


103、James Wright詹姆斯·赖特1927-1980
诗集:The Green Wall绿墙;Saint Judas圣徒犹大;The Tail and Eyes of a Lion狮子的尾巴和眼睛;The Branch Will Not Break树枝不会断;Shall We Gather at the River我们在河边聚会;Collected Poems;Two Citizens两位公民;Moments of the Italian Summer意大利之夏;To a Blossoming Pear Tree致盛开鲜花的梨树;This Journey;A Blessing祝福

104、Edward Albee爱德华·阿尔比1928-
The Zoo Story动物园的故事;The Death of Bessie Smith贝西·史密斯之死;The Sandbox沙箱;The American Dream美国梦;Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?谁害怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫;Tiny Alice小爱丽丝;A Delicate Balance脆弱的羊群;Seascape海景;The Lady from Dubuque来自杜布克的女人;The Man With Three Arms在臂人

105、Martin Luther King Jr马丁·路德·金1929-1968
I Have a Dream;Stride Toward Freedom迈向自由;Strength to Love爱的力量;Why We Can’t Wait?;Where Do We Go from Here,Chaos or Community?今后我们何去何从,纷争还是团结?

106、Gary Snyder加里·斯奈德1930- (ecology poet)
Riprap大卵石(Piute Creek皮尤特河);Myths & Texts神话与现实;The Back Country偏僻的山村;Regarding Wave观浪(Meeting the Mountain进山);Turtle Island龟岛;Left Out in the Rain:New Poems 1974-1985留在雨中:1974-1985新诗集
文集:Six Sections from Mountains and Rivers Without End Plus One山水穷尽六章外一章;The Real Work:Interviews and Talks脚踏实地工作:访问记与演讲稿

107、John Barth约翰·巴思1930-
长篇小说:The Floating Opera漂浮的歌剧;The End of the Road穷途末路;The Sot-weed Factor烟草代理商;Letters书信集;Giles Goat-boy山羊孩子贾尔斯;Lost in the Funhouse迷失在开心馆里(Title题目);Chimera客迈拉; Sabbatical学院的轮休假;The Friday Book:Essays and Other Nonfictions星期五的书:论文及其他非小说

108、Tony Morrison托尼·莫里森1931-
The Bluest Eye最蓝的眼睛;Sula苏拉;Song of Solomon所罗门之歌;Tar Baby柏油娃娃;Beloved;Jazz爵士乐

109、John Updike厄普代克1932-
长篇小说:The Poorhouse Fair养老院义卖会;Rabbit, Run兔子,跑吧;Rabbit Relax兔子回家;Rabbit Is Rich兔字发财;Centaur马人;Of the Farm农场;Couples夫妇;The Witches of Eastwick伊斯特威克的巫婆们;Tust Me信赖我
短篇小说集:Pigeon Feather and Other Stories鸽羽及其他故事;The Music School 音乐学校;Problems and Other Stories问题及其他故事
评论集:Hugging the Shore:Essays and Criticism拥抱海洋:论文与批评
诗集:Midpoint and Other Poems中点及其他诗篇
小说:V;The Crying of Lot 49 49号遗物的拍卖;Gravity’s Rainbow万有引力之虹

110、Joyce Carol Oates 乔伊斯·卡洛尔·欧茨1938-
A Garden of Earthly Delights人间乐园;Expensive People奢侈的人们;Them;The Assassins刺客;Childwold查尔德伍德;Son of the Morning黎明之子;Unholy Loves不神圣的爱情;Bellefleur贝尔弗勒;Angel of Light光明天使;A Bloodsmoor Romance布勒兹摩传奇
短篇小说集:By the North Gate北门边;Upon the Swearing Flood洪水浪潮;The Wheel of Love爱之轮;Marriage and Infidelities婚姻与婚外恋
诗集:Anonymous Sins无名的罪孽;Love and Its Derangement爱与爱的错乱;Dreaming America梦想的美国
剧本:The Sweet Enemy甜蜜的敌人;Sunday Dinner星期天会餐;Ontological Proof of My Existence我存在的本体论证明;Miracle Play奇迹剧
论文集:The Edge of Impossibility:Tragic Forms in Literature不可能的边缘:文学的悲剧形式;New Heaven,New Earth:Visionary Experience in Literature新天堂,新人间:文学中的幻想经验

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