



  College English Test

  Part I Reading Comprehension(40%)

  Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  Passage 1

  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

  Advertisement can be thought of "as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services ". Advertisement aims to increase people' s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.

  There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.

  We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customer. Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertisement. However, if large scale advertisement leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer pays less.

  It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on sales. When the market is growing, advertisement helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them.

  1. Advertisement is often used to _________

  A. deceive customers B. increase production

  C. arouse suspicion D. push the sale

  2. The word "media"(in the first paragraph) includes _________

  A. the press B. television

  C. radio D. all of the above

  3.Advertisement is mainly paid for by ________

  A. the customer B. the producer

  C. increased sales D. reduced prices

  4.Advertisement'can increase demand ________

  A. all the time B. in any circumstances

  C. in a growing market D. in a shrinking market

  5.From the last' sentence of this passage we conclude that _________

  A. businesses usually do not pay much for advertisement

  B. businessmen know well that advertisement could bring them more profits

  C. advertisement could hardly convince people of the value of the goods

  D. advertisement usually cost businesses large amounts of money

  Passage 2

  Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

  How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters we call words.

  The power of words, then, lies in their combinations - the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.

  Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and feelings. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary (文字的) style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and rude.

  6. The origin of language ________.

  A. is reflected in sounds and letters

  B. is handed down from generation to generation

  C. dates back to the prehistoric period

  D. is a problem not yet solved

  7.According to the passage, words are _________.

  A. visual letters

  B. represented by sounds

  C. represented either by sounds or letters

  D. signs called letters

  8. The power of words lies in their _________

  A. beauty B. accuracy

  C. combinations D. charm

  9. The secret of a writer's success is the use of words that _________

  A. recall to us the glad and sad events of our past

  B. are arranged in a creative way

  C. are as beautiful as music

  D. agree with certain literary style

  10. The author of the passage advises us _________

  A. to use words carefully and accurately

  B. not to use silly and rude words

  C. to become a slave of words

  D. to use emotional words

  Passage 3

  Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

  Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. Specialists' advice is useful to help you choose the most suitable kind of dog. But in part the decision depends on common sense. Different dogs were originally developed to perform specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose the one that has the right size and characteristics. You must also be ready to devote a great deal of time to training the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life, unless you live in the countryside and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets. Cats love the house and so are satisfactory with their place where there is secure, but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. The best time to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its love for its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.

  11.Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

  A. You can always get help from the specialists.

  B. It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog.

  C. You should decide what kind of dog you want.

  D. Size and characteristics of the dogs should be considered too.

  12. What is mentioned as a consideration in buying a dog?

  A. The color of the dog.

  B. The price of the dog.

  C. Whether the dog will fit the environment.

  D. Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.

  13. Why does the writer say a dog is a more demanding pet than a cat?

  A. It must be trained so that it won't bite.

  B. It demands more food and space.

  C. It needs more love and care.

  D. It must be looked after carefully.

  14. Why is it advised to buy a baby dog under three months old?

  A. It's easier to buy a baby dog under three months old.

  B. They are less likely to be shy with human beings.

  C. They are less likely to run away.

  D. It's easier for them to form a relationship with their masters.

  15. The word "affection"(line 11) means _________

  A. love B. effect

  C. tie D. relationship

  Passage 4

  Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

  Movies are the most popular form of entertainment for millions of Americans. They, go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life snore exciting than their own. They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because they have heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape. Sitting in a dark theater, watching the images on the screen, they enter another world that is real to them. They become involved in the lives of the characters in the movie, and for two hours, they forget all about their own problems. They are in a dream world where things often appear to be more romantic (浪漫的) and beautiful than in real life.

  The biggest "dream factories" are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry. Each year, Hollywood studios make hundreds of movies that are shown all over the world. American movies are popular because they tell stories and they are well - made. They provide the public with heroes who do things the average person would like to do but often can' t. People have to cope with many problems and much trouble in real life, so they feel encouraged when they see the "good guys" win in the movies.

