Why it matters,第1张

Why it matters,第2张

In the end, other people's rules and advice can only do so much. Over the long term the best thing you can do to become a better writer is to read a lot and develop your own judgment and skill. Read stories, newspaper and magazine articles, novels, poetry, bureaucratic forms, email, online stuff, magazine ads, cereal boxes, movie reviews, whatever. You'll find lots of good writing, and lots of bad writing—and once you have a bit of a critical eye you can learn useful lessons from everything you encounter.

  What about one of the staples of college life, textbooks? Are they useful? Actually, whatever the subject, in terms of writing textbooks tend to give you lessons in what not to do, since they are usually written by committee in as inoffensive and bland a style as possible. Textbooks also become, with each new piecemeal revision (there are tremendous competitive pressures to revise every year), ever more shapeless heaps of words. For better models, ask your teachers to recommend their favorite books in their fields. Eventually, you should build a storehouse of good writing that you can draw on regularly.

  Above all, just read, read, read. Learn to stop worrying and just love words. In the end, write for yourself—write to think, write to learn, write to become a wiser and better person.

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