


Article 19 Transport Document Covering at Least Two Different Modes of Transport
第十九条 至少包括两种不同运输方式的运输单据
a. A transport document covering at least two different modes of transport (multimodal or combined transport document),
however named, must appear to:
a. 至少包括两种不同运输方式的运输单据(即多式运输单据或联合运输单据),不论其称谓如何,必须在表明上看来:
i. indicate the name of the carrier and be signed by:
i. 显示承运人名称并由下列人员签署:
• the carrier or a named agent for or on behalf of the carrier, or
n 承运人或承运人的具名代理或代表,或
• the master or a named agent for or on behalf of the master.
n 船长或船长的具名代理或代表。来源:www.examda.com
Any signature by the carrier, master or agent must be identified as that of the carrier, master or agent.
Any signature by an agent must indicate whether the agent has signed for or on behalf of the carrier or for or on behalf of the master.
ii. indicate that the goods have been dispatched, taken in charge or shipped on board at the place stated in the credit, by:
ii. 通过下述方式表明货物已在信用证规定的地点发运、接受监管或装载
• pre-printed wording, or
• a stamp or notation indicating the date on which the goods have been dispatched, taken in charge or shipped on board.
The date of issuance of the transport document will be deemed to be the date of dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on
board, and the date of shipment. However, if the transport document indicates, by stamp or notation, a date of dispatch,
taking in charge or shipped on board, this date will be deemed to be the date of shipment.
iii. indicate the place of dispatch, taking in charge or shipment and the place of final destination stated in the credit, even if:
iii. 显示信用证中规定的发运、接受监管或装载地点以及最终目的地的地点,即使:
a. the transport document states, in addition, a different place of dispatch, taking in charge or shipment or place of final destination, or
a. 运输单据另外显示了不同的发运、接受监管或装载地点或最终目的地的地点,或
b. the transport document contains the indication "intended" or similar qualification in relation to the vessel, port of loading or port of discharge.
b. 运输单据包含“预期”或类似限定有关船只、装货港或卸货港的指示。
iv. be the sole original transport document or, if issued in more than one original, be the full set as indicated on the transport document.
iv. 系仅有的一份正本运输单据,或者,如果出具了多份正本运输单据,应是运输单据中显示的全套正本份数。来源:www.examda.com
v. contain terms and conditions of carriage or make reference to another source containing the terms and conditions of carriage
(short form or blank back transport document). Contents of terms and conditions of carriage will not be examined.
v. 包含承运条件须参阅包含承运条件条款及条件的某一出处(简式或背面空白的运输单据)者,银行对此类承运条件的条款及条件内容不予审核。
vi. contain no indication that it is subject to a charter party.
vi. 未注明运输单据受租船合约约束。
b. For the purpose of this article, transhipment means unloading from one means of conveyance and reloading to another means
of conveyance (whether or not in different modes of transport) during the carriage from the place of dispatch, taking in charge
or shipment to the place of final destination stated in the credit.
b. 就本条款而言,转运意指货物在信用证中规定的发运、接受监管或装载地点到最终目的地的运输过程中,从一个运输工具卸下并重新装载到另一
c. i. A transport document may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped provided that the entire carriage is covered
by one and the same transport document.
c. i. 只要同一运输单据包括运输全程,则运输单据可以注明货物将被转运或可被转运。.
ii. A transport document indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit prohibits transhipment.
ii. 即使信用证禁止转运,银行也将接受注明转运将发生或可能发生的运输单据。

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