


第四讲 怎样做选择填空题
  请看这篇短文,文中有20处空白,每个空白处有4个选项。请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个答案。 television is the greatest communiction medium ever designed and operated by man. it sends into the human brain an -------- (36) amount of opinions and information and -------(37) moral and artistic standards for all of us. every minute of a television programme teaches us something. it is never a neutral (中立的)------- (38). for example, how and when public issues ar -------(40) how they are treated by the television networks in entertainment --------(41) news and public affairs programmes.
   what the american people think about governemnt and politics in -------(42), ad wwell as a favorite candidate in ------ (43), is largely influenced by ------- (44).
   unfortuNATely commercial television seldom ------- (45) anything of value to our lives. many americans express a deep hostility (故意)--------(46) television BECause they know most tv programmes are ------- (47) poor quality and that sometimes these programmes are ever ------- (48).
   the question is : how can television be improved? there are many thins are ordinary ------- (49) can do. for example, he ----- (50) complain to his local tv stations about offensive aDVertising. he can ----- (51) citiaens groups to urge local tv stations to ----- (52) their programmes ----- (53), these groups should propose regular analysies of specific tv commercials and programmes by educators, doctors, etc. to ----- (54) the influence of these programmes on children and adults. television can be our most exciting medium if we just think about ----- (55) to improve it.
   36. a endless g ending c ended d end
   37. a finds b absorbs c sets d mends
   38. a consequence b influence c result d purpose
   39. a talked b handled c watched d noticed
   40. a over b in c above d on
   41. a as well as b also c but d together
   42. a all b short c general d name
   43. a particular b special c instance d individual
   44. a entertainment b news c programmes d television
   45. a damages b contributes c hands d takes
   46. a toward b in c on d over
   47. a with b in c of d among
   48. a serious b harmful c attractive d long
   49. a reader b participant c listener d viewer
   50. a can b does c should dought to
   51. a can b does c should d ought to
   52. a call b gather c organize d make
   53. a as a result b as a matter of fact c in contract din addition
   54. a determine b refuse c involve d receive
   55. a tracks b roads c easy d programmes

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