


20. The choir stood in four rows according to their ____ heights
  A. respective B. respectable C. respected D. respectful
  respective 单独的,单个的
  respectable 表面上受人尊敬的,体面的
  respectful 尊敬他人的
  respected 品德上高尚的人,值得尊敬的人
  suspect 怀疑
  21. There are few areas of our lives in which tools don’t play an ______ part.
  A.indispensable B.independent
  C.indistinguishable D.indiscriminate
  Indispensable 不可或缺的,必要的,必不可少的
  expense 花费,费用
  expenditure 花费
  expensive 花费的
  independent 不可依靠的,独立自主的
  indiscriminate 不辨善恶的,不辨美丑的
  22. He is such a(n)_____ person that he gives money to whoever is in need of his help.
  A. amiable B. agreeable C. generous D. hospitable
  amiable 和蔼的,友好的
  generous 慷慨的
  humble 谦虚的
  genuine 真诚的
  hospitable 热情好客的
  hostile 敌对的
  privilege 特权
  agreeable 使人愉快的
  23. A man who doesn’t like to talk about himself or to make his feelings known to others is called a ________ man.
  A. reserved B. conservative C. tolerant D. preserved
  reserved 内向的,矜持的,寡言的
  introverted 内向的
  extroverted 外向的
  conservative 保守的
  tolerant 忍受的,容忍的
  preserve 保存以备后用,保藏
  conserve 保护,保存
  24. He reads so ______ that he knows almost everything about various fields of learning.
  A. extensively B. intensively C. closely D. exclusively
  extensively 广泛地,广阔地
  intensively 仔细地,详细地,集中地,强化地,密集地
  closely 亲近的,紧密地
  disclose 发现,暴露,揭示
  unfold 揭示,显露,发现
  reveal 揭示,揭露
  A.pollo 阿波罗,太阳神
  Venus 维纳斯,金星
  Mars 战神
  meander 漫游,蜿蜒而流的小河
  laurel 桂冠
  cupidity 贪婪
  revenue 收入,税收
  avenue 林荫道
  laundry 洗衣店
  war 战争
  exclusively 专门地,专署地,独占地,排外地
  25. The light was too _____ for the boy to read the letter.
  A. illuminating B. implicit C. explicit D. dim
  dim 光线暗淡的,视线模糊的
  illuminate 点亮,阐明
  implicit 含蓄的,复杂的
  complicate 使其变得复杂,弄复杂
  duplicate 复制
  intricate 复杂的
  complex 复杂的,综合的,情结
  complexes 复合式建筑群
  explicit 直接的,直爽的

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