是谁鼓励你读书、思考和写诗-作者:博士尼古拉斯•帕诺托 于桑蒂亚 (阿根廷)

是谁鼓励你读书、思考和写诗-作者:博士尼古拉斯•帕诺托 于桑蒂亚 (阿根廷),第1张


ACC International Bilingual Journal

是谁鼓励你读书、思考和写诗-作者:博士尼古拉斯•帕诺托 于桑蒂亚 (阿根廷),第2张


Shanghai Huifeng Literature


是谁鼓励你读书、思考和写诗-作者:博士尼古拉斯•帕诺托 于桑蒂亚 (阿根廷),第3张

序言作者:博士尼古拉斯·帕诺托 于桑蒂亚(阿根廷)


—— Anna惠子 

在Anna惠子的诗歌中,大自然被隐喻为一个完整的生命体。风变成流动的液体,细菌变成抵抗的象征。人的力量变轻不可琢磨。抑郁症成了一个器官。生物圈乃至整个世界生态系统都成为了一个有机体的庄严仪式。身体本身也不例外。这些诗的微妙之美反映出了它们的一种特有的效力,因为它们在字里行间诗意之中对我们当代社会政治文化共存的深刻批评。对环境的伤害与破坏记述着文明的贪婪;农村的简朴自然反衬出全球资本主义的野蛮。虚伪、歧视、自私、拒绝、仇恨,已经通过微妙的、几乎难以识别与理解的图像进行了谴责,但在真正能够非常尖锐地、一针见血地揭露其要害的还是诗歌中那种从一个诗句跳到另一个句子时饱含的锐利。在这些所谓的图像或诗歌的意象中,我们不可能不注意到Anna 惠子诗歌词语之间绘制的空间概念。对自己的浪漫,对房子,对归属的地方的浪漫,再现了其诗歌创作的特殊物质根源之所在。但根变成了一个纵横交错的根茎脉络体系。Anna惠子的诗歌就有着那种脉络特色——一个千丝万缕文字与错综复杂意境编织的经脉体系。诗句就像根须滋长蔓延,在整个诗歌篇章中以相同性质的运动方式拓展;因此,颠覆了现实。这位诗人行吟天涯,她以各种姿态和角色展现在诗境之中,有时是一位移民,有时是一个难民,有时又是一位钟爱城市的有情人,与此同时也是一条人们渴望的通道,渴望打通并穿梭于惊讶、抵抗和对非场所的好奇之间,也就是说对过境空间的好奇心的一种通道。所有这一切都可以在不暴露改变或者想改变另一片土地这种有时意味着残酷的悖论的情况下完成。所有这一切也都可以在不暴露在地球上发现一个新的隐藏藏身处的美丽的情况下完成。简而言之,诗歌证明了当今评论家对Anna 惠子如此高大上的新意和创新性。正如西奥多·阿多诺所说,诗歌清晰地反映了以最小的细节讲述并饱受激情困扰的现实,诗歌的相关性充分体现了其最激烈的批判性结构。

是谁鼓励你读书、思考和写诗-作者:博士尼古拉斯•帕诺托 于桑蒂亚 (阿根廷),第4张

who encourages me to read, think, and write poetry—

a bird, a bug, a leaf, or a few fishes and shrimps that died under the tires?

Anna Keiko

In Anna Keiko's poems, nature becomes a metaphor for life as a whole. Winds become fluidity. Bacteria, symbols of resistance. Strength becomes light. Depression, an organ. The biosphere becomes the rite of our organism. The body itself.

The subtlety aesthetic of these poems reflects their potency as they also become a profound critique of our contemporary socio-political and cultural coexistence. The abuses to the environment give account of the greed of civilization; the simplicity of the countryside, opposed to the savagery of global capitalism. Hypocrisy, discrimination, selfishness, rejection, hatred, are exposed as a denunciation through subtle, almost unrecognizable graphics, but extremely sharp when jumping from one sentence to another.

In these images, it is impossible not to notice the notion of place that is drawn between Keiko's lyrics. The romance to one's own, to the house, to the place of belonging, recreate a

special materiality for the roots of poetry. But the root becomes rhizome. The verses acquire the same movement of that nature so well detailed throughout the text; and thus, subvert reality. The poet becomes migrant, sometimes refugee, lover of a city, and at the same time desiring passage. Between surprise, resistance and curiosity for the non-places, the spaces of transit; all this, without leaving exposed the paradox of the cruelty of what it sometimes means to change (or to think of) another land, as well as the beauty of discovering a new hidden hideout into the globe.

Poems, in short, that evidence the freshness and innovation that today's critics exalt so much about Anna Keiko. Peculiarity imprinted in the pertinence of a poetry that, as Theodor Adorno said, assumes its fiercest critical constitution by being a lucid reflection of a reality told in its smallest detail and plagued with passion.

Dr. Nicolás Panotto  Santia

USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNTXPS7G

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Japón: /dp/B0BNTXPS7G

是谁鼓励你读书、思考和写诗-作者:博士尼古拉斯•帕诺托 于桑蒂亚 (阿根廷),第5张

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