


  Brought up in different countries with totally different cultural background, people (in various parts of the world) become quite illogical [when they try to decide how to deal with the relationship with their parents]. If you lived in America, for instance, you would be encouraged to doubt (what the parents had said) and argue with them reasonably.
  You would not understand why most eastern people find/consider it very offensive. On the other hand, you would insist [that the children, after their graduation from college, should depend on themselves instead of turning to their parents for financial support]―the normally accepted practice in many eastern countries. The sad truth is [that most of us have been brought up to accept certain life concept and we stick to them all our lives].
  Different cultures,
  different ideas
  Fostered in extremely diverse backgrounds, people from various areas of the world become quite illogical when they endeavor to manage their relationship with their parents. If you are brought up in America, you would probably be encouraged both to doubt your parents’statement and to argue reasonably with them. However, things turned hardly understandable (incomprehensible) when you are informed that these sensible incidents (?) are considered extraordinarily rude in eastern countries. On the other hand, you would insist that kids (after their study in college) should rely on themselves instead of turning to their parents for financial support which eastern people are quite accustomed to. The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to accept some certain life philosophy and stick to it all our lives.

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