


本课您将学到:hit(内伤还是外伤?)can not stop sth句型,would(无意义)


  A long time ago, Apollo was the god of light. Eros was the god of love. One time, Apollo made fun of Eros. Eros became very angry. To punish(惩罚) Apollo, Eros shot two special arrows(箭) into the air.

  The first arrow would make someone fall deeply in love. The second arrow would make someone unable to fall in love. The first arrow hit Apollo. The second arrow hit the daughter of a river god, a beautiful girl named Daphne.

  When Apollo saw Daphne, he was sick with love. He followed her everywhere, but she did not want Apollo's love. After a while, Daphne got tired. She called to her father for help. He turned Daphne into a laurel tree(月桂树).

  Still, Apollo could not stop loving Daphne. He said that the tree was his own special tree. He took some of the leaves and wore them like a crown(皇冠).


  很久以前,阿波罗是太阳神,(A long time ago, Apollo was the god of light)伊洛斯是爱神。(Eros was the god of love)有一次,阿波罗取笑伊洛斯,(One time, Apollo made fun of Eros.)伊洛斯因而大发脾气。(Eros became very angry.)

  make fun of someone是“取笑某人”的意思,我的学生中有个男孩子讲话很像女孩的声音,所以常会出现这样的情况,They made fun of his funny voice.(他们拿他的怪嗓音取笑。)呵呵……

  become有“变得……”的意思,就是说原来的情况可能不是这样,由于一件事,情况发生变化了,如:She became a famous writer.(她成了有名的作家。)在此之前,她可能是个无名小卒,就像K.J.Rowling一样。而became angry则表示在此之前,他们的关系可能不错,只是因为这个玩笑,伊洛斯就采取了报复行动,还真是小气啊!呵呵……

  除了become,get也可以表达同样的意思,如:She got angry with her boyfriend.(她和男朋友生气了。)

  为了惩罚阿波罗,(To punish Apollo)伊洛斯对着天空射出了两支特别的箭。(Eros shot two special arrows into the air)

  第一支箭会使人深深陷入爱河,(The first arrow would make someone fall deeply in love)第二只箭则使人不会对异性动心。(The second arrow would make someone unable to fall in love)

  第一支箭射中了阿波罗,(The first arrow hit Apollo)第二只箭射中了河神的女儿,(The second arrow hit the daughter of a river god,)一个名叫达芙妮的美丽少女。(a beautiful girl named Daphne)


  The ship hit a rock and wrecked.(船触礁撞毁了。)


  The death of her son has hit her hard.(她儿子的死使她悲痛欲绝。)

  在口语中,还可以指“被……想起”,如:It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.(我突然想起,我把她的生日给忘了。)很形象吧,当一个想法突然“撞击”我们的脑袋时,不就是突然被hit的感觉嘛!

  阿波罗一看到达芙妮,(When Apollo saw Daphne)就深深爱上了她。(he was sick with love)sick…with sth表示“患……病的”,如:He is sick with influenza.(他患了流行性感冒。)而文中的意思当然不是指他因为爱情得了病,而是说,他的爱就像疾病一样无法控制。

  他如影随形地跟着达妮芙,(He followed her everywhere)可她不想接受阿波罗的爱。(but she did not want Apollo's love)过了一段时间,达芙妮很疲倦。(After a while, Daphne got tired)就向他父亲求助,(She called to her father for help.)她的父亲把达芙妮变成了月桂树。(He turned Daphne into a laurel tree.)

  然而,阿波罗还是无法中止对达芙妮的爱。(Still, Apollo could not stop loving Daphne.)他说那棵月桂树对他有特殊意义。(He said that the tree was his own special tree.)他摘下一些月桂树的叶子,把它们编成皇冠带在头上。(He took some of the leaves and wore them like a crown.)


  can not stop doing sth不能停止做某事

  看到这个句子,the first sample hits me is just like this:

  Seabow is really a work alcohol; he always can not stop working.


  其实,有个工作狂的老板还不算什么,最惨的是有个工作狂得老公,爱上工作狂会是什么滋味:She can not stop loving him, but he doesn't pay any attention to her.(她情不自禁的爱上了他,可他却从没注意过她。)



  The first arrow would make someone fall deeply in love. The second arrow would make someone unable to fall in love.


  He said he would come. 他说他要来。

  比较:"I will go," he said. 他说:"我要去那儿。"

  变成间接引语,就成了:He said he would come.原来的will变成would,go变成了come..

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