


  1. Could you hold a moment, please? 你能稍等一会儿吗?
  2. He'll be with you in a moment. 过一会儿他就会接你电话了。
  3. Can you hold on, please? 你能稍等一会儿吗?
  4. Just a moment. He is on his way now. 请稍待一下。他马上来接电话。
  5. Hang on a second, please. 请稍等。
  6. Could you hold on any longer? 你能再稍待一会儿吗?
  1. She has a visitor at the moment. 她现在有客人。
  2. He is in a meeting now. 他正在开会。
  3. I'm sorry, but he is unable to come to the phone now.很抱歉,他现在无法接电话。
  4. I'm sorry, but I was just on my way out. Can I get back to you later? 很抱歉,我正好要出门。可不可以稍后再打给你。
  5. He is not in right now. 他现在不在。
  6. No one answers in Mr. Scott's office. 史考特先生的办公室没人接电话。
  7. He's here but he's not at his desk right now. 他有来上班,不过现在不在座位上。
  8. He hasn't come to the office yet. 他还没到办公室。
  9. I'm sorry, but he is out right now. 很抱歉,他刚才外出了。
  2.表达在或不在时,也可以用比较简单的: He's in (out)./He is not in his office./He's out of office.
  1. He is off today. 他今天休假。
  2. He's on vacation this week. 他本周休假。
  3. He is on vacation until next Wednesday. 他休假到下周三。
  1. He has gone for the day. 他已经回去了。
  2. He's already left for home today. 他已经离开回家了。
  3. He has gone home. 他回家了。
  1. He's absent because he is sick taday. 他今天生病所以没来。
  2. He's on sick leave taday. 她今天请病假。
  3. She's on maternity leave now. 她在休产假。
  十. 出差
  1. He's in New York on business. 他在纽约出差。
  2. He left for New York on business until July 22nd. 他到纽约出差,要到7月22日才能回来。
  3. He is on a business trip. 他正在出差。

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