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本次文献选自Chaves JPG, DE Oliveira TVHF, Francisco AN, Trintinalha MO, Carvalho NVP. Trigeminal neuralgia recurrence: a comparison of microvascular decompression and percutaneous balloon compression: a five years follow-up study. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2021 Jan;79(1):51-55.本次学习由谢珺田副主任医师主讲。


Trigeminal neuralgia can be treated pharmacologically or surgically. The most used drugs for pain control are carbamazepine, an antiepileptic, which has a level of evidence II, as well as botulinum toxin. Other medications as phenytoin, gabapentin and amitriptyline may be used additionally. When medical treatment fails, surgical options such as percutaneous procedures, stereotactic radiosurgery and microvascular decompression (MD) should be considered. Percutaneous techniques include percutaneous rhizotomy by radiofrequency, which consists on a thermal injury of the trigeminal ganglion; balloon compression, characterized by a mechanical lesion of the ganglion; and percutaneous rhizotomy with glycerol, which provokes demyelination and axonal fragmentation of pain fibers through a chemical lesion. Gamma knife surgery, a destructive procedure as well, consists on a focused beam of radiation that is aimed at the trigeminal root in the posterior fossa. MD, diversely, is an invasive procedure that allows direct visualization and treatment of the vascular conflict.



Among all surgical procedures, MD is considered the most effective and the first-line surgical treatment option for these patients, because, although more invasive than others, it is considered safe as primary line of surgery, but not for subsequent interventions, due to adhesion in arachnoid and distortion of the normal anatomy of the region.



This study aimed at comparing the outcomes of two of the most used surgical techniques in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia (percutaneous balloon compression [PBC] and MD), with focus on pain recurrence rates.




Patient selection

This study is a retrospective analysis of 37 patients with pain recurrence after surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia at our institution. The data was collected through chart review of all patients who underwent MD, percutaneous balloon compression or both procedures in the last 5 years (from 2013 to 2018). All patients treated surgically were refractory to medical treatment with gabapentin, carbamazepine, amitriptyline and phenytoin, and all procedures were performed by two neurosurgeons (TO or AF) using the same technique. The type of pain was characterized as type 1 or 2. TN type 1 is characterized by attacks of intense, stabbing pain affecting the mouth, cheek, nose, and/or other areas on one side of the face, while TN type 2 is characterized by less intense pain, but a constant dull aching or burning pain. The selection criteria for PBC or MD was based in the patient choice; usually the elderly patients opted for a minimally invasive method. Recurrence was defined by an increase of pain level that required reinitiation of medication or reoperation after an initial improvement.





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