

1. Barking up the wrong tree (打错了算盘/一误再误): He's been looking for a job as a chef, but he's been barking up the wrong tree - he should try to look for a job as a waiter. 

2. Out of sight, out of mind (眼不见,心不烦): I haven't heard from him in weeks. It's out of sight, out of mind for him. 

3. Cut to the chase (坦白相告/直截了当): Let's cut to the chase - do you want to go on a date with me or not?

4. Hit the nail on the head (一语中的/如出一辙): You've hit the nail on the head - that's exactly what I wanted to say!

5. Catch 22 (难以解决/入非非): My boss said I need experience to get the job, but I can't get the experience without the job - it's a catch 22.

6. Close but no cigar (想得美/差一点就成功了): He almost answered all the questions correctly - close, but no cigar. 

7. Piece of cake (小菜一碟/容易极了): Doing the puzzle was a piece of cake - it only took me a few minutes. 

8. When it rains, it pours (一路顺风/运气全无): First my car broke down and then I got laid off - when it rains, it pours. 

9. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth (惊喜不可言/不可思议): He offered to buy me lunch for free - I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. 

10. Speak of the devil (说曹操曹操就到): I was just talking about you and then you showed up! Speak of the devil!

11. Easy does it (慢慢来/不要急): Take your time - easy does it. 

12. Face the music (面对现实/负责任): You've made a mistake - now you have to face the music. 

13. Break a leg (一触即发/好运来临): Good luck on your performance! Break a leg! 

14. Kill two birds with one stone (一石二鸟/一举两得): By shopping and exercising at the same time, I can kill two birds with one stone.

15. As easy as pie (非常容易/简单易做): Making this dish is as easy as pie - it only takes a few ingredients. 

16. Fish out of water (不适应/摸不着头脑): She always feels like a fish out of water when she visits her family in the countryside. 

17. Stick out like a sore thumb (非常明显/一目了然): She stuck out like a sore thumb among all the other guests at the party - she was the only one wearing a fancy dress. 

18. The best of both worlds (最佳选择/既得利益): By taking the train to the beach and driving back, I get the best of both worlds - I get to see the scenery and don't have to worry about parking.

19. Play it by ear (即兴演出/随机应变): We don't have a plan for today, so let's just play it by ear and see what happens. 

20. Back to square one (从头开始/重头再来): We've gone through all the possible solutions and nothing's worked - looks like we're back to square one.

21. The last straw (最后一招/完全绝望): Losing his job was the last straw - he felt like he had no reason to keep going. 

22. Turn a blind eye (熟视无睹/视而不见): His parents turned a blind eye to his bad behavior, but his teacher wasn't so understanding. 

23. Turn the tables (180度大转弯/彻底改变): By doing some extra research, he was able to turn the tables and prove his theory correct. 

24. Up in arms (处于愤怒的地步/大发雷霆): The citizens were up in arms when the government tried to raise taxes. 

25. Seeing is believing (百闻不如一见/眼见为实): I can't believe it until I see it - seeing is believing! 

26. Make a mountain out of a molehill (小题大做/大惊小怪): Don't worry about it - you're making a mountain out of a molehill. 

27. Burn the midnight oil (开夜车/开夜车): He stayed up all night studying for the exam - he was burning the midnight oil. 

28. On the same page (心有灵犀): We need to make sure we're on the same page before we move forward with this project.

29. Under the weather (身体不适/身不由己): I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I need to take the day off. 

30. Ride shotgun (副驾驶/作为副手): I'll ride shotgun and you can drive - I don't know the way.

31. Jumping on the bandwagon (跟风/追捧): Everyone's jumping on the bandwagon and getting the new phone - should I get one too? 

32. Dead ringer (长得一模一样/如出一辙): She's my dead ringer - she looks just like me! 

33. Prevention is better than cure (预防胜于治疗): He was worried about something, but he wanted to remember - prevention is better than cure - it was still better to take precautions ahead of time.

34. Blood is thicker than water (血浓于水): He was arguing with his family, but he reminded himself - blood is thicker than water - family was always the priority.

35. See the glass half full (总是要乐观): He was feeling down, but he wanted to remember - see the glass half full - to try to look on the bright side.

36. Beauty is only skin deep (美丽不及深情): She liked someone for their looks, but she wanted to remember - beauty is only skin deep - it was more important to appreciate the person for who they were.

37. . Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (己所不欲勿施于人): He had made a decision, but he wanted to remember - do unto others as you would have them do unto you - it was great to have others act in a similar way towards you

38. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst (做最坏的准备,也做最好的期望): He wanted to make sure he was prepared, but he wanted to remember - hope for the best, but prepare for the worst - it was important to have a plan for any possible outcome

39. You can't have your cake and eat it too (不能两全其美): He was trying to have it all, but he wanted to remember - you can't have your cake and eat it too - it was important to choose between different options.

40. Look at the big picture (全局观): He was focusing on the details, but he wanted to remember - look at the big picture - it was important to take account of the larger context when making decisions.

41. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (预防胜于治疗): He was about to take a risk, but he wanted to remember - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - it was better to take preventative measures to avoid potential problems.

42. Easy does it (慢慢来/不要急): Take your time - easy does it. 

43. n Face the music (面对现实/负责任)

44. Touch and go (危险的/冒险的): The situation was touch and go, but eventually everything worked out. 

45. Keep your chin up (不要灰心/保持乐观): I know you're feeling down, but keep your chin up - things will get better soon. 

46. Let sleeping dogs lie (知难而退/不如安分知足): Don't bring up that issue - it's better to let sleeping dogs lie. 

47. Out of the frying pan and into the fire (一动不如一静/变着法子解决问题): He thought he could solve his problems by moving, but it ended up being out of the frying pan and into the fire. 

48. Put your money where your mouth is (言必行/说到做到): If you really believe in this cause, then put your money where your mouth is and donate. 

49. Take with a grain of salt (采取谨慎态度/慎重处理): Don't take what he said too seriously - take it with a grain of salt. 

50. Two's company, three's a crowd (人多不宜/三个臭皮匠): You can come over for dinner tonight, but two's company, three's a crowd - no more than two people.

51. Up in arms (激怒/愤慨): The residents were up in arms when they discovered the government was planning to build a highway close to their homes. 

52. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs (实现伟大目标需要付出代价): He explained that you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs - change would require some sacrifice. 

53. All's fair in love and war (爱情与战争不择手段): She was willing to do anything to get her ex back, because she felt that all's fair in love and war. 

54. Bury the hatchet (和好/重新和睦相处): After fighting for so long, they decided to bury the hatchet and become friends again. 

55. Caught between a rock and a hard place (进退两难): When his parents demanded he choose between them and his girlfriend, he was caught between a rock and a hard place. 

56. Cut to the chase (讲到点子上/坦率): I don't have time for all of this explanation - can you just cut to the chase? 

57. Put your foot down (坚决拒绝): When her child started misbehaving, she had to put her foot down and show him she meant business.

58. A stitch in time saves nine (及时行乐/约束解琐): She had a deadline, but if she took the time to plan it out, it would save her a lot of trouble in the end. 

59. Time is money (时间宝贵/信仰必须确定): He was working hard to save enough money for a house, so he knew that time was money - every moment wasted was money wasted. 

60. Strike while the iron is hot (趁热打铁/尽早投资): She knew she had a chance at success and she wanted to take advantage of it as soon as possible, so she struck while the iron was hot. 

61. Variety is the spice of life (改变会有奇迹/改变分辩明): He was getting bored with his daily routine and needed something new - he decided to try different things since variety is the spice of life. 

62. Actions speak louder than words (行动更重于文字/行动提拔说话): His friends all said they'd help him, but they never did anything - actions speak louder than words. 

63. Jump on the bandwagon (跟随流行/合作有礼): When the new trend arrived, everyone seemed to jump on the bandwagon and start using it. 

64. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence (草地总是美丽让人憧憬): No matter where she went, it seemed like the grass was always greener on the other side - she couldn't seem to find a place where she fit in completely. 

65. Every cloud has a silver lining (失望中也有希望/末了的解决): Even when things were at their darkest, there was still a silver lining - things could always get better.

66. You can't judge a book by its cover (不能以貌取人): Just because the old man looked uninterested, doesn't mean he wasn't an interesting person - you can't judge a book by its cover.

67. Don't bite off more than you can chew (不要做超过你能力的事): She was tempted to take on a bigger project, but she knew she couldn't handle it - she didn't want to bite off more than she could chew. 

68. Prevention is better than cure (预防勝于治疗/全备之道): He wanted to stay healthy, so he adopted a healthy lifestyle - prevention is better than cure.

69. Necessity is the mother of invention (必要性是发明的母亲): He needed a way to solve his problem, so he used his ingenuity and creativity - necessity is the mother of invention. 

70. No pain, no gain (不劳无获): He was pushing himself to work harder, because he knew that no pain, no gain - if he didn't put in the effort, he wouldn't get the results he wanted. 

71. Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧): She was learning a new skill and knew it would take time - practice makes perfect, so she kept trying. 

