



  (1) The day is bright and __________. Let's go for a walk.

    A. sunny   B. dark   C. cloudy   D. windy

  (2) Jane _________ a new dress every mouth when she was in Shanghai.

    A. buys   B. is buying   C. bought   D. will buy

   (3) —I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.

    — _________.

    A. So have I   B. So do I   C. I have so   D. I do so

  (4) It's clear that fish cannot live __________ water.

    A. with   B. without   C. in   D. under

  (5) Everyone except Tom and John __________ there when the meeting began.

    A. is   B. was   C. are   D. were

  (6) The flowers start to ___________ in spring.

    A. come in   B. come out   C. come from   D. come to   (7) Excuse me. May I you to pass me ___________ the sugar?

    A. keep   B. make   C. let   D. trouble

  (8) The ice in the lake is about one meter ___________. It's strong enough to skate on.

    A. long   B. high   C. thick   D. wide

  (9) We have lived here __________ five years ago.

    A. when   B. since   C. before   D. after

  (10) What's your __________ for being late again?

    A. idea   B. key   C. excuse   D. news

  (11 ) There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but __________ of them is useful to

    A. both   B. all   C. neither   D. none

  (12) Don't go out. It's raining __________.

    A. quickly   B. heavily   C. loudly   D. hardly

  (13) We often see the sign ___________.

    A. in the museum      B. in the cinema

    C. in the school      D. in the park

  (14) He asked me if I knew whose pen __________.

    A. was it   B. it is   C. it was   D. is it

Key: (1) — (5) ACBBB (6) — (10) BDCBC (11) — (14) DBAC

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