


Article 18 Commercial Invoice
第十八条 商业发票
a. A commercial invoice:
a. 商业发票:
i. must appear to have been issued by the beneficiary (except as provided in article 38);
i. 必须在表面上看来系由受益人出具(第三十八条另有规定者除外);
ii. must be made out in the name of the applicant (except as provided in sub-article 38 (g));
ii. 必须做成以申请人的名称为抬头(第三十八条(g)款另有规定者除外)
iii. must be made out in the same currency as the credit; and
iii. 必须将发票币别作成与信用证相同币种。
iv. need not be signed.
iv. 无须签字。
b. A nominated bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, or the issuing bank may accept a commercial
invoice issued for an amount in excess of the amount permitted by the credit, and its decision will be binding upon
all parties, provided the bank in question has not honoured or negotiated for an amount in excess of that permitted by the credit.
b. 按照指定行事的被指定银行、保兑行(如有)或开证行可以接受金额超过信用证所允许金额的商业发票,倘若有关银行已兑付或已议付的
c. The description of the goods, services or performance in a commercial invoice must correspond with that appearing in the credit.
c. 商业发票中货物、服务或行为的描述必须与信用证中显示的内容相符。

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