Advanced Targeting Systems丨Streptavidin-ZAP

Advanced Targeting Systems丨Streptavidin-ZAP,第1张

链霉亲和素ZAP将生物素化物质转化为靶向毒素。链亲和素是一种四聚体蛋白(重组形式的分子量为53 kDa),每个亚基都能结合一个生物素分子。链霉亲和素和生物素之间的键是快速的,基本上是不可逆的,不受大多数极端pH、有机溶剂和变性试剂的影响。它是蛋白质和配体之间已知最强的非共价生物相互作用(Ka=1015 M-1)。用于制备链亲和素ZAP的链亲和素不含碳水化合物基团,具有中性等电点,因此与抗生物素相比,降低了非特异性结合。多种分子,包括凝集素、蛋白质和抗体,可以被生物素化,并与链霉亲和素标记的探针或用于生物测定的其他检测试剂反应。


Advanced Targeting Systems/ATSbio这些试剂盒将生物素化物质转化为靶向毒素,并允许用户评估试剂与受体结合后内化的能力。

目标推荐      体内推荐     体外 

生物素化肽   链亲和素ZAP肽试剂盒(KIT 27-B)  生物素Z肽内化试剂盒(KIT -27-ZB)

生物素化抗体  Streptavidin ZAP抗体试剂盒(KIT -27-A)山羊、人、小鼠、大鼠或兔生物素Z抗体内化试剂盒(KIT -27-Z)山羊、人、鼠、鼠或兔

其他生物素化材料 Streptavidin ZAP试剂盒(KIT 27-S)Streptavidin ZAPKIT(KIT-27-S)

Advanced Targeting Systems/ATSbio  其它热门ZAP研究:

IT-27 Streptavidin-ZAP 生物素化靶向剂

IT-51 Fab-ZAP human 人单克隆抗体

IT-48 Fab-ZAP mouse 小鼠单克隆抗体

IT-65 FabFc-ZAP human 人IgG

IT-55 Fab-ZAP rat 大鼠IgG

Advanced Targeting Systems/ATSbio Streptavidin-ZAP相关文献:

CD3e-immunotoxin spares CD62Llo Tregs and reshapes organ-specific T-cell composition by preferentially depleting CD3ehi T cells

Kim S, Shukla RK, Yu H, Baek A, Cressman SG, Golconda S, Lee GE, Choi H, Reneau JC, Wang Z, Huang CA, Liyanage NPM, Kim S (2022) CD3e-immunotoxin spares CD62Llo Tregs and reshapes organ-specific T-cell composition by preferentially depleting CD3ehi T cells. Front Immunol 13:1011190. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1011190

Objective: To use a new murine testing model to demonstrate a substantial enrichment of tissue-resident Foxp3+ Tregs following CD3e-IT treatment.

Summary: The multi-organ pharmacodynamics of CD3e-IT and potential treatment resistance mechanisms identified in this study may generate new opportunities to further improve this promising treatment.

Usage: Male C57BL/6J mice were injected into retro-orbital sinus with 15 μg S-CD3e-IT (Biotinylated Anti-CD3 mixed with Streptavidin-ZAP in sterile 200 μl PBS twice a day for four consecutive days.

Related Products: Streptavidin-ZAP (Cat. #IT-27)

In vivo visualization and molecular targeting of the cardiac conduction system

Goodyer WR, Beyersdorf BM, Duan L, van den Berg NS, Mantri S, Galdos FX, Puluca N, Buikema JW, Lee S, Salmi D, Robinson ER, Rogalla S, Cogan DP, Khosla C, Rosenthal EL, Wu SM (2022) In vivo visualization and molecular targeting of the cardiac conduction system. J Clin Invest e156955. doi: 10.1172/jci156955

Objective: To engineer targeted antibody conjugates directed against the cardiac conduction system (CCS) to allow visualization of the CCS in vivo.

Summary: Accidental injury to the CCS, a specialized set of cells embedded within the heart and indistinguishable from the surrounding heart muscle tissue, is a major complication in cardiac surgeries. They generated a fully human monoclonal Fab (hCNTN2) that targets the CCS with high specificity.

Usage: Streptavidin-ZAP was reacted with biotinylated hCNTN2 Fab to create hCNTN2-SAP. 100 ug of either hCNTN2-SAP and control-SAP were injected into wild-type mice with a single tail-vein injection and hearts were harvested after 2 days.

Related Products: Streptavidin-ZAP (Cat. #IT-27)

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