


Lesson 103 The Fumigated Fresco 烟熏壁画  


  freight n. 船贷,货运;vt. 装货,运送

  freighter n. 贷船;运输飞机

  frenetic adj. 狂乱的,发狂的

  frenzy n. 狂暴,狂怒极为激动的状态

  fret v. (使)磨损;烦恼,焦虑

  fresco n. 壁画; vt 做壁画于

  friction n. 摩擦;冲突,不和

  fright n. 惊骇,吃惊

  frigid adj. 严寒的,冷淡的

  fringe n. 边缘,边界;adj. 边缘的

  frisky adj. 活泼的,精力充沛的

  frivolity n. 轻浮

  frost n. 霜,霜冻;vi. 结晶

  frown vi. 皱眉;不赞成,反对

  frowzy adj. 不整洁的,污*的

  frugal adj. 节约的,节俭的

  frugality n. 节俭,俭省

  frustrate vt. 挫败,破坏;使沮丧

  frustration n. 挫败,挫折

  fulminate v. 猛烈抨击,严厉谴责;爆炸

  fume n. (浓烈或难闻的)烟,气体

  fumigate vt. 烟熏,用香薰

  Michael frowned as he looked at the unusual piece of artwork. A freighter had brought it in yesterday along with other works of art. There had been a mad frenzy over the other art pieces but nobody seemed to like this unusual piece. Michael wondered how they were able to cut the painting from the wall and keep the picture in one piece. He turned to Teddy and asked, “What do you think of this old fresco?”

  “The people portrayed in the painting look interesting,” Teddy replied. “The woman looks frigid and the man looks like he has been frustrated one too many times. I think my frisky cat would die of fright if I had that thing hanging in my room. However, I think you can identify with the man’s frustration. I also think it will match your frowzy room. What’s all this frost on the sides?”

  “Don’t fret over it,” said Michael. “It just looks like frost. It’s white powder. The fringe of the painting was accidentally damaged by friction. They powdered it to prevent further harm. Because of the damage, they won’t charge me anything for the freight. If I buy it today, will you accuse me of frivolity.”

  “Not at all,” said Teddy. “You’ve always been frugal. I think frugality runs in your family. You should buy it before another frenetic art lover snatcher it up.”

  Suddenly, there was a loud explosion. A compressed bottle of gas fulminated in front of the painting. The fumes covered it and filled the air. Michael asked. “Should I still buy it?”

  “Absolutely,” said Teddy. “It was already cheap, and now it’s fumigated.”

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