

FWC full loaded weight & capacity 满载重量和容量(集装箱)
  FWD Forward 向前

  fwdr. Forwarder 货物代理人

  FWR FIATA Warehouse Receipt FIATA仓库收据

  FYG For your guidance 供你指导

  FYI For your information 给你提供信息

  FYR For your reference 供你参考

  FIATA FCR Forwarders Certificate of Receipt FIATA货运代理收货凭证

  FIATA FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport FIATA货运代理运输凭证

  FIATA SDT Shipper's Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods FIATA托运人危险货物运输声明

  FIATA SIC Shippers Intermodal Weight Certification FIATA托运人联运重量证明书

  F.I.B. Free into barge 驳船交货

  f.I.c. freight, insurance, carriage 运费,保险费

  f.I.h. free in harbour 港内交货

  f.I.o. free in and out 船方不负担装卸费用

  f.I.o.s. free in and out stowed 船方不负担装卸费和理舱费

  firavv first available vessel 第一艘可用船舶

  FIS freight, insurance and shipping charges 运费、保险费和装船费

  f.I.w. free into wagon 船方不负责装车费

  FLT forklift truck 叉升式堆装机

  FLWG Following 下达,下列

  FM From 从,自

  FO Fuel oil/Free out 燃料油/租船人承担卸货费,船东承担装货费

  f.o. free out 船方不负担卸货费

  FOB Free on board 船上交货,离岸价格

  F.O.C. flags of convenience 方便旗船

  F.O.D. free of damage 损害不赔

  FONASBA The Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents 全国船舶经纪人和代理人协会联盟

  f.o.w. first open water 第一解冻日

  F.P.A Free of particular average 平安险

  FPAD freight payable at destination 到港支付运费

  FR Flat rack (container) 平底集装箱

  FRT Freight 运费

  Frt.fwd. Freight forward 运费由提货人支付

  Frt.ppd. Freight prepaid 运费预付

  Frt.ton freight ton 运费吨

  Ft foot (feet) 英尺

  FW Fresh water 淡水

  FWB non-negotiable FIATA Multimodal transport Waybill FIATA不可转让的多式联运运单

  FAA free of all average 一切海损均不赔偿

  FAC As fast as the vessel can receive or deliver 一船舶能接受货交付的尽快速度

  f.a.c. fast as can (loading or discharge) 尽可能快的装卸

  F.A.C. forwarding agent's commission 货运代理佣金

  FACCOP As fast as ship can load/discharge according to custom of port 根据港口习惯以船舶尽可能快的装/卸货

  FAK freight all kinds 均一费率

  FALPRO special Programme on Trade Facilitation (UNCTAD) 便利贸易特别项目(联合国贸发会议)

  f.a.q. fair average quality 统货,大路货

  FAS free alongside ship (Incoterms) 船边交货 (国际贸易术语解释通则)

  FBL negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading FIATA可转让多式联运提单

  FCA Free carrier (Incoterms) 货交承运人(国际贸易术语解释通则)

  FCC first class charterers 一流的租船人

  FCL full container load 整箱货

  Fco. Franco;free 运费准免的

  FD Freight and demurrage 运费和滞期费

  FDND Freight,dispatch and demurrage defence 运费,速遣和滞期保护

  FFI FIATA Forwarding Instructions FIATA运送指示

  f.g.a. free of general average 共损不保

  FHEX Friday and holidays excepted 星期五和节假日除外

  FHINC Fridays and holidays included 包括星期五和节假日

  f.I. Free in 船方不负担装货费

  f.I.a.s. free in and stowed 船方不负担装货费和理舱费

  FILO Free in Liner out 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

  FILTD Free in Liner terms discharge 租船人承担装货费,船东承担卸货费

  FIO Free in and out 租船人承担装/卸货费

  FIOS Free in and out and stowed 租船人承担装货、卸货和堆装费

  FIOST Free in and out and stowed and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货、堆装和平舱费

  FIOT Free in and out and trimmed 租船人承担装货、卸货和平舱费

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