DINZ德网 | Architects EAT · 地下宇宙的感官盛宴

DINZ德网 | Architects EAT · 地下宇宙的感官盛宴,第1张

Architects EAT推出了Yugen Dining餐厅,位于墨尔本南雅拉著名的Yugen茶吧旁,Yugen Dining将南雅拉的优雅融入他们的最新设计。充满了细节和氛围。准备好体验一场与烬城之旅相似的用餐体验吧。Melbourne-based practice, Architects EAT, might just have the solution with their recent unveiling of Yugen Dining. Located right beside South Yarra’s well-known gem Yugen Tea Bar, Yugen Dining puts the classiness of South Yarra inside their latest addition. Packed with details and ambience (date spot or anniversary spot approved by this self-proclaimed romantic over here)—get ready to experience a dining experience that parallels the journey to Gil Kenan’s City of Ember.
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Yugen是开发项目Capitol Grand Precinct中标方案的一部分,占地700平方米,是一个两层地下停车场的适应性再利用。建筑师EAT的总监Eid Goh解释说:“Yugen是一个日语单词,描述了'对宇宙之美的深刻感受’的概念,该设计试图通过体现世界的元素来捕捉自己的地下宇宙。”这导致设计被分为四个独特的体验——一个是鸡尾酒吧和餐厅,另一个是令人印象深刻的夹层Omakase酒吧,和VIP用餐区组成。

Part of a development from a winning tender proposal of developing South Yarra’s Capitol Grand Precinct, Yugen (幽玄pronounced Yuu-gen) is a 700-square-metre development that is an adaptive reuse of a two-storey basement car park. “Yugen is a Japanese word that describes the concept of, 'a profound sense of the beauty of the universe,” Architects EAT’s director Eid Goh explains “(and in response), the design sought to capture its own underground universe by embodying the elements of the world”. This led to the design being split into four unique experiences—one being a cocktail bar and restaurant, the other an impressive mezzanine Omakase bar made with monolithic wooden features and a VIP dining area.

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Taken over three painstakingly long yet rewarding years that, according to Goh “required complete faith in the vision of what this restaurant could be”, the team carefully crafted an ephemeral atmosphere that depicted a harmonious relationship of the four elements—fire, earth, wind and water. Each element was deliberately reflected through different senses. 

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For earth, the team exposed the roughness of the concrete structure and shotcrete columns. Fire was clearly represented with molten-coloured light.“(When) guests travel down the glass lift into the basement restaurant, the intense golden light (from the lower cocktail bar) illuminates the two-storey void above,” 

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Goh补充道。“从墙壁上的波浪状图案,波纹状的石凳和艺术作品,水元素贯穿整个项目”。相反,风通过窗帘的轻柔摆动和与Jennifer Conroy Smith合作设计的定制吊灯被隐喻地捕捉到——由2000个手工雕刻的陶瓷花瓣组成的系列,展示了微风元素的温柔力量。

Goh adds. “Water is represented throughout the project, from wave-like patterns on walls, rippling stone benches and commissioned art pieces”. Wind, on the contrary, is captured metaphorically through the gentle swish of the golden chainmail curtains and the bespoke chandelier designed in collaboration with Jennifer Conroy Smith — a collection of 2,000 hand-sculpted ceramic petals that demonstrates the gentle strength of the breezy element.

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Despite the overarching shell being representative of the narrative, the finer details are what ties the entire atmosphere without touching the kitsch. You can’t escape the narrative from the bar’s chiselled-looking concrete cocktail shelves to the irregularly shaped tiled flooring besides dark timber flooring that resembles a volcanic surface and scattered small, dotted lights attached to the mezzanine’s floor structure makes one feel like light from the outer surface has pierced through. Making the experience ever evocative, the VIP area is demarcated by a golden bird-cage-like orb cantilevered at the centre that observes the comings and goings within the restaurant. Everything is choreographed subtly without the most obvious alliterations.

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DINZ德网 | Architects EAT · 地下宇宙的感官盛宴,第23张

在Yugen内部呈现的是感官盛宴,创造一个丰富的用餐体验。光线聚焦在食物上,通过纹理和装置元素的设计,当等待过程中不失趣味,以及贯穿始终的神秘感,Architects EAT向我们展示了Yugen的真实时刻。

There’s sensory overload within Yugen, and that’s a good thing when the brief of the project is to create an opulent dining experience. Controlled lighting for focus on the food, with directional lines by the textural and installation elements to look elsewhere when waiting for the next course, and the mystique evident through and through—Architects EAT has presented us a real moment of Yugen.

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Architects EAT

墨尔本建筑与室内设计工作室Architects EAT,由澳大利亚设计师Albert Mo和Eid Go共同创立。这是一支拥有25名墨尔本本土设计师的团队。Albert和Eid专注于协调团队朝着共同的愿景前进,寻找共识。Architects EAT从亲身体验中获得经验,善于领略触觉的价值。他们知道任何设计的基本要素都是坚持人性化,因此在工作中始终保持诚实和谦逊,并且用他们的顶级设计证明了自己。
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