唐屋中学高年级学生举办STEM TED演讲

唐屋中学高年级学生举办STEM TED演讲,第1张


该活动是八名学生数周研究和准备的高潮,他们都在 A Level 学习 STEM 科目。由唐屋中学的 STEM 负责人 Charlie Littledale 先生组织的超级课程 STEM 短片倡议,基于TED演讲的形式。

学生们面临的挑战是研究、准备和发表 5 分钟的演讲,任何人都可以就个人感兴趣的话题进行演讲——与“可以通过自然灵感解决的现代问题”的主题相关联。

听众聆听了STEM学科的演讲,主题包括牙周炎、镇痛药的未来、超能力科学、使用分形增强 CGI 等等。

Richard James MacCowan 博士很高兴能参加唐屋中学首届 STEM 活动,他就“仿生学以及大自然如何为现代世界提供丰富的解决方案”发表了精彩的演讲。Richard 是从化妆品到超级游艇设计的仿生学、创新和可持续性方面的国际知名演讲者。



Clara的 STEM演讲探讨了使用“槲皮素治疗牙周炎”的可能性,她也发现了这一过程的巨大价值;“这次活动是一个很好的机会,可以从不同的角度进一步研究特别感兴趣的话题,并寻找新的视角来寻找解决方案。这也是提高我的公开演讲和沟通技巧的好方法,我真的很喜欢听到我通常不会遇到的学术领域的消息。”

STEM 负责人 Charlie Littledale 先生解释了该计划背后的理由。“我对 STEM计划的目标是,那些参与其中的学生不仅喜欢更深入地研究他们个人感兴趣的领域,而且还从这个过程中受益匪浅。他们在研究、压缩和简化信息以及在现场观众的压力下进行展示的技能,将使他们在大学面试过程的严格性以及未来的工作世界中处于有利地位,在那里演讲自信将是必不可少的。此外,我的目标始终是激发的学生想要进一步参与STEM。我希望在未来几年看到他们中的许多人展示他们自己的 STEM 成果。”

由 Rebecca 撰写,五年级高11 年级

One of my favourite places to go is our local farm which inhabits a dizzy array of animals such as the ordinary laying hens, cows, sheep and pigs; but it is also houses a pair of gorgeous blue peacocks. The peacock, with its vibrant plumage, is often seen strolling around the enclosure with its tail wide open. Evidently the elaborate eye-shaped patterns and elongated train (tail feathers) will not protect the peacock from being the tiger’s supper, then why does it spend so much of its energy growing such a futile thing? Many people think that the peacock’s plumage is for attracting a mate but surely in the world of natural selection beauty is too luxurious to be its sole purpose. Therefore, what is the real reason for having such an energetically expensive feature?

The tail of the male peacock is a great example of sexual selection. Female peafowl are attracted to male peacocks with the largest and most ornate train. The ability of male peacocks to create a large train is related to their overall fitness. Testosterone is the masculine hormone involved in developing a large plumage, impressive main and significant antlers in male animals but it has a drawback- it suppresses the animal’s immune system. This is also why in almost all species (including humans) males have a lower life expectancy than females and are more susceptible to diseases.

Therefore, the quality of a male’s 'ornaments’ reflects truthfully on the quality of its genes, especially its resistance to prevailing infections. The peacock with the largest tail is effectively saying 'I can afford to grow a colourful tail at the risk of being infected by worms, and yet I am still alive and thriving’. For the quality of his ornaments depends on the level of testosterone in his blood: the more testosterone he has, the more colourful, large, songful or aggressive he will be. If he can grow a great tail despite lowering his immune defences, yet not catch disease, he must be impressive genetically even if he is a bit of a show- off…





作者:Millie,11 年级

Sound is very important for humans to function as without it we wouldn’t be able to hear and hence we wouldn’t be able to speak and communicate with others. Without the ability to communicate as we are able to, it would have most likely taken us a lot longer to evolve into the functioning society we are today, but have you ever been in a place which is completely silent? A place which is fully void of all noise? I think it is very unlikely that you have.

No matter how quiet a place is that you have been, there will always have been some background noise, for example the gentle humming noises made by electronic devices which you wouldn’t usually take much notice of. An anechoic chamber is a room which is designed to block out external sound and absorb the reflections of sound and electromagnetic waves within the chamber, so they don’t cause echoes. This means when a person enters, they cannot hear any sound produced by the world outside the anechoic chamber. Anechoic chambers can accomplish this by having multiple layers of steel and concrete surrounding the chamber to block out external noise, and foam wedges lining the walls, ceiling and floor as to absorb any sound inside the chamber and prevent echoes.

But what is it like inside an anechoic chamber? When inside an empty anechoic chamber, you can only hear the noises you produce yourself, the noises you cannot usually hear, for example, you start to be able to hear the sound of your heartbeat, the sound of your bones grinding as you move and a loud ringing noise in your ears. So, how does the silence impact your body, and why?

You may start to lose your balance because there are no sound reverberations, this is an issue as it would result in you struggling to walk, or at least, struggling to walk in a straight line.

You also lose some of your spatial awareness because of the lack of reverberations as we cannot accurately judge how far away something is without sensing the sound waves which bounce off it.

Studies have shown that silence decreases heart rate and blood pressure as there are less stimuli for the body to detect and interact with, so the body can relax more. Silence is also beneficial for when you want to focus on something for this same reason. Silence can be calming and meditative, which is why it is easier to sleep when you are in a quiet area.

So, silence at chosen times can be a healthy choice but, our body has evolved to work with noise, not without it.













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