
Question:老师,上次讲到关于有些动词后面用-ing形式还是不定式, 是不是今天还会继续讲?

Answer:是的!我们今天继续学习非谓语动词(11动词+to的动词不定式或 +动词-ing形式Start to do/start doing


动词+to的动词不定式或 +动词-ing形式Start to do/start doing


 One day Mozart saw an old blind street-performer playing the violin in a street corner. He recognized the old man was playing one of his compositions. The old man played for some time but the hat in front of him was empty. The old man continued playing, but the hat in front of him was still empty.—nobody had put any money into it. Mozart intended to give the man some help. He asked the old man, “Do you often play compositions by Mozart?” “ Yes, sir,” the old man replied. “ Now, everybody knows Mozart and begins to like his music.” “ Do you make a living by playing the violin ?” The old man said he did. Mozart took over the violin from the old man and started to play.

He played so well that all the passers-by stopped to listen to the wonderful music and soon the old man’s hat was full of money. The old man was full of admiration and felt surprised that a man could play so well. He asked Mozart. “ Who are you, sir ?” “ Your colleague. A poor musician like you.” Then Mozart gave the violin back to the old man and went away. And he was beginning to think of ideas for his new composition. Then the old man began to realize that the man was Mozart himself.

I.可以接带to的动词不定式或动词–ing 形式的动词。

有些动词后面可以跟带to的动词不定式或动词–ing形式。其表达的意思是一样的。最常见的此类动词有:begin, bother, continue, intend, start.


2, 动词ing形式不能跟在时态为进行时的主动词的后面。

He was beginning to think of ideas for his new composition.

3. begin ,start 后面接表示意识的词时,不接动词ing形式。 

The old man began to realize that the man was Mozart himself.

4. begin, start 如强调起始动作时后面接动词不定式,强调开始后继续延续接动词-ing形式。

小练习I 选择下列动词完成句子:use, buy, send, write.

1 He began … when he was still at school.

2 He didn’t bother … a new computer.

3 He continued … two fingers to type.

4 He was intending … his novel to two or three publishers.

II.Go on, stop + to的动词不定式或动词–ing形式。


The old man went on playing the violin there for many days. He tried his best to recall what he heard the other day when the man played. He even never stopped playing for a whole day. And it seemed that he played better and better. And more and more people stopped to put some money in his hat He was sure that if he could make progress, he could go on to become a famous violin-player.

1 动词go, stop也可以接带to的动词不定式或动词–ing形式,但意思不一样.

2 Go on to do 还是 go on doing?

go on + to的动词不定式表示将会发生的动作或状态。

He could go on to become a famous violin-player.

(=Then, later, he could become a famous violin-player.)

going on doing 表示同一个动作的继续。

 The old man went on playing the violin there for many days

(= He continued playing the violin there for many days.)

3 Stop to do 还是 stop doing?

Stop + to的动词不定式表示停止一个动作为了做另一个动作,此处的不定式是表目的不定式。

 And more and more people stopped to putsome money in his hat

(= He stopped walking in order to put some money in his hat .)

stop +动词-ing 形式表示停止正在做的动作。

He even never stopped playing for a whole day.

小练习II.  用动词的正确形式完成下列句子:

1 For a long time he didn’t stop … (work)

2 Then he stopped … something to drink. (have)

3 After that he went on … for another three hours. (type)


I.  1 would prefer to watch2 prefers staying…to going out.

3 would prefer to go… rather than watch

4 prefers to go out.. rather than stay.

II.1. I’d rather have some coffee.

2 I’d rather sit on a chair.

3 I’d prefer to watch the news.

4 I’d rather to home.

5 I’d prefer to go now.

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