


…… enough + N + to do ……


  说明︰此句型意为“有足够的…可以做…”。该句型也可写作“主词+动词+名词+enough+to-不定词”。 enough 在此做<形容词>,修饰<名词>,可置于该<名词>之前或之后。

  He has enough money (=money enough) to buy a car. 他有足够的钱买一辆汽车。

  He hasn't enough sense to realize his mistakes. 他没有足够的辨别力去认识自己的错误。

  It is a pity that he doesn't have enough money to sponsor the project.


  Will 2,000 dozens be enough for selling? 两千打够卖吗?

  …… be good enough to ……

  结构︰Would you be good enough+to-不定词…?

  说明︰此句型意为“请你…好吗?”。本<句型>的意思和“Would you be so kind as to ……?”一样, <语气>较客气。

  Would you be good enough to turn the radio down a bit?请你把收音机的声音关小一点好吗?

  Would you be good enough to keep silent? 请你保持安静好吗?

  Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right? 请你往右边移一点好吗?

  …… how (+ N) + to do ……


  说明︰此句型意为“应该如何做/何时做/何地做/做哪些事…”。what,whom,which 为疑问<名词>,做其后 <不定词词组>中<动词>的<受词>,否则就做<介系词>的<受词>.how,where,when,why均为<疑问副词>.<不定词词组>中的<动词>若为<及物动词>,则后面要有<受词>;若为<不及物动词>,则不需要<受词>.

  How do I know what to do and what not to do? 我怎么知道什么该做,什么不该做?

  He showed me how to use the tape recorder. 他教我如何使用这台卡式录音机。

  What to do is one question, and how to do it is quite another.


  The trouble is when to start the business. 麻烦在于应该什么时候开始这项工作。

  We haven't decided where to go for lunch. 我们还没有决定去哪里午餐。

  I don't know which advise to follow. 不晓得该听谁的劝告。

  I learned what expressions to use in public. 我懂得在公共场所中应使用什么措辞。

  How to begin is more difficult than where to stop. 如何着手远比在何处结束来得困难。

  You should know what to cook to eat. 你应该知道该煮什么来吃。

  The problem is when to get the money we need. 问题是什么时候能得到我们所需要的钱。

  There are so many fancy cars on display here that I don't know which to buy.


  …… only to do ……



  He studied hard only to fail in the exam. 他这么用功,结果竟然考场失利。

  He rushed all the way to the station only to miss the train.


  He tried a second time only to fail again. 他再试一次,竟然还是失败。

  He tried to increase his income by gambling only to plunge more deeply into the mire.


  I went out, merely to get caught in a shower. 我跑出去,结果徒然碰到一场骤雨。

  …… have only to do ……

  结构︰have only+to-不定词…

  说明︰此句型意为“只需…就够了”。相当于“All one has to do ……”或“What one has to do ……”。

  You have only to sit there and watch what I am doing. 你只要坐在这里,看着我做就行了。

  Don't worry; you have only to sing a song to please her.


  You have only to go. 你只要去即可。

  You have only to ask and he'll tell you. 你只要问他,他就会告诉你。

  …… never to do ……



  He went on a journey when he was 18 years old, never to come back.


  He went off to the war never to return alive. 他去参加战争,没能活着回来。

  She left her husband, never to come back. 她离开了她丈夫,再也没回来。

  make/have sb. do sth.


  说明︰此句型意为“要/嘱咐/叫…”。<使役动词>中,make、have、bid、let 等字加了<受词>之后,要接原形<动词>做<受词补语>,与使用<分词>相比,<不定词>原形重点在事实。变成<被动语态>时,该<受词补语>要变成<不定词词组>.但是 have 当<使役动词>时,无<被动语态>.

  I made him do it. 我叫他做这事。

  I let him do it. 我让他做这事。

  They had/made the girl clean the floor. 他们叫这个女孩打扫地板。

  The mother bade the child behave himself. 妈妈叮咛孩子要守规矩。

  He was bidden to finish the work on schedule. 我要他按时完成工作。

  My father will probably have Tom paint the house green.


  He had me help him with his homework. 他叫我帮忙他做家庭作业。

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