



  (1) A mixed blessing:忧喜参半的事
  “Working in a big city is a mixed blessing. It is so convenient and comfortable there, but noise pollution and traffic congestion are two big headaches.”

  (2) A narrow escape:九死一生
  “The residents ran out of the burning building in time, but it was a narrow escape.”

  (3) A nasty piece of work:讨厌的家伙
  “Beware of Tom! He looks nice at first sight, but finally you will find him a nasty piece of work.”

  (4) A necessary evil:讨厌但不得不做的事
  “David is tired of administrative work, but, as the chief administrator of the department, he has to regard it as a necessary evil.”

  (5) An odd man out:难以和他人相处者
  “At school, Bob was an odd man out; he seldom mingled with his peers.”

  (6) An open book:尽人皆知的事
  “David's daily life is an open book; he is a nice person to work with.”

  (7) Plain sailing:一帆风顺
  “With the major obstacles removed, all should experience plain sailing from now on.”

  (8) A plum job:薪酬优厚的好差使
  “Teaching can be considered a plum job here, but fewer and fewer young people regard it as a good career.”

  (9) A put-up job:预先布置的勾当;骗局
  “There is much publicity on foreign investment, but it may be a put-up job.”

  (10) A safe bet:必胜的事
  “For many housewives, putting money in a good bank is a safe bet.”

  (11) Second nature:第二天性
  “Wearing a seat belt is second nature to every motorist here.”

  (12) One's sixth sense:一个人的第六感
  “When the policeman saw a parcel near a building, his sixth sense told him that it could be a time bomb.”

  (13) Small talk:不重要的闲谈
  “As is often the case with staff meeting, it started off with small talk and then got down to business.”

  (14) A snap decision:急速的决定
  “The radical change of ruling or public housing came as a snap decision from the public housing authorities.”

  (15) A soft option:比较容易或有利的选择
  “Helen considered staying with her mother a soft option because she did not have to worry about house-keeping.”

  (16) A stepping stone:踏脚石
  “A good degree from a good university serves as a stepping stone towards a person's career.”

  (17) A sure-fire method/solution:绝对可靠的方法/解决办法
  “To link good performance with better remuneration is a sure-fire method to increase productivity.”

  (18) Teething troubles:暂时的困难
  “Shortage of experienced staff and inefficient use of office equipment are teething troubles of any new company.”

  (19) A wet blanket:扫兴者
  “Don't be a wet blanket by prohibiting people from doing this or that.”

  (20) Wishful thinking:如意算盘
  “Buying a big car? No, it is only wishful thinking, since I don't have the means to do so.”

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