第163讲:cold shoulder; hot air

第163讲:cold shoulder; hot air,第1张

第163讲:cold shoulder; hot air,第2张

今天我们要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语是以两个对立的字组成的,第一个是冷,也就是英文里的cold,第二个是热,也就是英文里的 hot。让我们首先来讲以cold这个字组成的俗语。

Cold shoulder. Cold is spelled c-o-l-d, and shoulder is spelled s-h-o-u-l-d-e-r. Cold shoulder.

大家都知道,cold 就是冷。Shoulder 就是肩膀。那末,cold shoulder从字面上来解释就是:冷的肩膀。但是,Cold shoulder 作为俗语的意思就是:故意对某人很不友好,显示出讨厌或轻视某人的态度。现在,我们先来举个例子。

"I always thought Mary and I were friends. But when I saw her at the supermarket today and said 'hello,' she gave me the cold shoulder -- she looked right past me like I wasn't even there."


请大家注意这个例句的最后一句话:she looked right past me like I wasn't even there. Like I wasn't even there 这样说,严格来讲,并不符合语法的要求,但是美国人却都那末说。这证明口语里习惯的说法并不一定符合语法的规定,这是经常出现的现象,希望大家在学习的过程中注意这一点。我们再来把这个例句用慢速念一遍。

"I always thought Mary and I were friends. But when I saw her at the supermarket today and said 'hello,' she gave me the cold shoulder -- she looked right past me like I wasn't even there."


例句二:"It was the first time I got invited to that fancy club. People at the party were polite to me, but one of the waiters gave me the cold shoulder when I asked for a drink. Let me tell you, I'll never go to a place like that again."


请大家再听一遍上面这个例句。 "It was the first time I got invited to that fancy club. People at the party were polite to me, but one of the waiters gave me the cold shoulder when I asked for a drink. Let me tell you, I'll never go to a place like that again."

刚才我们给大家介绍了和冷,也就是cold 这个字有关的俗语,下面我们给大家讲一个由热,也就是hot 这个字组成的俗语。

Hot air. Hot is spelled h-o-t and air is spelled a-i-r. Hot air.

Hot 就是热,air就是空气。Hot air合在一起就成了热空气。按字面上这么解释是完全对的,但是,我们现在在讲俗语,所以hot air就不是热空气了。那末,hot air作为俗语做什么解释呢? Hot air 作为俗语就是夸夸其谈,吹牛。我们来举个例子吧。这是一个人在评论那些竞选当官的候选人。

例句三:"Most candidates make promises during a campaign to win voters' support. But many promises are nothing but hot air. After the candidates get elected, they tend to forget most of the things they promised to achieve."



"Most candidates make promises during a campaign to win voters' support. But many promises are nothing but hot air. After the candidates get elected, they tend to forget most of the things they promised to achieve."


例句四:"That man at the party yesterday didn't have any idea what he was talking about. He blew a lot of hot air about health and nutrition. He didn't know that both of us have been practicing medicine for more than thirty years."



"That man at the party yesterday didn't have any idea what he was talking about. He blew a lot of hot air about health and nutrition. He didn't know that both of us have been practicing medicine for more than thirty years."


Cold shoulder. Cold shoulder是故意对人冷淡,表现出轻视和讨厌的态度。我们今天讲的第二个习惯用语是和热,也就是和hot这个字有关的。Hot air.Hot air是指夸夸其谈,吹牛。


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