


  1. Do you like shopping?
   Wow, I am definitely a shopping freak. And you know, I am usually gonna be hitting the books from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, so I think shopping is the thing that can make me totally relaxed and refreshed. And I can also get a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction every time when I open my wardrobe which is full of eye-catching outfits.
  例如:Do you like movie?
  Wow, I am definitely a big fan of it. And you know, I am usually gonna be working from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, so I think movie is the thing that can make me totally relaxed and refreshed. And I can also get a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction every time when I open my closet which is full of fantasticDVDs .
  shopping freak 购物狂
  in a row 连续www.Examda.CoM
  get a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction 有很大的成就感和满足感
  outfit 套装www.Examda.CoM
  2. When do you go shopping?
  Generally speaking, I am usually gonna be shopping when it comes to weekends.You know , I am working from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, so there is no way for me to squeeze any time to go shopping during the weekdays. Another time I go shopping is the time when shopping mallis doing end-of–season sale, final clearance or special offers. Sometimes , some stuff can be really quite a bargain.
  例如:there is no way for me to squeeze any time to play games during the weekdays
  there is no way for me to do sth = I can not do sth
  when it comes to 到了。。。的时候,后面加名词,优点是无需考虑语法
  squeeze time to do sth 挤出时间做。。。
  end-of–season sale 季末打折
  final clearance清仓大甩卖
  special offers 优惠
  bargain 便宜
  shopping mall 大型购物中心
  3. Where do you go shopping?
   Wow, shopping , I have to say I am a big shopping freak. Big shopping mall like GuoMao is definitely my shopping paradise where my eyes are always glued by millions of international big labels. Moreover, good quality, long-term warranty, good customer service will be all guaranteed if you shop over there.
  good quality 好的质量
  long-term warranty长期质保
  good customer service 好的客户服务
  guarantee 保障
  shopping paradise 购物天堂

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