


本课您将学到:in, out of…(出版?绝版?),without a doubt(毫无疑问)

  Only the works of William Shakespeare(莎士比亚) and the Bible(圣经) have sold more copies than Agatha Christie's novels(小说).

  Agatha Christie is, without a doubt, the most famous mystery(侦探、推理小说) writer in the world. Her books have been translated into more than 100 languages. All 77 novels and story collections(故事集) she wrote are still in print 25 years after her death.

  Agatha Christie was born in 1890 in a southwest England seaside(海滨) town. She enjoyed a very comfortable childhood in a big house with plenty of servants(仆人). With her sister and brother away at school, she often played alone. She passed the time by making up stories which she told to herself.

  克里斯蒂显然从小就发现了自己“编造”故事的天赋,并善用这种天赋,成就了自己的侦探故事王国。她本人也被称作是Queen of Crime(侦探小说女王)。


  唯有威廉·莎士比亚的作品与圣经的销量比阿加莎·克里斯蒂的小说多。(Only the works of William Shakespeare and the Bible have sold more copies than Agatha Christie's novels.)

  copy不仅可以指“抄本,副本;复制品”,还可以指“(相同书、报、杂志等的)份,本,册”,一本就是a copy,许多本就是many copies.

  毫无疑问,(without a doubt)她是世上最有名的推理小说家。(the most famous mystery writer in the world)

  Agatha Christie is后面的without a doubt是插入语,doubt是“疑虑”的意思,without a doubt就是“毫无疑问”,在口语中经常用到。

  她的书被翻译成100多种语言。(Her books have been translated into more than 100 languages)在她去世25年以后,(25 years after her death.)她写的77部小说与故事集仍然还都在出版。(All 77 novels and story collections she wrote are still in print)

  介词in可表示“处于某种状态或境况”,print有“出版,发行”的意思,所以in print就是“在出版中”、“仍然在继续出版”的意思。其反义词“不再处于某种状态”可以用out of…表示,那么绝版了就是out of print.

  阿加莎·克里斯蒂于1890年出生在英格兰西南部的一个海滨小城。(Agatha Christie was born in 1890 in a southwest England seaside town)她在一幢仆人成群(plenty of servants)的大房子中度过了非常舒适的童年。

  Plenty of 可修饰复数可数名词,意思是“许多、大量”,隐含有“足够多”的意思,如:There were plenty of eggs in the house.(家里有许多鸡蛋。)就表示,家里在一段时间内不会缺鸡蛋了。

  由于哥哥姐姐住校,(With her sister and brother away at school)她常常独自玩耍。她编故事讲给自己听(by making up stories which she told to herself)来打发时间。(passed the time)

  注意:which引导的定语从句which she told to herself修饰stories.


  without a doubt 毫无疑问


  Without a doubt I think you are the greatest person I have ever met.

  (Without a doubt可以放在句首)


  I think, without doubt, it's my father's car.

  (Without a doubt可以放在句中,注意用逗号隔开)


  Police, help, that's the thief, without a doubt!

  (Without a doubt放在末尾也可以)

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