





  议论文的写作,住往从正反两方面来论述,且都有其约定俗成的议论模式,即从“主题句一正面论述,反面论述一结论”四大块去营造文章的基本结构(四块论)。例如,某题目要求论述“学校规定‘课间学生只能呆在自己的教室里’对吗?”这一话题。如果作者认为学校的规定不对,他就应该在文章第一块(段)亮出自己的观点:There is currently much discussion about whether students should stay in their own classrooms or not during break times.Personally I believe that—。而第二块应该从正面论述“课间不能只呆在自己的教室里”的理由。比如可以说:I would argue that break times are our only opportunity to choose what we want to do. 第三块则从反面观点,即“课间只能呆在自己的教室里”出发,批驳对方观点或进一步阐述己方观点。例如可以说:Another reason why people say that students have to stay in their own classes at break times is that it would be difficult to organize dinners.最后一块(段)则用不同的语言再次强调已方观点。乍一看去,议论文“四块论”仿佛有“八股文”的嫌疑,但“四块论”符合人的认知规律,所以值得多多模仿和操练。





  1.Firstly,it is very convenient in daily life.There are many shops and supermarkets in a city.I can buy everything I need easily in these places.When I am sick,I can easily see a doctor in any clinic or hospital.Transport services are good in a city.when I want to go somewhere,I can take a bus,a train or something else.There are also many kinds of entertainment in a city.Public buildings(such as libraries)and parks can easity be found in a city,too.

  2.First.it is convenient and comfortable to live in a city.To begin with,there is good housing in a city,as all the houses and flats are well-equipped with good facilities and surrounded by modern amenities such as places of entertainment,public libraries and parks.


  1.Students always feel relaxed and happy during breaks.(叙述性句子)

  2.Break times are scheduled for about 10 minutes.(说明性句子)


  Although some people believe that students should stay in their own classrooms during break times,I would like to argue that we should be allowed to spend break times in another class.

  The most important reason for believing that is that many students have friends in other classes.We spend all day in our own classroom,and break times are the only time we have to spend with other friends.It can become very tedious(令人厌倦的)to have to spend even more time with the same people.

  A further reason for allowing student to choose where they spend their break times is that it would stop arguements.If students are forced to spend time with classmates who are not good friends,they can annoy each other.This leads to problems that have to be sorted out by teachers.

  Teachers argue that we all should stay in our own classes,because it is then easier to know what is going on.They say that it is difficult to keep track of students when they are walking round the corridors.However,students could be given the chance to choose a different classroom to spend the whole break time in.That would mean that there would not be any students in the corridors.

  As I have explained,although it might be a little easier to manage when everyone stays in their own classroom,it would make break times happier for all students if they were allowed to choose where they spent their time.





  1.Many people have tried a thousand times before they achieve their goals.(夸张)

  2.Only a madman would choose to live in a modern city.(夸张)

  3.Our life would be like soup without salt or flowers without sunlight.(比喻)

  4.The best way is to reduce,reuse and recycle.(头韵)

  5.For children.the Internet is another way to waste more hours.(幽默)

  6.If you want to earn a satisfactory grade in the training program,you must arrive punctually,you must behave courteously,and you must study conscientiously.(平行结构)




  1.They gave me what I need,but not what I want.析:want可译为“想要”。从汉语角度看,整个句子是流畅的,但从英语的逻辑上看,want与need的意义极易混淆,因此整个句子意义表达不到位,含糊不清。可以改为:They have given me what I need but not What I often ask for.

  2.Maybe there are also some disadvantages of living in a city,but I think they are less important.I feel convenient and comfortable.析:句子后半部分的逻辑关系未交代清楚,令人有“前语不搭后语”的感觉。可以改为:Theere are surely disadvantages of living in a city,too,but they are less important and tend to be de-emphasized.For the sake of the advantages mentioned above,I prefer to live in a city.

  3.Different people have different choices.Some people like living in a city and some people like living in a village.析:Choice的含义十分宽泛,因此与后面的like不相称,应改为:Different people have different likes and dislikes.Some like to live in a city,others like to live in a village.

  4.The people,the society and so on were quite different from now.析:The people,the society依然不足以让读者完全理解要论述的话题,可改为:The peopIe,the society and other aspects of life were quite different from now.

  5.Thieves should be sentenced for what they have done.析:使用sentence未免言过其实,应改为:Thieves should be punished for their wrongdoing.



  1.The Are No Good Reasons Why Boys and Girls Should Not Be Treated Equally.析:此为一标题句,此作者滥用双重否定,从而使句子过长。宜改为:Boys and Girls Should Be Given Equal Treatment.

  2.For instance,I knew how to communicate with other people and how to look after myself.The most important thing was that I learn to be independent.析:从意义上讲,look after myself与independent关系紧密,可以合在一起。句子可改为:For instance,I knew how to communicate with others and how to look after myself as an independent girl.

  3.Moreover,as some girls study harder than boys,they may be even superior.析:moreover后若继续用从句,就会干扰读者的思维。可改为:Moreover,some girls are very dilgent.As a result,they may prove superior to ordinary boys.

  4.What I mean to say is that well-intentioned law-makers sometimes make fools of themselves.析:what从句并未提供新信息,故可删去。句子可改为:Well-intentioned law—makers sometimes make fools of themselves.




  1.We still have the social problems.

  The same social problems still exist today.

  2.For me,there is no need for further protection of woodlands.

  As far as I‘m concerned,further protection of woodlands is not needed.

  3.With the development of computer technology, commercial information exchange is becoming easier.

  Computers have greatly influenced business communication.

  4.Everything has two sides and this problem is quite the same.

  Everything has two sides and this issue is not an exception.



  1.The water was polluted.As a result,the fish died.

  2.However,others think we should have junk food.

  3.On the other hand packaging can have many disadvantages.

  4.Firstly many people die of passive smoking(被动吸烟)and secondly it can aggravate(使……恶化)lung diseases.

  相关的连接词还有:On the contrary,all in all,in short,generally,worse still,on the other hand,in conclusion,as a consequence,hence,also,personally,furthermore,definitely,surely,undoubtedly,obviously,additionally,in addition,moreover,consequently,clearly,besides,as well,likewise,in my opinion,for the sake of,last but not the least,to begin with,firstly(first),etc.


  The main reason is that…

  I can‘t agree more.

  Another thing we can‘t forget is that…

  There is every reason to believe that…

  As we all know…


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