


Part I:单词与短语
  the South Pole 南极;flight n.飞行,航班;the North Pole北极;explorer n.探险家;successfully adv.成功地;fly over(动词短语)飞跃;a great many(数量概念)大量的;take photographs of 动词结构)拍。。。的照片;run into serious trouble(动词结构)陷入严重的麻烦;at one point在某个时刻;it seems certain that…似乎很肯定了。。。;crash v.坠毁;get over(动词结构)跨越;rise to(动词结构)上升到;throw out(动词短语)扔出去;sack n.麻袋;clear(vt.)跨越;in sight在视线内;aircraft n.飞行器,飞机;fly over(动词短语)飞跃;endless adj.一望无际的;plain n.平原
  Part II:语法学习
  示例:Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away.定语从句部分可以简化:…the South Pole 300 miles away
  示例:At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash.(it是形式上的主语,它替代了后面的主语从句)
  Part III:综合训练
  In 1929, three years (1) his flight (2) the North Pole, the American explorer, Byrd, successfully flew (3) the South Pole (4) the first time. (5) at first Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs (6) the mountains (7 lie) below, they soon ran (8) serious trouble. (9) one point, it seemed certain (10) their plane (11) crash. The plane could only get (12) the mountains (13) it (14 rise) (15) 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men (16) throw (17) two heavy food sacks. The plane was able to rise (18) it cleared the mountains (19) 400 feet. Byrd now knew (20) he would be able to reach the South Pole (21) was 300 miles (22), (23) there were no more mountains (24) sight. The aircraft was able to fly (25) the endless white plains (26) difficulty.
  (1) after; (2) over; (3) over; (4) for; (5) Though; (6) of; (7) lying; (8) into; (9) At; (10) that; (11) would; (12) over; (13) if; (14) rose; (15) to; (16) to; (17) out; (18) and; (19) by; (20) that; (21) which; (22) away; (23) for; (24) in; (25) over; (26) without
  Part IV:句子翻译
  1. 1929年,在穿越北极的飞行过去三年后,美国探险家Byrd首次成功飞越了南极。
  2. 虽然最初的时候Byrd和他的机组人员得以拍摄了飞机下面连绵群山的大量照片,他们很快就遇上了严重的麻烦。
  3. 在某个点上,看起来他们的飞机肯定将会坠毁。
  4. 飞机只有上升到一万英尺才能飞越群山。
  5. Byrd马上命令他的机组人员把两个沉重的食物袋扔出去。
  6. 飞机得以攀升并飞越群山,离山顶仅400英尺的距离。
  7. Byrd现在知道他可以到达300英里开外的南极了,因为视野中再也没有山了。
  8. 飞机得以毫不费力地飞越一望无际的皑皑平原了。
  1. In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time.
  2. Though at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble.
  3. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash.
  4. The plane could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet.
  5. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks.
  6. The plane was able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet.
  7. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight.
  8. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty.

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