



  例:Would you like __________ pears, please?[吉林]

  A. any B. some C .much D. little


  二、多向思维,分析"陷阱" .


  说,要注意克服思维上存在着习惯、单一 、片面、混乱的缺陷。

  例:The radio is too noisy. Would you please turn it ____a little? [辽宁]

  A .on B. off C. up D. down

  (析):学生们一看此题很高兴,马上想到了有关turn 的短语,向导前边说声音大,那肯定是关上了,于是就选了C,关上,而忽略了句末有a little一词,故不可选用off,而应选down,指把音量"关小一点 ",而不是 “关掉一点”,故答案是D.



  例:She is a good student, she study ____,but the problem is hard, she ______ work it out by herself. (江西)

  A. hardly, hard B. hard ,hard C. hardly, hardly D. hard, hardly.

  (析):有的学生只知道hard是形容词,误认为hardly是它的副词形式就选C,而忽略了hard 既是形容词也是副词,而hardly的意思是“几乎不”的意思,再依据句意,所以选择D.


  鱼目混珠的"陷阱题",大多数是以选择题的形式出现,因此,对基本知识点, 要彻底搞懂 了为止,这样才会分清选择题目中的鱼目及珍珠,避免出错。

  例:--The newspaper said that the famous singer would come here this evening.

  ---Yes. It is really ______ that he didn’t .

  A. wrong B. sorry C. strange surprised

  (析):乍一看题目,学生很容易想到“很抱歉,他没来。”但是主语是it,指他要来这件事,而不是sb,故排除;如用surprised, 主语也应是sb, wrong 不符合句意,故选C.指他没来这件事情。



  例:_______will be the population of China in the year 2010?(陕西)

  A. What B. How many

  C. How much D. Which

  (析): 同学们很容易想到“多少”应用How many, How much提问,而人是可数名词,所以选B.这样就正中了圈套,通常情况下我们对可数名词提问用How many没问题,但是要依据特殊用法,语境来做答,应用What,故正确答案为A.



  1)要避免重复使用比较级。 (错) He is more cleverer than his brother. (对) He is more clever than his brother. (对) He is clever than his brother.

  2)要避免将主语含在比较对象中。 (错) China is larger that any country in Asia. (对) China is larger than any other countries in Asia.

  3)要注意对应句型,遵循前后一致的原则。 The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing. It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out.

  4)要注意冠词的使用,后有名词的时候,前面才有可能有名词。 比较:Which is large, Canada or Australia? Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia? She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of the two sisters.


  1.I have to speak to my gramdma loudly because there's ____________ with her ears.

  A.something wrong B. nothing wrong C. anything D. wrong something

  分析: 修饰something, anything, nothing等复合不定代词的定语后置。此题选A。

  2.They have built a bridge __________ long.

  A.a hundred meters B. one-hundred-metre C. one-hundred-metres D. hundred metres

  分析: 形容词作定语时,位置要放在所修饰的名词前面,但当它带有表示量度的词或词组时,定语后置,因此选A。 若量度词组变成合成语时,作定语用,则放在名词前。

  3.The climate of Kunming in summer is not so hot as _____________.

  A. Shanghai B. of Shanghai C. in Shanghai D. that of Shanghai

  分析: 此题考查的是比较成分的协调一致性,这里参加比较的事物是the climate of Kunming 和 that (the climate) of Shanghai,因此答案为D。

  4.This is _____interesting book.

  A.a B. an C. the D./

  分析: interesting以元音[!]开头,所以冠词用an,此题选B。

  5.____________ all like travelling.

  A.Young B. A young C. The young D.Youngs

  分析: 有些形容词可以和定冠词连用,表示一类人或事物。这时,它相当于一个名词,可以作主语或宾语。 表示一类人时,看作复数。 例如: the young 年轻人 the sick 病人 the deaf 聋子 the blind 盲人 the aged 老人 the smooth 顺事 the impossible 不可能的事

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