


24、Ambrose Bierce安布罗斯·毕尔斯1842-1914?
小品集:The Fiend’s Deligh魔鬼的乐趣;Nuggests and Dust Panned out in California在加利福尼亚淘出的金块和金粉;Cobwebs from an Empty Skull来自空脑壳的蜘蛛网
短篇小说集:Tales of Soldiers and Civilians军民故事;In the Midst of Life在人生中间;Can Such Things Be?这种事情可能吗?The Devil’s Dictionary魔鬼词典(The Applicant申请者)

25、Edward Bellamy爱德华·贝拉米1850-1898
Looking Backward:2000-1887回顾:从2000看1887年;Equality平等;The Duke of Sockbridge:A Romance of Shay’s Rebellion斯托克布里奇的公爵:雪司起义的故事;The Blindman’s World and Other Stories育人的世界及其他

26、Edwin Charles Markham马卡姆1852-1940
The Man With the Hoe荷锄人

27、Charles Waddell Chesnutt查尔斯·契斯纳特1858-1932
The Conjure Woman巫女;The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line他青年时代的妻子(The Sheriff’s Children警长的儿女)(the pioneer of the color line);The Marrow of Tradition一脉相承

28、Hamlin Garland汉姆林·加兰1860-1940
Crumbling Idol崩溃的偶像(真实主义veritism);Man Travelled Roads大路(The Return of a Private三等兵归来);Rose of Ducher’s Cooly荷兰人山谷中的露斯;A Son of the Middle Border中部边地农家子

29、O·Henry欧·享利(William Sidney Porter)1862-1910
The Man Higher Up黄雀在后;Sixes and Sevens七上八下

30、Edith Wharton伊迪斯·华顿1862-1937
The House of Mirth欢乐之家;Ethan Frome;Bunner Sister班纳姐妹;The Age of Innocent天真时代;The Customs of the Country乡村习俗;A Backward Glance回首往事

32、George Santayana桑塔亚那1863-1952
Scepticism and Animal Faith怀疑主义与动物性信仰;The Realms Being存在诸领域(本质/物质/真理/精神领域:4卷)(Relativity of Knowledge);Three Philosphical Poets三大哲学诗人;Poems(A Minuet:On Reaching the Age of Fifty小步舞曲:五十书怀);The Last Puritan最后的清教徒

33、William E·B Dubois威廉·艾伯·杜波依斯1868-1963
Souls of Black Folk黑人的灵魂(Of Booker T Washington and Others);The Suppression of the African Slave Trade into the USA制止非洲奴隶贸易进入美国;The Philadephia Negro;John Brown;The Black Flame黑色的火焰(三部曲)

34、Edgar Lee Masters埃德加·李·马斯特斯1868-1950
A Book of Verse诗集;Maximilian马克西米连(诗集);
Spoon River Anthology斯普恩河诗集(Lucinda Matlock鲁欣达·马物罗克)

35、Edwin Arlington Robinson鲁宾逊1869-1935
Captain Craig克雷格上尉---诗体小说;The Town Down the River河上的城镇;The Man Against the Sky衬托着天空的人;Avon’s Harvest沃冯的收成;Collected Poems诗集

36、Frank Norris弗兰克·诺里斯1870-1902
Moran of the Lady Letty茱蒂夫人号上的莫兰(romantic);Mc-Teague麦克提格(naturalistic);The Epic of the Wheat(realistic)小麦诗史(The Octopus章鱼,The Pit小麦交易所);A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the Old and New West小麦交易所及其他新老西部故事

37、Stephen Crane斯蒂芬·克莱恩1871-1900
Magic:A Girl of the Streets街头女郎梅姬(美国文学首次站在同情立场上描写受辱妇女的悲惨命运);The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章;The Open Boat小划子;The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky新娘来到黄天镇

38、Theodore Dreiser西奥多·德莱塞1871-1945
Sister Carrie嘉莉姐妹;Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘;Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(Financer金融家,The Titan巨人,The Stoic);An American Tragedy美国的悲剧(被称为美国最伟大的小说);Nigger Jeff黑人杰弗

39、Paul Laurence Dumbar保尔·劳伦斯·邓巴1872-1906
We Wear the Mask我们带着面具
他是美国第一个有成就的黑人诗人,被称为“黑种人的桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate of the Negro Race)

40、Jack London杰克·伦敦1876-1916
The Son of the Wolf狼之子,The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤;The Sea-wolf海狼;White Fang白獠牙;The People of the Abyss深渊中的人们;The Iron Heel铁蹄;Marti Eden马丁·伊登;How I become a Socialist我怎样成为社会党人;The War of the Classes阶级之间的战争;What Life Means to Me生命对我意味着什么;Revolution革命;Love of Life热爱生命;The Mexican墨西哥人;Under the Deck Awings在甲板的天蓬下

41、Upton Sinclair厄普顿·辛克莱尔1878-1968
Spring and Harvest春天与收获;The Jungle屠场(揭发黑幕运动的代表作家);King Coal煤炭大王;Oil石油;Boston波士顿;Dragon’s Teeth龙齿

42、Irving Babbitt欧文·白壁德1865-1933
Literature and the American College文学与美国学院()要求恢复古典文学教学;The New Laokoon新拉奥孔;Rousseau and Romanticism卢梭与浪漫主义;Democracy and Leadership民主与领导;On being Creative论创造性

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