  16. The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want ________

  A. to enjoy a good story

  B. to experience an exciting life

  C. to see the actors and actresses

  D. to escape their daily life

  17. Which of the following is people's normal response to the movies they watch?

  A. They feel that everything on the screen is familiar to them.

  B. They try to turn their dreams into reality.

  C. They become so involved that they forget their own problems.

  D. They are touched by the life stories of the stories of the actors and actresses.

  18. It is obvious that real life is _________

  A. less romantic than that in the movies

  B. more romantic than that in the movies

  C. as romantic as that in the movies

  D. filled with romantic stories

  19. The American movies are popular because _________

  A. they are well-made and the stories are interesting

  B. the characters in the movies are free to do whatever they like

  C. the heroes have to cope with many problems and frustrations

  D. good guys in the movies always win in the end

  20. People enjoy seeing the movies because they _________

  A. are tired of their everyday lives

  B. feel inspired by the heroic deeds of the good guys

  C. want to see who win in the end

  D. have to cope with many problems in their lives

  Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 %o)

  Directions In this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  21. Mary regretted ____ to John's birthday party last Sunday.

  A. not going B. not to go

  C. not having been going D. not to be going

  22. The famous novel is said _____ into Chinese.

  A. to have translated

  C. to have been translated

  23. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship _____with all of goods.

  A. loading B. being loaded

  C. to be loaded D. having loaded

  24. I ____ writing the article by the time you get back.

  A. shall finish B. must have finished

  C. have finished D. shall have finished

  25. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a ____.

  A. job B. work

  C. profession D. living

  26. I' m sorry I couldn't get in touch with him before he left, I ___him earlier.

  A. had a telephone B. have phoned

  C. should have phoned D. should be phoned

  27.With the old man ____ way, we had no trouble in finding that the mysterious cave.

  A. leading B. led

  C. lead D. to be led

  28. ____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.

  A. Not know B. Know not

  C. Knowing not D. Not knowing more attractive

  29. Nowhere else in the world ___ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.

  A. you can find B. is found

  C. can you find D. has been found

  30. The voters told the politician that he could____ on their support in the next general elections.

  A. expect B. decide

  C. count D. doubt

  31. An old friend from abroad, ____ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.

  A. that B. whom

  C. who D. which

  32. Peter wishes that he _____law instead of literature when he was in college.

  A. could study B. studied

  C. had studied D. would study

  33. When she heard the bad news, she _____ completely.

  A. broke away B. broke up

  C. broke down D. broke out

  34. He ___ a large fortune from his business.

  A. made B. won

  C. expected D. gained

  35. He never wrote to his father ____ he was in need of money.

  A. except B. except when

  C. except for D. except that

  36. He looked behind him to ____ he was not being followed.

  A. believe B. find

  C. make sure D. look

  37. The car was repaired but not quite to my ____

  A. joy B. pleasure

  C. attraction D. satisfaction

  38. Are you ____ spending more money on the space program?

  A. in favor of B. by favor of

  C. in favor to D. out of favor

  39. Fortunately, the demonstration ____ to be quite peaceful.

  A. turned in B. turned out

  C. showed off D. showed up

  40. ____ was unimportant.

  A. Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not

  B. No matter how he enjoyed our dinner

  C. If he enjoyed our dinner

  D. What he enjoyed our dinner

  41. Selfish people often take ____of other people's kindness.

  A. advantage B. care

  C. use D. profit

  42. His business is growing so fast that he must____ more workers.

  A. take up B. take on

  C. take over D. take out

  43.It is desirable that he_____.

  A. gives up trying B. give up trying

  C. would give up trying D. is going to give up trying

  44. Young____ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.

  A. that B as

  C. although D. however

  45. This is one of the best books _____on the subject.

  A. that have ever been written

  B. which have ever been written

  C. that has ever been written

  D. whatever have been written

  46. We were not surprised at ____, for he had worked so hard.

  A. what has he achieved

  B. that what he had achieved

  C. what he had achieved

  D. that he had achieved

  47. My room is a mess. It needs ____

  A. to be tidying up

  B. tidying up

  C. to tidy up

  D. tidied up

  48. A great celebration is going to be held ____ the distinguished writer.

  A. in spite of

  B. in honor of

  C. in favor of

  D. in the name of

  49. All the members in the jury agreed that the man was ____ of theft.

  A. criminal

  B. charged

  C. guilty

  D. faulty

  50. Having finished the letter, he ____ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.

  A. folded B. bent

  C. turned D. equipped

  51. The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all _____.

  A. accounts B. conditions

  C. payments D. costs

  52. This new instrument is far superior _____ the old one we bought three years ago.

  A. than B. to

  C. over D. of

  53. Not until I reminded him for the third time ____working and looked up.

  A. that he stopped B. does he stopped

  C. did he stop D. that he stopped

  54.I am very sorry for ____ for so long.

