

not …… until/till ……


  说明︰此句型意为“直到…才…”。等于“not …… before”。句子若由 not until 开头,则要用倒装<句型>.

  Cotton material was not known in Europe until much later.


  We did not start until the sun rose in the east. 直到太阳从东方升起,我们才出发。

  He did not have a house of his own until he was thirty.直到三十岁,他才有属于自己的家。

  Not until eleven o'clock did he come home. 他到十一点才回家。

  We do not know the value of health till we lose it. 失去健康才知道健康的可贵。

  We had not waited long before she came. 我们没等多久她就来了。

  Not until last night did I get the news. 直到昨晚我才听到这消息。

  It had not been done before he came. 这还没做完之前他就回来了。

  …… rather than ……

  结构︰主词+动词…rather than…

  说明︰此句型意为“与其说…,不如说…;…而不是…”。rather than 后所跟的部分可以有多种词性和<时态>,关键是要和前半部分保持一致。

  Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children. 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。

  She is a career woman rather than a housewife. 她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。

  I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than turned to my parents.


  He will give in to his opponent's claim rather than wrangle over a disputed point.


  She is pretty rather than attractive. 她是漂亮,而不吸引人。

  I reasoned rather than quarreled with him. 我理论,而不是和他吵架。

  It is a telex rather than a letter. 与其说它是一封信,不如说它是一封电传。

  This businessman is rather diligent than clever. 与其说这位业务员聪明,不如说他勤勉。

  The present market is worse rather than better. 目前的市场不见好转,反而进一步恶化了。

  He should have given priority to his safety rather than to the loss of money.


  He always give priority to others rather than to himself.他总是优先考虑别人而不是自己本身。

  On one hand, ……

  结构︰On (the) one hand, ……, and on the other (hand), ……

  说明︰此句型意为“一方面…,另一方面…”。本<句型>指同一事物的两个方面。on the one hand 和 and on the other,一般是作<插入语>,前后要用逗点隔开,on the other hand 如在句末,则不必在前加逗点。注意,如第一部分里没有<定冠词> the,就不作<插入语>.

  On the one hand, you shouldn't be shy; on the other hand, you mustn't forget your manners.


  On the one hand, I am your manager, and on the other, I am also your friend.


  He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other.


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