发布时间: 2008-7-21 14:48:00 来自:环球网校)海关业务英语

1.Consignee(Name and address) 收货人(名称或地址)
2.Contract NO. 合同?shy;议号
3.Currency of settle ment 结算货币名称(币制)
4.Country of origin of goods 商品?shy;产国
5.Consignor 发化人
6.description of goods 商品名称
7.deposit 押金,保证金
8.duty -paying value 完税价格
9.duty -free price 免税价格
10.duty suspension 暂缓纳税

11.duty paid proof 完税凭证
12.duty paid certificate 收税单
13.dumping duty 倾销税(为反对倾销而征的税)
14.Documents against payment at sight(D/P sight) 即期付款交单
15.detail freight list 货物明细单
16.destination 目的地(港)
17.dispatch note 发运单
18.delivery terms 交货条款
19.delivery port 交货口岸(港)
20.delivery order 交货单,出货单

21.delivery date 交货期(日期)
22.delivery and customs agent 提货
23.Delivered Duty Paid(DDP) 完税交货
24.declare goods 申报货物
25.declare at the Customs 报关
26.declaration formalities(customs formalities) 报关手续
27.Declaration for the Exit of Transit cargo 过境地货物出境报关单
28.Declaration for Entry of Transit cargo 过境地货物入境报关单
29.debenture(customs drawback certifica) 海关(退税)凭单
30.damage seals affixed by th Customs 损坏海关封志

31.dead -weight 船舶载重量
32. documents against payment 付款交单
33.extensive search 重点检查
34.entry for dutiable goods 应纳税商品进口报关单
35.entry for free goods 免税货物进口报关单
36.enter in to 与……订约,开始
38.entry 报关手续,报单,进入,入口
39.forge 伪造
40.Foreign Trade Zone 对外贸易区

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