  A. keep you waiting B. having kept you waiting

  C. waiting for you D. keep you wait

  55. No sooner had they got off the train____ it started moving.

  A. when B. than

  C. then D. after

  56. The teacher has his students ____ a composition every other week.

  A. to write B. written

  C. writing D. write

  57. When and where the new hospital will be built _____a mystery.

  A. to remain B. remains

  C. remain D. is remaining

  58. The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.

  A. came B. come

  C. to come D. have come

  59. The premier and the visiting foreign minister had a talk in _____ friendly atmosphere.

  A. a most B. most

  C. very D. the very

  60. My next door neighbor Johnson seems to have _____ opinion on the show last night.

  A. rather the strong

  B. rather strong

  C. a rather strong

  D. the rather strong

  Part I Identification (10%)

  Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  61. If you happen to come across Jack, please tell him to come and see me when he will be free.

  A B C D

  62. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of those are separated from the others by

  A B C D

  land or water.

  63. The news coming from different parts of the world are often extremely discouraging these

  A B C D


  64. We had lived in this house for three years while my father decided to have us move to a new

  A B C D


  65. I don't think I can understand this book, the subject it deals with is not familiar with me.

  A B C D

  66. Nancy had a great deal of trouble to Concentrate on her work because of the noise in the next

  A B C D


  67. The course would have been offered this term, but it cancelled because too few students had

  A B

  registered before registration closed.

  C D

  68. Even though she looks very young, she is twice older than my twenty-year-old sister.

  A B C D

  69.In the days when coal was so widely used, no one realized how soon and how complete oil

  A B C

  would replace it.


  70.Those of us who work in chemical laboratories should have their lungs checked quite regularly.

  A B C D

  Part IV Cloze(10%)

  Directions There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  Tourism has become a very big 71. For Spain, Italy and Greece it is the largest 72 of foreign exchange, and 73 for Britain, it is the fourth. Faced 74 this huge income, no government can afford to look 75 on the business; questions of hotel bath rooms, beach umbrellas and ice-cream sales are now 76 by ministers of tourism with solemn expertise. Before the Second World War the tourist industry was widely 77 as being unmanly and stupid. But 78 has become a new industry, as trade business used 79; in Spain, Italy, Greece and much of Eastern Europe, new road 80 have opened up in the country, first to tourists, and 81 to industry and locals.

  82 of tourism is a nationalized industry, a 83 part of national planning. In a place west of Marseilles, the French government is killing mosquitoes and 84 six big vacation places to 85 nearly a million tourists. In Eastern Europe, a whole new seaside 86 has sprung up 87 the last few years the governments have greatly 88 when tourists from the West 89 from half a million four years 90 to nearly two million last year.

  71. A. firm B. business A. firm

  C. company D. affair

  72. A. factor B. resource

  C. source D. cause

  73. A. even B. yet

  C. also D. ever

  74. A. in front of B. of

  C. with D. for

  75. A. up B. at

  C. for D. down

  76. A. determined B. discussed

  C. argued D. sold

  77. A. regarded B. said

  C. talked D. spread

  78. A. agriculture B. war

  C. tourism D. education

  79. A. be done B. done

  C. to do D. to doing

  80.A.types B. styles

  C. buildings D. systems

  81.A.than B. later

  C then D. latter

  82. A. Many B. All

  C. None D. Much

  83. A. key B. minor

  C. linking D. questioning

  84. A. built B. building

  C. to be built D. have built

  85. A. attract B. pull

  C. hold D. contain

  86. A. civilization B. culture

  C. writing D. book

  87. A. over B. for

  C. after D. beyond

  88. A. suffered B. lost

  C. invested D. benefited

  89. A. added B. divided

  C. reduced D. multiplied

  90. A. since B. before

  C. ago D. after

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