72. A penny saved is a penny earned (省则得): He was looking for a way to save money, so he started cutting corners where he could - a penny saved is a penny earned. 

73. The early bird catches the worm (捷足先登): She wanted to get the job done, so she arrived early - the early bird catches the worm. 

74. Look before you leap (三思而后行): He was considering a big decision and was tempted to jump in, but he knew he had to look before he leapt and make sure it was the right choice. 

75. Haste makes waste (欲速则不达): She was rushing to finish the project, but she knew she wasn't doing her best work - haste makes waste.

76. Don't put all your eggs in one basket (切勿孤注一掷): He was investing his money but wanted to be careful - he didn't want to put all his eggs in one basket. 

77. Two heads are better than one (三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮): They were trying to solve a problem and knew that two heads were better than one - together, they could come up with the perfect solution. 

78. Variety is the spice of life (变化是生活的调料): He wanted to try different things and have new experiences, so he embraced variety - it was the spice of life. 

79. Don't count your chickens before they hatch (切勿过早乐观): She was hoping for a good outcome, but she knew she had to be patient - don't count your chickens before they hatch. 

80. A picture is worth a thousand words (画面胜于文字): They wanted to communicate an idea, so they showed a diagram - a picture is worth a thousand words. 

81. Actions speak louder than words (行胜于言): He wanted her to understand how much he cared about her, so he showed her what he could do - actions speak louder than words.

82. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (情人眼里出西施): She was admiring a painting and knew that beauty is in the eye of the beholder - everyone had their own opinion about what was beautiful. 

83. Don't judge a book by its cover (不可以外表论断): He was meeting someone new, so he remembered to not judge a book by its cover - he wanted to get to know them before forming an opinion. 

84. Still waters run deep (深水静流): She thought she knew him, but then she realized there was more to him than met the eye - still waters run deep. 

85. The grass is always greener on the other side (隔岸风景好): He was tempted to make a change, but he reminded himself that the grass is always greener on the other side - things might not be as great as they seem. 

86. Quality over quantity (质优于量): He wanted to purchase something, so he looked for quality instead of quantity - quality over quantity. 

87. Practice what you preach (言行一致): He was giving advice, but he knew he had to practice what he preached - if he wanted people to take his words seriously, he had to lead by example.

88. Birds of a feather flock together (物以类聚): He noticed a group of people all gathered in one place and figured they must have something in common- birds of a feather flock together

89. Rome wasn't built in a day (冰冻三尺非一日之寒): She was making progress, but she knew it would take time - Rome wasn't built in a day.

90. Life is a rollercoaster (生活就是过山车): He was feeling a range of emotions and trying to stay positive, so he reminded himself - life is a roller coaster - there would be ups and downs, but it would all be worth it in the end. 

91. Keep your eyes on the prize (眼睛要朝前方): She was working hard towards her goal, so she kept reminding herself to - keep your eyes on the prize - focus on the end result and not get distracted.

92. Fortune favors the bold (大胆者得大奖): She was scared to take a risk, but she knew it could be worth it - fortune favors the bold - so she decided to take the chance and go for it. 

93. Give credit where credit is due (顾全大局): They achieved something together, so they wanted to make sure everyone was recognized - give credit where credit is due - they felt everyone should be acknowledged for their hard work.

94. Count your blessings (心存感恩): Life had been difficult, but despite that she wanted to remember - count your blessings - focusing on the good would help her get through it. 

95. Look both ways before crossing the street (过马路要双面看): He was about to cross a busy street, so he looked both ways - look both ways before crossing the street - he wanted to make sure it was safe. 

96. Take one step at a time (一步一个脚印): She was overwhelmed by all she had to do, but she didn't want to get too stressed - take one step at a time - focusing on each task in turn made it easier. 

97. Life is what you make it (生活由自己定义): He was trying to figure out where to go next, but he wanted to remember - life is what you make it - it was his choice to decide how to live it. 

98. Every day is a new beginning (每一天都是新的开始): She had been through some hard times, but she wanted to stay hopeful - every day is a new beginning - there was always a chance for a fresh start. 

99. Good things come to those who wait (好事只需细品): He was impatient and wanted results quickly, but he reminded himself - good things come to those who wait - being patient would be rewarded. 

100. There's no time like the present (现在才是要行动的时候): He had been putting off something for too long, but he remembered - there's no time like the present - now was the perfect time to act. 

101. Every little bit counts (每一份细微之力都有价值): She had a lot of tasks to complete, but she knew - every little bit counts - even small contributions could add up.

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